"what a pity."

After receiving Ye Fan's affirmative answer, Tiandao said nothing more this time and bent down to pick up the gift box on the ground.

"In this case, we will be enemies."

As the words fell, the way of heaven gradually faded away, and the surrounding space also dimmed. The illusion composed of laws was withdrawn, as if the scroll was split into strips of color and scattered everywhere.

Ye Fan didn't move. He took a deep breath after the Heavenly Dao disappeared.

Facing Tiandao was when he was under the most pressure.

This book was first published on 69 Book Bar → 69𝘴𝘩𝘶𝘹.𝘯𝘦𝘵, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no out-of-order chapters.

For any other opponent, at least I know about them, but Tiandao is different. His methods, his combat power, everything is unknown.

"Boy Ye Fan, why did you reject him directly?" Qiongqi was the same. He recovered and asked with some confusion: "It sounds like there is no harm in cooperating with him."

"It is precisely because there is no harm that we need to be vigilant." Ye Fan waved his hand: "The existence of the way of heaven cannot be understood with common sense, but judging from the performance of the previous gods, his behavior will always be beneficial to him."

"It's probably because I'm holding something back."

"That's true." Qiongqi nodded thoughtfully: "But if you tell him about the Beast King, if he really goes to find the Beast King, aren't we doomed?"

"Still based on that principle, his judgment is usually the perfect option." Ye Fan explained: "He would come to me instead of the Beast King, which shows that in his judgment, I am less threatening than the Beast King, and he can get more. "

"Think about it, for a person like me, the reason why I don't cause trouble for him now is because I am not strong enough. In such a situation, he would rather choose me. What does that mean?"

"It means that the Beast King is more dangerous than you!" After saying this, Qiongqi understood: "It must be your brain."

"It's not a bright idea, you'll know after just a little thought." Ye Fan replied: "The Beast King has already controlled the power of faith, and he can actually be called a transcendent person. It is probably because of such concerns that Heaven will not go to him."

"Among the currently known strong men of the human race, the King of the North is bound to the Divine Lord. The Divine Lord is the biggest threat to Heaven, and it is impossible for him to go. The Ming King is bound to the Mythical Man, and it goes without saying that the Mythical Man is not even more of a threat than the Divine Lord. It won’t be too different; as for the top powerhouses like King Ming, Jiang Wuyin Shixia, who are die-hard loyalists of the human race, they won’t believe that he might threaten him if he doesn’t tell them.”

"Yes, there is Ningxia Chuan. Not to mention, he fought to the death with Tiandao in a foreign land. If he goes to find Ningxia Chuan, he will probably start fighting with him again."

"...So it seems that it is the best solution for him to find you?" Qiongqi woke up: "If we work together, we can become good people??"

"Yes." Ye Fan replied and glanced at Qiongqi: "He said so many things, but actually he had no choice at all."

"Hey, then what he says is so nice!" Qiongqi reacted: "Do you think we are fools?"

"It's okay, I'm not stupid." Ye Fan patted Qiongqi, but his eyes were a little deeper.

If Tiandao is really defeated, the suppression will be lifted. People like Shi Xia, Jiang Wuyin and others will have the opportunity to transcend and ascend to the imperial level, but along with it, people like God Lord and Jian can exert their full power.

Under the current environment, although they are powerful, they are not irresistible, but if the restrictions are lifted, that may not be the case.

The original star is only a few thousand years old since the myth, and each of these starry skies is hundreds of millions of years old. If the restrictions are truly unlocked, the crisis is likely to subvert everything.

"Should we really have to protect him then..." Thinking of this, Mark felt a headache.

This is the way of heaven, just take good care of your starry sky, and don't have to incarnate into an entity to cause the genocide of the human race.

As a result, we don’t know if the human race is now extinct. If we are caught, the original star will become extinct.

"Don't think about Ye Fan yet. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. Just take it one step at a time." Qiongqi patted Ye Fan and pointed in the distance: "Look, Yuncheng is almost here."

"Are we almost there?" Ye Fan was stunned and looked up, only to see that Yuncheng was not far away.

The paths they had just taken in the fantasy world seemed to have been taken in reality as well.

"Let's go."

Seeing Yuncheng, Ye Fan couldn't help but smile.

Regardless of the outcome, at least he created such a great city.

"Is Ye Fan back to Nanchuan?"

In the Northland, the King of the Northland had a rare free day. He looked at the message on the communicator and frowned slightly.

"This kid, the front line has just been calmed down, and now he runs back?"

"The counterattack against the King of Ming is on the agenda." The Lord of God is also in the palace. He looks relaxed and seems to have become very friendly and comfortable in getting along with the King of the North.

"The triangle has stability. Now that the human race has appeared in Ningxiachuan, the Ming King must leave."

"The stability of the triangle has come..." Hearing the words of the God Lord, the Northern King was shocked, "Is this how you use the basic knowledge of the God Star?"

"It's almost the same truth." The Lord of God didn't have any strange feelings: "It's mainly humorous."

You still put some humor here...

The King of the North's eyelids twitched wildly, and he glanced at the God Lord several times. Finally, he looked at the map on the wall.

Nearly half of the vast human map has now fallen into the territory of Lieyang, and wars are still igniting everywhere on the map.

Beidi, Nanchuan, Jinnan, and even Mingxin Sect all suffered heavy losses in the madness of the Life King.

"He is the first one who can do this in a thousand years." Even though he knew that the counterattack was just around the corner, the King of Beidi still sighed as he looked at the vast territory of Lieyang on the map in front of him.

"This kid has realized his dream."

"You have also helped him realize his dream." The Lord of God said, "After all, if you hadn't killed him..."

"Okay, stop talking." The King of Beidi interrupted the Lord of God, "Do you have something to say today? Why are you talking so much?"

"Didn't you always say that I didn't say a word and was sorry for the investment of Beidi?" Seeing that the King of Beidi was anxious, the Lord of God smiled: "Why are you not happy after I said a few more words to you today?"

"Don't come on." After dealing with the Lord of God for a long time, the King of Beidi also knew the other party's urine. This guy may not be as cunning as Ye Fan, but he is not a character who is easy to deal with.

"Just tell me what you want to do." Thinking about it, the King of the North said directly: "State your requirements and conditions, don't say anything empty, if it's okay, it's okay, if it's not okay, then forget it."

"You are still so straightforward." Hearing the King of the North's answer, the Lord said, paused slightly, and then said: "I need you to release my authority so that I can go to places outside the North?"

"Go outside the North?" This immediately made the King of the North frown: "Lord, what do you want to do?"

"My strength has recovered a little, I want to go out for a walk, always staying in the North, it's a bit boring." The Lord replied casually: "Of course, as revenge, if it's convenient, I can help you eliminate a few enemies."

"Don't you always want me to help?"

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