With a hazy look, Lin Ge was paralyzed like the sleeping ghost who still felt sleepy after sleeping for hundreds of years.

"Who, dare to disturb your Brother Lin's sweet dreams, don't you know that I am dreaming to the most wonderful stage?" Holding the

mobile phone and connecting the phone, Lin Ge said weakly, not knowing who was on the other side.

Just when Lin Ge was still trying to go to sleep, a pleasant voice immediately came from the end of the mobile phone.

"Hello classmate Lin, I am Lu Lingyi, a special student of Didu University, and one of the researchers of the Dragon Department Palace specially approved by Professor Lin, we will be classmates in the future, I am now here in Nandu No. 1 Middle School, are you free now?" Lu Lingyi, a special student of Didu University, the

granddaughter of Professor Lin's friend, his own colleague?

Lin Ge was immediately awakened and sat up abruptly, his face a little embarrassed.

What did he say just now

, but Lin Ge couldn't allow him to think about this anymore, so he quickly got up and got dressed.

At the same time, he replied: "Free and free! I'm home now, I'll be there soon! "

At the gate of Nandu No. 1 Middle School, although it is already during the holidays, there are still many students from Nandu No. 1 Middle School here.

This royal beast world is still a little different from Blue Star.

At the same time, many students are planning to return to the arena on campus with their pets.

A beautiful woman with an extremely beautiful appearance and a well-proportioned figure, but slightly slender legs appeared at the gate of Nandu No. 1 Middle School.

Lu Lingyi wears a khaki hat, there is a small flower in the right corner, the green silk flows down to the waist like a waterfall, swaying slightly with the wind, the casual pale pink top sets off Lu Lingyi's bosom, not big or small, the tight jeans completely release the proportion of the beautiful legs.

At this moment, Lu Lingyi was pulling a small pink suitcase with one hand and making a phone call with the other.

And listening to the sound of embarrassment on the other side of the phone, Lu Lingyi couldn't help frowning slightly.

This Lin Ge seems to be a little unorthodox Yazi.

"How could Elder Lin find such a guy to be his disciple?" Lu

Lingyi was still a little puzzled, as long as Professor Lin Lao let the words go out, a large number of top students were at his disposal, even the imperial capital side had to squeeze his head.

If he can get such a place to come in, he still pulls his grandfather with a dead face, and he says that he will come to Professor Lin.

But looking at the message sent to him by his grandfather along the way, Lu Lingyi couldn't believe that such a guy without imperial beast talent would be favored by Professor Lin.

Lu Lingyi shook his head, forget it, this guy just walked shit luck.

Without waiting long, Lin Ge's figure appeared in front of Lu Lingyi's eyes.

Because he had made preparations early, Lu Lingyi recognized Lin Ge at a glance.

It's just that when Lin Ge walked to her side, Lu Lingyi still couldn't help muttering: "Why does this guy look so vain?" Combined with what Lin Ge

said when he connected the phone before, Lu Lingyi's mind began to make up for it for a while.

And Lin Ge also saw that Lu Lingyi's expression was wrong, and hurriedly said: "Classmate Lu, right?

And with Lin Ge's question, Lu Lingyi suddenly frowned, approached Lin Ge and sniffed.

Lin Ge said: "Classmate Lu pay attention to the image."

Lu Lingyi ignored it and said bluntly: "Why do you have such a strong smell of dragon pets

?" Lin Ge wiped his nose and replied: "Isn't the professor's research dragon system, isn't it normal for me to have a little smell of dragon pet beasts?"

The professor's research materials have also shown me, although there are dragon items, but there is definitely no such a strong dragon smell, and this smell on your body is very strange? Lin

Ge's heart tightened, this Lu Lingyi's nose is a little powerful, the smell on his body was after Xiaojin evolved into a dragon system yesterday.

To prevent revealing the stuffing, Lin Ge quickly changed the topic and said, "Professor Lin said that your dormitory is arranged in the palace study house, so I will take you to see it."

After that, Lin Ge wanted to help get the small suitcase, but Lu Lingyi reached out to stop it.

Lu Lingyi said: "I don't need this, I can just take it myself."

Lin Ge said that there was no problem, anyway, he didn't want to take it.

Along the way, Lin Ge also began to tell Lu Lingyi about the current breeding process and progress.

Those who have experienced Longwei and produced a small evolution are undoubtedly the best progress performance.

"What we have to do is very simple, that is, to ensure that the daily feeding and recording are on the line, if there are different changes in the palace, it is good to record it separately."

Lu Lingyi nodded, these aspects are indeed not her strong direction, listening to Professor Lin said that this Lin Ge's pet beast theory knowledge is very good.

Halfway through, Lin Ge still asked: "By the way, classmate Lu, take the liberty to ask, how level are you now

, is the pet beast a dragon line?" Lu Lingyi nodded and replied: "My pet beast is indeed a dragon line, called Crimson Flying Dragon, although the race is the level of intermediate extraordinary beasts, but cultivation to the limit comparable to high-level extraordinary beasts is not a problem, currently level fourteen, and I myself am already a level twelve imperial beast master." Hearing

these words, Lin Ge couldn't help but be slightly surprised, looking at the girl in front of him who was about the same age as himself, it turned out to be a twelfth-level imperial beast master.


Lu Lingyi also asked lightly: "How many levels are you?" Lin

Ge wiped his nose and replied: "I am only level six at present, as for the pet beast, I will tell you later."

Lu Lingyi snorted lightly.

Although this Lin Ge looks very vain, he gets along quite well.

Lu Lingyi suddenly said again: "Classmate Lin, remember to make up more."

Lin Ge was embarrassed for a while, but just at this moment, Lin Ge's mobile phone rang again.

When I opened it, it was a person with the screen name Liubai calling.

"Hey, Jiang Da beauty, why did you have time to call me?" The

ID is called Liubai, and the old driver whose real name is Jiang Meier said stickyly: "Ouch, how long has Senior Brother Lin been here, how do you talk coldly?" Lin

Ge looked at Lu Lingyi beside him, and said silently in his heart, if it weren't for the presence of someone next to him, I would definitely let you feel the hot words.

If it's okay, I'll hang up here, and I'll entertain a classmate who came from afar." Jiang

Meier heard that Lin Ge had something wrong, so she said bluntly: "That's right, outside the southern city, a royal beast relic has been found, I want to ask if you are free, we can go on an adventure together!"

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