National Awakening: I Activate Nianhuang's Inheritance

Chapter 203 If You Don't Do It, I Will Do It

despite this,

if he wishes,

You can also display even more terrifying strength,

Thinking of this,

He looked at Chen Fan and the two,

with some proud tone,

"Well, how do you feel now?"

Under such enormous pressure,

Huangfuyan's pretty face was pale,

heart shock,

has reached the point of no return,

The Awakened Four?

is she dreaming

Not to mention awakening four abilities at the same time,

Even if it's two kinds of awakening,

are the best among the awakened,

There is no doubt that the rating is above S grade,

even reached the SS level,

It is also highly probable that

If the three abilities are awakened,

Don't even think about it,

It must be rare,

As for the rating of abilities,

Naturally, it is a three-S grade,

But from a certain point of view,

Awakening three kinds of abilities than three S grades,

It's much harder,

What about four abilities?

Far more than rare,

throughout the ages,

I'm afraid there are not many people, right?

At least she hadn't heard of it,


It may also be that her strength is low,

did not touch that level,

The Master of the Black Stone Pagoda glanced at Huangfuyan,

Needless to say,

It can be seen from the other person's expression,

The collection that has been exposed by him,

deeply shocked,

Too bad it wasn't his goal,

He looked at Chen Fan,

But seeing the surprised look on the latter's face,

disappears soon,


with a calm face,


He froze for a moment,

some didn't respond,

Could it be that I read it wrong?

Even his words,

It's impossible to calm down so quickly, right?

next moment,

He squinted his eyes,

look again,

I saw that the latter was looking at him with a half-smile,

"Are you not afraid?"

he asked incredulously,

"Afraid? Afraid of what?"

Chen Fan said without hesitation,

"Afraid of these four things?"

He pointed to the four elemental balls in the sky,

shook his head,

"I admit that your move really surprised me, but it's far from scaring me.

The Lord of the Blackrock Spire heard the words,

Blue veins protrude on the forehead of anger,

at this very moment,

he finally understood,

Eric's feelings earlier,

One thing to say,

He really wanted to directly control the four elemental balls and smash them down,

Take this arrogant kid,

fried to pieces,

But reason told him no,

This man can't die yet,

At least until he tells the secret he wants,

can't die,

if not,

He will regret it all his life!

"Okay, I know you don't believe me, I don't bother to tell you more, let's do it."

Chen Fan's tone is impatient and authentic,


Huangfuyan opened her mouth wide,

Staring blankly at Chen Fan,

Chen Fan,

You, don't you realize,

How serious is the situation?

These are four elemental balls!

And the size of each one,

have reached 100 meters,

Isn't it comparable to Eric's shadow ball of more than ten meters?


Chen Fan, is he really sure?



The Lord of the Blackrock Spire heard the words,

Gritting teeth angrily,

He intends to use this hand,

directly shocked Chen Fan,

Then tell the secret honestly,


The facts did not develop as he expected,

This kid actually has the spirit of seeing death as home,

I don't know this kid,

I know I won't kill him,


Play with yourself the way of retreating to advance,


He is so arrogant,

I really thought that relying on him as a fifth-level awakener,

Can you block this move? (Li Zhaozhao) "Hey, let me tell you, are you going to make a move?"

Just at this time,

Chen Fan couldn't help urging,

"If you don't do it again, then I will do it."

"You! Do you know what you're talking about?"

The Lord of Blackrock Tower clenched his fists,


"Don't think I'm afraid to kill you, it really pissed me off, I'd rather not have any secrets to increase the development speed of abilities.


Chen Fan has an expression on his face that you thought I would believe,

Huangfuyan on the side wanted to laugh,

It was when he saw the black face of the Lord of the Blackstone Tower that looked like the bottom of a pot,

I can't laugh anymore. .

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