The world first shattered and then regrouped.

After the endless darkness was a blinding light, Lin Ge woke up from his coma, slightly raising his arm to cover the harsh light.

"Where am I?"

muttered, Lin Ge looked at the surroundings, a cozy small room, casual clothes, idol posters...

"I lean on?" Sitting

up in a dying illness, Lin Ge suddenly straightened up, clapping his hands on his cheeks and then on his body.

"I'm crossing, can't it? This kind of thing can happen to me?! Is this what I can imagine?" Lin

Ge was surprised and delighted, and didn't know how to express his position for a while.

Suddenly, Lin Ge only felt a tingling pain in his mind, and a wave of memories that did not belong to him came like a tide.

World of Royal Beasts... Magical transcendent beasts... Imperial Beast Master... The era when royal beasts and technology coexist!

The same is called Lin Ge, who is also a student of Nandu No. 1 Middle School and High School.

Royal Beast talent garbage, but good at studying, is an intellectual.

The massive amount of information made Delin Ge dizzy, and it took more than ten minutes to slow down.

"Royal Beast World? Royal Beast Master? No, really crossed?" Although

it is hard to believe, this is the truth.

At this moment, a mechanical sound sounded in Lin Ge's mind.

"Ding! Host successfully detected! Mechanical pet beast system binding... Ding! System binding successful

!""Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a novice mechanical pet beast gift package!"Goldfinger

?!Tomato sincerely does not deceive me

!!Lin Ge was overjoyed, his body twitched slightly, and sure enough, the standard of the traverser arrived

! "Mechanical pet beast?!" Lin

Ge was slightly surprised, because in this royal beast world, there is no birth of mechanical pet beast!

In other words, Lin Ge's mechanical pet beast will be unprecedented

! "Open the newbie package!" "Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining a drawing

of the primary mechanical pet beast of the dragon system! Get the mechanical pet beast intelligent god network creation code, get a complete set of mechanical pet beast parts! Get a mechanical pet beast energy heart! "Drawing! God network code! Complete parts! Energy heart

! Lin Ge is excited, worthy of being a newbie

gift package! With these, it doesn't matter if his imperial beast talent is a waste material! The mechanical pet beast does not rely on the imperial beast talent of the imperial

beast master! With these system items, he Lin Ge can create the first mechanical pet beast in this world!

Just by taking a first glance, the basic information of this little thing immediately appeared in Lin Ge's mind.

[Primary Extraordinary Beast: Earth Pattern Guarding Palace

] [Attribute: Earth System

] [Race Level: Ten Levels

] [Growth Level: Level 1 Peak

] [Extraordinary Skill: (None)]

The information is short and weak, and even has no temptation, and Lin Ge is not interested in the slightest.

The extraordinary beasts in this royal beast world are also graded, and the weak chicken is the one in front of him, although it is an extraordinary beast, but the ability is pitiful, and it can only be reduced to a pet.

This little thing is a pet of the predecessor, bought from the Royal Beast Market, usually kept and played, and there is no contract.

Lin Ge touched this little thing and said with a smile: "I have to lose money that I didn't contract you, otherwise I would have died." "

This little thing is a hoarse monster, ridiculed by Lin Ge, and can only be shouted.

Take out the drawings and parts of the mechanical pet beast and the energy heart!" With

Lin Ge's words, the light flashed, and a large number of mechanical parts suddenly appeared out of thin air in the room, and a fist-sized energy heart was shining!

Then he smiled and said, "But it's worth it!"

because this is a drawing of a dragon mechanical pet beast!

Lin Ge rummaged through this pile of parts, and finally found a mechanical core interface.

Turn on the computer, plug in the mechanical core, Lin Ge created a separate web page, and then according to the instructions of the system, entered the intelligent god network code of the mechanical pet beast, and finally transferred this code into the mechanical core.

The download was successful, and Lin Ge changed and deleted this code.

System: "Ding! Don't worry, the host, the system's things can only be used by the host! This code has no host permission, even if it is discovered, others cannot use it."

Lin Ge smiled indifferently, so the best!

Download the smart god network, Lin Ge held this mechanical core, and then looked at the large number of parts, suddenly a little bitter.

"In the past, you had to assemble figurines, now you have to assemble pet beasts, this is really impermanent.

After complaining, Lin Ge still honestly assembled it, with drawings and systematic help, which is naturally not difficult, but it will take some time.

So, Lin Ge does not lack this time.

A little bit of assembly, head, body, four, internal parts, code core, wiring, and finally energy heart.

It took more than half a day, and a mini mechanical dragon was assembled by Lin Ge.

Shaking his sore neck, Lin Ge leaned back and slumped on the edge of the bed.

In front of it is a mechanical dragon about a meter tall and has not yet been activated, which looks like a Tyrannosaurus rex, with an open mouth, a strong body, more slender arms, and a tail pulled on the ground, because it has not been activated, this looks like an ordinary mechanical item.


Ge pressed the last head part, and then reached out and put it on the chest of this mechanical dragon, activating the energy heart with his weak power of the beast!

With a switch sounding, the energy heart was continuously transmitted to the mechanical dragon's body, giving this mechanical dragon life little by little.


As the machinery turned, the mechanical dragon also woke up little by little, first the tail began to raise, then the limbs began to clench, and the eyes were bright and emitted.


!" a dragon roared, and the first mechanical pet beast of the Royal Beast World was born

!"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully assembling the first mechanical pet beast! Reward a large amount of imperial beast power! Reward mechanical pet beast knowledge! Reward the protection method of mechanical pet beast!""Ding! Congratulations to the host for becoming a first-class imperial beast

master!" Lin

Ge's heart was full of joy, feeling the power that continued to emerge in his body and was excited.

In this world, the level of the Royal Beast Master is from one level to one hundred from low to high, and every ten levels represent a rank

! "Beyond to the other world! I am still a beautiful boy! Ahahaha!" Lin

Ge laughed wildly, laughing extremely presumptuously.

The mechanical dragon in front of him was also dancing excitedly, as the first mechanical pet beast under Lin Ge, he could feel Lin Ge's emotions, after all, the intelligent god network gave him good wisdom.

Lin Ge stroked the head of the mechanical dragon and said: "In the future, I will call you Overlord Beji, referred to as Overlord! How about it? Is it domineering enough?" The

Overlord tilted his head, he felt that the full name of this name was not very good.

And the earthen guarding palace beside Lin Ge was already frozen, looking at the overlord with wide eyes.

[Royal Beast Master: Lin Ge

] [Royal Beast Level: Level 1] [Primary Extraordinary Mechanical Beast (Pet Beast): Overlord

] [Attributes: Mechanical Department, Dragon System

] [Race Level: Thirty Levels] [Growth Level: Early Level 2] [

Extraordinary Skills:

Super Intelligent God Network, Advanced Self-learning, Intermediate Mechanical Steel Claw, Intermediate Raptor Swing Tail, Low-level Tearing. The

information of the overlord is still very short, but it is already very powerful for Lin Ge! After

all, it is a junior mechanical beast, and it is already very good to have this level.

And there is also a super-level skill intelligent god network and a high-level skill self-learning, what more bicycles

! The next step is to learn the knowledge of mechanical pet beasts, work hard to cultivate, and improve the level of royal beasts

! Lin Ge will smile heartily, then set a small goal, first become a tenth-level royal beast master, and get the primary badge of the royal beast master! Lin

Ge stretched out a hand, slowly printed on the overlord's head, the power of the royal beast urged, outlined the royal beast contract!"


overlord naturally will not have any resistance, after all, he is assembled by Lin Ge, or Lin Ge's imperial beast power activated, in his opinion, Lin Ge is his biological parents.

With the signing of the Royal Beast Contract, Lin Ge immediately felt that he had an indescribable connection with the Overlord.


a soft exhale, and a white formation suddenly appeared under the overlord's feet.

The light shrouded, the formation disappeared, and at the same time, the overlord also appeared in the small white imperial beast space in Lin Ge's mind!

Every imperial beast master has the power of the imperial beast after awakening, the more the power of the imperial beast, the higher the level of cultivation, and the larger and more real the imperial beast space.

It is rumored that those powerful imperial beast masters, their imperial beast space is already larger than a small island, and it becomes a world alone, and it is very real!

Lin Ge only felt it for a while, and then summoned the overlord again, this time back and forth, which made Lin Ge feel very interesting.

System: "Ding! Given that the mechanical beast has just been born, the host can cultivate it in the royal beast space to increase the affinity, and the pet beast can also feed back the royal beast master in the royal beast space, and the two are mutually beneficial."

Lin Ge nodded, he is now a first-level imperial beast master, which means that the overlord can cultivate to the ninth level, and it is not enough to exceed the limit of the tenth level.

It stands to reason that if Lin Ge breaks through to level ten, then the overlord can cultivate to the peak of level nineteen, and he can do it without reaching level twenty.

If you

exceed the ten-level rank, then the burden on the body and spirit of the Royal Beast Master is very huge, light the space of the Royal Beast is broken, and the heavy is mentally damaged and becomes an idiot.

Putting the overlord into the royal beast space, Lin Ge began to open the official website of the pet beast and browse the information on it.

Only by knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent can one fight a hundred battles.

When the overlords are familiar with it for a while, it is time for them to show their majesty,

let these otherworldly beast masters see the charm of mechanical pet beasts!

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