Lin Ge's breath began to stir, his sleeves hunted, and a dragon extraordinary temperament emerged.


Ge immediately raised his hand and moved: "Come out, Overlord!" With Lin

Ge's call, the Overlord appeared in this campus arena out of thin air.

At this moment, everyone was shocked, and they all stood up sharply.

Even Zhao Yun was taken aback.

King Arthur even looked at the Overlord and said in shock, "This?

Looking at the flame dragon that was only more than twenty meters, the corners of the overlord's mouth were full of playfulness.

The overlord at this moment is no longer the little stunned blue of before, under Lin Ge's repair and upgrade, the overlord does not know how much he has grown! Lin Ge

looked faint, and directly ordered: "Overlord! Crush him directly!" The

overlord stepped out, his steps expanded, and the dragon blessing and the dragon king domain expanded!

At this moment, Jack only felt his legs tremble, and even the flame dragon took a few steps back in fear.

King Arthur quickly reminded in a cold voice: "Jack, what are you doing?"

Receiving the order of the Royal Beast Master, the flame dragon naturally spat out towards the overlord

! The blazing flames of the bear ——!

swept the entire arena with a terrifying high temperature heat wave!

For example, the fire system....

Overlord directly in front, facing a flame enough to melt metal, Overlord said... Zhao

Yun excitedly said: "It's fire immunity! Overlord has

fire immunity!" Lin Ge's expression was faint, this flame dragon's dragon flame is not as good as Xiao Jin, if you want to break through the overlord's fire immunity, at least you have to have Xiao Jin's perfect level of extraordinary fire.

Jack was already clenched with his fists clenched and said, "Hmph!

The overlord's whole body rotated mechanically, directly lifting the flame dragon, the overlord opened his mouth, and a light appeared on his body!

The flame dragon also felt the threat of life at this moment, and a sense of death surged in his heart.

Jack was suddenly shocked: "Admit defeat! We admit defeat! Look and put him down!" The

overlord's condensed light disappeared, and he heard Lin Ge's words again, so he reluctantly threw the flame dragon out.

The overlord was very unhappy, this just started fighting, why did he cast?

The flame dragon fell to the ground, and looking at the overlord in his eyes was already a little scared.

In a short exchange of hands, the flame dragon can already feel the strength of

the Overlord! King Arthur keeps pace with the times, and also purchases the Transcendent Index Detector, which is very skillful in using the Overlord.

[Extraordinary Index: One Million!]

King Arthur was suddenly a little shocked, he couldn't imagine that the combat effectiveness of this mechanical dragon pet was so high! Don't

look at the gap of just 10,000, but the watershed is level twenty-nine and level 30!

Lin Ge looked at King Arthur, gently pushed his glasses, and said: "He admitted defeat, you come?"

King Arthur did not answer immediately, but frowned and thought.

Another member of the Targari family beside him had already stood up.

"Wang, let me fight him!" Lin

Ge immediately stared, and was surprised to find that this was a relatively neutral female imperial beast master.

"My name is Anna, I'm going to fight you this time!" Anna

was about to stand up, but was stopped by King Arthur.

"You are not a dragon beast master, you will be restrained by him, and you can't beat him.

King Arthur looked at the overlord with great interest, his brows furrowed, and honestly, he didn't want to expose his strength so quickly.

The people of the Dark Holy See are already stirring.

Aren't you the new generation of the Young King of the Targaret family!"

"Shut up! You dark bugs! There's no place for you to talk here!"


the words of the Light Church, the people of the Dark Holy See were naturally unconvinced, rolling up their sleeves one by one, ready to fight with them.

However, there were a lot of tone and trash talk, which was difficult to hear, but no one stepped down from the stage to

Lin Ge's eyes to see this scene in full view and remained silent.

King Arthur already spoke: "Forget it today, the admission procedures have been done so much, it has long been lacking, Lin Ge, I have to admit that your mechanical department has a lot

to do, do you have time to talk together?" Lin Ge said lightly: "Oh, what do you want to talk about?"

King Arthur said: "Didn't you use dragon inscriptions when you studied dragon machinery, I am interested in that."

Lin Ge had already replied: "Sorry, I'm not interested.

The smile at the corner of King Arthur's mouth immediately became cold, and he said with a displeased expression: "Is it? That's really a pity, Lin Ge, you know, in fact, we can be friends."

Lin Ge smiled and didn't answer immediately, just put the overlord away.

"I don't see the slightest bit of sincerity, and I don't like the way you make friends. "

Just say what you want to do with a twisted side tap.

Lin Ge turned and left, Jack had already lost, and it was not interesting to continue to stay here.

King Arthur crossed his hands and pondered quietly.

Watching Lin Ge and them leave, King Arthur's voice muttered, "Refused?

Jack also put away the flame dragon and walked back to King Arthur, bowing his head slightly.

The people of the Light and Dark Churches were also not noisy, and the silence in the arena at this moment was a little terrifying.

"What did the woman of the Seven Islands say?"

replied the man of the Holy See of Light, "There has been no definitive answer yet, Arthur, and honestly I hate that woman.

King Arthur spoke up, "She is a dark beast master, and it's normal for you to hate it, but our goals are the same, that woman from the seven islands can be wooed." The

people of the Light Sect bowed their heads slightly, and his jewel-like pupils looked at Lin Ge and them, at the Ice Beast Master.

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