In a hotel box, Lin Ge and they finally had a rare party.

As senior sisters, Jiang Meier and Chen Yunqian invited, Lin Ge and their boys, as well as Qin Qingyun and their girls.

Lin Ge also met an acquaintance, Chen Yuting.

Now Chen Yuting is in a dormitory with Qin Qingyun.

Chen Yuliu was showing off next to Chen Yuting like a little fart who invited credit.

Lin Ge looked at Lu Lingyi and asked, "I heard that this year's enrollment in the Shenlong Kingdom is much faster?" Lu Lingyi

answered truthfully: "Well, the enrollment of the Shenlong Kingdom this year is not only fast, but also very urgent, it seems that in two months, we will leave for the Shenlong Country."

"Two months?" Lin Ge was suddenly a little surprised, this is not fast, it is urgent.

In the past, the enrollment of Shenlong Country was not very slow, and it was very common to even delay until the second year.

Lu Lingyi said: "It's good to hurry up, go to study for a year or two, and you can come back quickly."

Qin Qingyun also said on the side: "According to some cryptic news, it seems that something big will happen in the Shenlong Kingdom this year, so it is very likely that after our group of students go, the Shenlong Kingdom will be closed for a while."

Lin Ge was surprised: "It's impossible, right, the Shenlong Kingdom is so powerful, there will be something big happening?"

But in this regard, Qin Qingyun shook his head: "We don't know the specifics, but judging from this enrollment, something has indeed happened in the Shenlong Country, otherwise it would not be so urgent."

Lin Ge guessed, but quickly shook his head again and ignored this.


sat down to eat, chatting idly, and there was an old driver Jiang Meier, who was not afraid of being cold.

The chatterbox opened at once.

Taking a sip of fruit wine, Jiang Meier said to Lin Ge: "Senior Brother Lin, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear?"

Jiang Meier said: "In view of the fact that your mechanical department is too outstanding, we have transfer students in Nandu this year, and they are all coming for you.

Lin Ge was not surprised by this, and said, "What about the good news?" Jiang

Meier grinned: "The good news is that one of them is acquainted, Sakurako!" Chen

Yunqian added: "The other is that the dormitory where Sakura lives is likely to be Qin Qingyun's one."

Qin Qingyun and the three immediately glanced at each other, and they were a little surprised.

For cherry blossoms, Qin Qingyun and Lu Lingyi are naturally no strangers, and even took pictures of each other a few times in the extraordinary appraisal.

I didn't expect that now that I went to school, I would be roommates with her.

Qin Qingyun spoke up: "It's okay, anyway, I'm not afraid of the Ghost Demon Saber." "

Qin Qingyun is an ice system, Lu Lingyi is a dragon system, Chen Yuting is a water system, and he is really not afraid of the ghost demon knife.

Lin Ge ate the food silently, and rarely did not speak.

Jiang Meier took advantage of the situation and said: "In addition to the cherry blossoms of the seven islands, there are also the Targari family in the West, as well as the students of the Light Church.

Lin Ge frowned slightly: "I can still understand the Targari family, they are the Western Dragon Royal Beast Master, why did the Light Sect also intervene


Jiang Meier said: "The Light Holy See did not come to you, they came here because the people of the Dark Church are also here, these two forces are incompatible, each other's bitter hands, where there are people from the Dark Church, there will be people from the Light Church, as for why I said they rushed you, the probability is that they are closer to the Targari family."

Lin Ge's mind flashed the information between these forces.

The House of Targaret, the Holy See of Light, the Holy See of Darkness, these three forces are the number one behemoth of the West.

The Holy See of Light will help the Targaret family, as if because the generation of Western dragons gave birth to a dragon, a powerful dragon of light and light.

But why would the Dark Holy See also come to the Southern Capital?

Lin Ge looked at Jiang Meier and asked, "How can you have this information?"

Jiang Meier was like a proud little hen and said: "I'm the concubine of the Yunlin Jiang clan!

Lin Ge seemed to understand that this information was 100% from the mouth of the Tangeli family.

Zhao Yun spoke up: "There will be so many people coming?

Lin Ge wrinkled his eyebrows and said: "Chaos can't be chaotic, just a few students don't have such great skills."

Qin Qingyun said: "All in all, it's better to be careful, since you are in Nandu University, you can't avoid encountering it in the future."

Lu Lingyi suddenly took out his mobile phone at this time and said: "I have already met, in the school, the Royal Beast Master of the Targari family is fighting against the Royal Beast Master, and it looks like it is coming at us." "

Whether it's Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, or Lin Ge, any one is good.

Lin Ge opened the school forum, and it was indeed dominated by the people of the Targari family, and the campus was very hot.

But Lin Ge was not interested in this.

"Twenty-ninth level Dragon Royal Beast Master, Lu Lingyi, can you solve it?" Lu Lingyi

nodded: "Small meaning, not to be afraid."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly: "Then let them be arrogant first, and see how far they jump."

Lin Ge inquired about the information of these transfer students, and there were not many of them, only a few.

There are three members of the Targaret family, all of whom are level twenty-nine.

There are two of them in the Light Church, and the rank is around thirty.

The Dark Holy See is also on the same two, and the level is also about thirty levels.

There was only one Sakura on the Nanashima side, but it was the highest level, level thirty-nine.

Lin Ge looked at these materials and chewed slowly in his mouth.

Chen Yuliu came over, took a look, and said, "It's a pity, there is no water system imperial beast master, otherwise I can fight."

Chen Yuting immediately glared angrily at her brother.

Lin Ge glanced at Chen Yuliu, this little brat's strength turned out to be level ten, and it was obvious that the starting resources were not low.

"Usually stabilize the foundation, don't be ambitious.

Chen Yuliu immediately nodded: "Good idol

, I understand!" Jiang Meier said: "Senior Brother Lin, I'll watch you perform in a while!" Lin

Ge said silently: "Let's talk after eating." Looking

at the people of the Targari family on the forum, Lin Ge couldn't help but think of the one who was killed by Liu Feng in the divine frame, and the god generation Thousand Swords of the Seven Islands.

That guy ended up dying in the Dragon Walking Road!

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