Nandu No. 1 Middle School Principal's Office.

At this moment, a slightly blessed man with a Chinese character face with gold wire glasses was sitting at his desk.

Principal Yuan of Nandu No. 1 Middle School, and now Principal Yuan looked at the exam results of each grade last semester, and was slightly worried.

Although the students in Nandu are very competitive and their academic performance is very good, they look a little mediocre on the whole.

"Hey, let's take a look at the first class, whether there are a few top students this year, or it depends on the strength of the first class." "

In the third year of high school, the other classes are also excellent, but helplessly, there is a man in the first class who overwhelms the crowd.

Qin Qingyun, the daughter of the vice mayor of Nandu, a top imperial beast talent, a pet beast ice sky snow girl, and her strength is the strongest in the entire third year of high school.

"The grades in all subjects are excellent, and I have obtained the Imperial Beast Master Junior Badge, and I have also been guaranteed, which is good. "

President Yuan is very pleased, with Qin Qingyun's strength, even if he goes to the imperial capital, he can even go to the imperial capital, but I don't know why he chose to stay in Nandu University in the end.

But this is also good, keep the local talent of the southern city, the imperial beast master.

I looked at the results of the other students in the class, they were all very good, especially after the start of school, the overall strength of the first class has increased a lot, and several of them have almost reached the level of level ten.

It is expected that this year's college entrance examination, Nandu No. 1 Middle School can get a great result.

Finally, Principal Yuan looked at the most special student in the first class of high school, Lin Ge.

Seeing this name, Principal Yuan couldn't help but sigh again.

This Lin Ge classmate is good everywhere, the first grade in the pet beast theory grade, full marks in the course, but unfortunately his own royal beast strength is really not good, and it can even be said to be the bottom.

"I heard that Director Li recommended him to Professor Lin, I don't know how it is now, hey, I hope you can grasp it." "

So President Yuan can only look forward to it, Professor Lin is famous, but whether Lin Ge can succeed in learning with Professor Lin depends on his own strength."

President Yuan looked at the outstanding students in the other classes again, and finally suddenly remembered Professor Lin's research topic.

"I have already put into research last semester, I don't know what the progress is, if I can succeed, I will be famous in Nandu No. 1 Middle School."

Principal Yuan thought about it, and was about to get up to take a look when his landline phone rang.

Principal Yuan picked up the phone: "Hello?" and

the voice on the other end of the phone was Fang Tianyuan, the vice president of the Royal Beast Master Association.

"Principal Yuan, I want you to help a few children take a leave.

Principal Yuan wondered, "Oh, to whom


Especially after Lin Ge successfully developed the Dragon Palace Guarding System, he was even more

excited! For a while, Principal Yuan stood up abruptly, breathing rapidly, and the whole person was excited!

Fang Tianyuan replied affirmatively: "Of course, I can be sure, the racial level I personally assessed, we will go to the imperial capital to participate in the extraordinary appraisal in three days, remember to watch TV at that time!"

Principal Yuan's face instantly trembled with excitement, Professor Lin's dragon system was developed!

"Good, good! No problem! I approved this fake! I will approve it immediately! Let them raise their spirits! See

the extraordinary appraisal!" The annual extraordinary appraisal of the Royal Beast Master Association is the most noteworthy event in the entire Great Xia Dynasty!

Especially those universities, they are looking forward to pulling some outstanding students to join after the extraordinary evaluation.

After another casual chatter and praise, Principal Yuan finally put down the phone, and then walked non-stop towards the palace study house.

Running all the way aroused the curiosity of the surrounding students, but Principal Yuan couldn't care so much.


And at this moment, the palace is inside the study house.

Lin Ge is giving a few friends a little science popularization of pet beast knowledge, the content is actually not complicated, it is probably necessary to be familiar with various research artifacts and how to operate these things.

And for these, Qin Qingyun, Lu Lingyi, Chen Yunjing, Zhao Yun, they naturally learn it as soon as they learn.

After all, the core operation is still Lin Ge or Professor Lin in the end, they only need to be a starter.

Lin Ge looked at the form, then pushed his glasses, and said: "Now that the materials of the Dragon Department Palace have all been completed, in order to ensure that nothing is lost, now we have invited Lu Lingyi to rehearse with me on the spot." "

The rehearsal process is also very simple, Lu Lingyi puts in PPT, while Lin Ge is to give a colorful speech, and finally to show the results of the dragon system guarding the palace!

"Good principal.

Lin Ge greeted everyone.

Principal Yuan was panting and asked, "Hello students, the Dragon Department Palace Guarding Palace has been studied?" Lin

Ge and the big guy looked at each other, but they didn't expect Principal Yuan to come so timely, just in time to show the Dragon System Guarding Palace at the end.

Lu Lingyi spoke up, "Shall we choose one of them to bring over?" Lin

Ge nodded and said, "Yes, I still have a dragon system guarding the palace here, and you will bring the dragon system guarding palace that evolved from the dark system at that time."

Lin Ge replied to Principal Yuan's words: "Principal, do you want to see the Dragon Guarding Palace?"

Principal Yuan nodded: "Yes, President Fang of the Royal Beast Master Association just called, I will approve the leave you will go to the imperial capital next week, you must let me see the results first."

Lin Ge smiled slightly and said, "This is naturally no problem.

Lin Ge said to the others: "You also know that I already had the dragon system palace guard palace research on the side of the research house, now let everyone see, the first research dragon system palace

guard!" Principal Yuan and Lu Lingyi were also looking forward to it, after all, they had not seen the palace guard that Lin Ge used to assess the race assessment.

Lin Ge raised his hand, and at this moment Qin Qingyun saw the Royal Beast Space Ring in Lin Ge.

"Come out, Xiao Jin!" There

is no summoning array, after all, Xiao Jin is not a contract pet beast, but only stays in the Royal Beast Space Ring.

In the next second, Xiao Jin appeared in front of everyone out of thin air, the proud figure that was more than two meters long, and the characteristics of the dragon pet beast were extremely eye-catching!

"Roar!" Xiao

Jin roared, and he could be suffocated in that small imperial beast space ring.

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