Time passed by bit by bit.

Soon, the sky gradually darkened, the jungle was quiet, the breathing was very small, and only the energy emitted by the occasional rise and fall of the armor proved the existence of these soldiers.

"It's almost time." The Holy Lord's eyes were fixed on the high tower in the city. At this moment, the giant turret had no sunlight energy replenishment, and the inscriptions had all dimmed.


The Holy Lord raised his hand, and a fierce light appeared in his eyes.

Click, click.


The sudden footsteps interrupted his next action, and when they heard the footsteps, everyone immediately became alert.

"Who is it?" The Holy Lord was also surprised. There was no one in his sight.

Click, click.

The footsteps did not stop, but everyone could not lock the source of the sound at all. The footsteps seemed not to fall on the ground, but to fall into everyone's ears.

"Have you been discovered?"

The Holy Lord was also shocked by this scene. Behind him, the three commanders immediately separated and protected the Holy Lord with the force of horns.

Click. Click.

The footsteps gradually approached. Such a strange scene made everyone nervous.

"Long time no see, my old friend." The voice sounded, and suddenly, a tall man appeared in front of the Holy Lord.

He seemed to appear out of thin air, without any signs. The first time he appeared, the three commanders immediately locked him.

"You..." Looking at this tall man, the Holy Lord was stunned, and then his pupils shrank violently: "Tian Dao, are you really incarnated?"

"It's been a while." The tall human figure is the incarnation of Tian Dao. He is still burly, and his perfect body reveals an irresistible strength.

"Your son is dead, our plan failed, and this starry sky has also ushered in a huge crisis."

"All this is because of Ye Fan." The Holy Lord did not hesitate to accuse Ye Fan: "It is because of him that all this happened."

"I have seen him." The voice of the incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was calm and powerful, "He is the variable of this era, leading this era, and bringing new life and destruction to this starry sky."

"He deserves to die." The Holy Lord cursed: "According to our original plan, as long as my son grows up, this starry sky can be returned to order."

"I deduced the possibility, and it is indeed as you said, but unfortunately, we failed." The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao nodded in agreement with the Holy Lord, and then said: "An extremely powerful person came to this starry sky, and I feel threatened."

"If I encounter him, maybe I will be defeated by him."

"Defeat? You?" The Holy Lord was stunned. He has been hiding in the City of Chaos these days and knows little about the outside world.

But the words of the Heavenly Dao shocked him.

Defeating the Heavenly Dao is the beginning of reshaping order and the beginning of a starry sky being completely opened up.

Just like the Human King back then, he personally witnessed how he broke everything, but at the same time, he also knew how difficult it was to defeat Tiandao.

And now, Tiandao actually felt that someone could defeat him.

"Don't let them find you." The Holy Lord immediately said: "You need to hide."

"Indeed." The incarnation of Tiandao replied: "I was too reckless and shouldn't choose to incarnate at this time."

"I want to hide... At the same time, I also need a new person in charge to help me speed up the steps of reunifying the starry sky."

"I can be your person in charge." The Holy Lord said immediately. He had contact with Tiandao and knew how much advantage this so-called "person in charge" had.

"No." Hearing this, the incarnation of Tiandao did not hesitate and rejected it immediately.

"Why?" The Holy Lord was very surprised to be rejected by the Heavenly Dao: "We had a pleasant cooperation before."

"It was very pleasant." The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao replied, "But you are too weak, and I can no longer see any hope of winning in you."

"You know, I can deduce fate... The chance of winning in you is too small, almost non-existent."

"I can hardly win?" The answer of the Heavenly Dao made the Holy Lord somewhat unacceptable: "How is it possible? I am so powerful, how can I not have much chance of winning?"

"You are not powerful anymore." The incarnation of the Heavenly Dao was still calm, as if he was just reading a text: "Holy Lord, you were defeated by Ye Fan and have lost the best opportunity."

"Now you don't have the weight you had before, and you are no longer the protagonist of this starry sky."

"I..." The words of the Heavenly Dao made the Holy Lord a little panicked. As a Holy Lord, he had never been judged like this.

But these words came from the Heavenly Dao, symbolizing an absolutely fair judgment.

"If that's the case, why did you come looking for me?" Feeling a little disappointed, the Holy Lord looked at the Heavenly Dao incarnation and asked in confusion: "Just to tell me this answer?"

"I need to give you a gift." The Heavenly Dao incarnation replied: "Your participation is required."

Hearing this, the Holy Lord was even more puzzled: "What gift?"

"You." The Heavenly Dao incarnation pointed at the Holy Lord.


The Holy Lord was stunned for a moment, and then, he seemed to understand something, and a huge fear appeared in his eyes.

"Heavenly Dao! How dare you..."


"The Cloud City is ahead."

In the distance, the city covered by the Immortal Cloud has come into view. Ye Fan rode Qiongqi and stopped on the hillside, smiling.

Today, the explosive growth of technology makes Yuncheng look like a sci-fi city, with spaceships in the sky, technology towers towering into the clouds, and all kinds of huge projections...

In such an era, such a city, even if you just take a look at it, will make people impressed.

"Finally arrived." Qiongqi was quite dissatisfied: "Ye Fan boy, I am increasingly suspicious whether you have a serious illness."

"You can fly but you have to walk. It took you several days to get here."

"By the way, let's take a look at other cities." Qiongqi muttered, and Ye Fan smiled and jumped off its back.

"Let's go, don't you want to come back? Now that you are back, why don't you be more active."

"Go, go, go." Qiongqi didn't argue with Ye Fan anymore. The city was in the distance, and it followed Ye Fan to walk together.

"They are probably ready. Go back today and relax." Ye Fan said, his pace was not slow.

"Finally, I don't have to carry you on my back." Qiongqi was also very happy, grinning and walking forward.

As the man and the beast moved forward, the sun slowly rose in the sky.

The sun was rising, but the imagined warmth did not come. Instead, there was a dazzling sunlight.

"Hey, what's wrong with the sun today? I can't even open my eyes." As they walked, Qiongqi felt something was wrong and turned to look at Ye Fan.

"Ye Fan, don't you think it's a bit strange?"

Ye Fan also couldn't open his eyes. His reaction was faster than Qiongqi's. He squinted his eyes while thinking, but he only found that under the dazzling sunlight, Yuncheng had disappeared.

Everything around them was slowly fading, as if the surroundings were quickly eliminated as they walked.

"Something's wrong." Ye Fan reacted and grabbed Qiongqi who was still walking forward, and slapped him immediately.

"You're still going forward! We've entered a fantasy set by others!"

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