In this scientific research building of the imperial capital university, there is no shortage of materials and equipment, so Professor Lin and their progress is very fast.

During the time that Lin Ge broke through, they had almost made the first Dragon System Guarding Palace Evolution Metal.

Lin Ge looked over, there were several pieces of evolutionary metal, head metal parts, body metal parts, and tail metal parts.

And Zhao Yun and Chen Yunjing are still refining the supporting four pieces of limbs, and they are generally done, but Chen Yunjing wants to pursue better, so the requirements in disguise are stricter, and loss is not a problem.

Lin Ge came closer, picked up the metal parts of the head and observed, the appearance of the dragon's head was somewhat similar to those war pet armor in the game.

Of course, this is definitely not comparable, after all, these metal equipment will be related to the mechanical evolution of the Dragon Guard.

Gao Sheng Long also came over and said: "Although we have built it, we have also equipped the dark dragon palace guard, but there is no expected scene, and even after wearing it, it has affected its action, could it be that the research direction is wrong?"

Professor Lin also walked over, picked up a breastplate to observe, and quietly waited for Lin Ge to speak.

Lin Ge put down the metal part of the head and said: "The direction of research is not wrong, as for why there is no evolutionary pre-evolution, I think it should be missing the key evolutionary object, but... I'm still working on this. "

The evolutionary metal parts of the Dragon Guard, head, abdomen, tail, limbs, a total of seven evolutionary metals.

Professor Lin spoke up: "There is no hurry to study this matter, slowly groping, evolution... Is it the same as the otherworldly beast of the dark puppet doll, only if you find the right evolutionary thing will you evolve into a puppet. "

A puppet doll only evolves into a puppet when it meets the puppet of its choice.

So ordinary puppets are the evolution of puppet dolls.

Lin Ge nodded: "Yes, my research direction is this, using the appropriate evolutionary information, stimulating the Dragon System Palace to let him fuse with these mechanical metals, and eventually evolve into a dragon system."

Goldman Sachs Long thought for a moment and replied: "In this case, it is too difficult.

Lin Ge said with a smile: "The Dragon Guard Palace originally has a thirty-level race level, and the difficulty of evolving again will definitely be greater, and of course it will definitely become stronger."

Professor Lin bowed: "It makes sense, such research is worth it, if it can be successfully researched, then we in Daxia will have a complete evolutionary route."

Goldman Sachs Long stopped talking, this kind of research is not his strong point, or don't hurt your head.

So Gao Shenglong said: "Teacher, I left first, the contact information Lu Lingyi has already added me, just call me directly if there is anything."

Professor Lin nodded: "Well, you go and get busy with yours, but I guess you don't have anything to do in the imperial capital."

Gao Shenglong waved away and said with a smile: "Aren't the people of the seven islands coming, I'll take a look, and by the way, I will find them to discuss."

Lin Ge watched this senior leave, now that he is level ten, he can already vaguely feel the strength of Gao Shenglong.

"Seventy-nine level Dragon Royal Beast Master, this senior is really powerful."

Professor Lin said: "Ignore him, let's continue to talk with a few teachers and students, and a few of you will also lean over to give you some knowledge." "

Lu Lingyi, Qin Qingyun, Zhao Yun, Chen Yunjing, they all hurriedly put down the work in their hands and leaned over.

Now Lin Ge's two studies, whether it is the dragon system guarding the palace or the dragon system machinery, are enough to make them famous at a young age, and their future resumes are several times better.

Professor Lin immediately began to popularize the evolution information of the extraordinary beast to everyone.

In this world, some transcendent beasts do not evolve once in a lifetime, they tend to have a very low level and a low race level.

But if one day these extraordinary beasts who do not want to evolve meet the evolutionary thing suitable for him, the feeling of love at first sight, which is similar to human love, will make these extraordinary beasts have a strong sense of evolution.

Under these conditions, these transcendent beasts will add their entire evolutionary points to it until the panel is exploded.

And the extraordinary beasts that evolved through this situation, some individual individuals will evolve extremely powerful.

For example, Lin Ge's Xiaojin, if the mechanical evolution research is successful, then Xiaojin has another chance to evolve.

The race level of level 60 will climb again!

Qin Qingyun raised her hand and said, "My Ice Heaven Snow Girl is the same, if I can find an evolutionary object, my Ice Heaven Snow Girl can also evolve into an Ice and Snow Empress!" Just like the ice supreme on the Arctic ice sheet.

Zhao Yun also raised his hand and said, "My martial arts rabbit is the same, the next form is a martial arts rabbit, but if you can find a suitable evolution, the martial arts rabbit will also evolve into a grandmaster rabbit."

Professor Lin bowed his head one by one and said, "You all understand your respective situations, which is very good, practice hard, and pay attention to the state of your pet beasts, and strive to one day make your pet beasts have a few more evolutionary forms."

Everyone nodded, even Lin Ge was the same, the mechanical system would not evolve, but it could continue to upgrade and improve into a higher-level extraordinary machine.

Professor Lin suddenly said to Lin Ge: "Lin Ge, in my opinion, the mechanical department is full of infinite possibilities, you must go further and higher on this road!" Strive for the future of mechanical psychic! Even reaching the legendary ninety level realm!

Lin Ge focused his head, so the first mechanical upgrade of the Overlord, he saw it extremely important, and the bonus of the Red Dragon Ruins was spent without blinking.

"Professor Lin, when the time comes for us to participate in the extraordinary appraisal, I can't be sloppy if you want to build me some upgrade metal, the first mechanical upgrade of the Overlord."

Professor Lin nodded: "No problem, this is wrapped up in me." Didi


And while everyone was talking freely, Lin Ge's phone rang.

Fang Tianyuan spoke up, "Hey, Lin Ge!" I've already signed you up, maybe it's not very good, let's be in the third place in front.

Lin Ge replied, "It's okay, Vice Chief Fang, have you been free lately?"

Fang Tianyuan replied, "Yes, I'm here to help now, do you have anything?"

Lin Ge smiled slightly: "There really is, I have broken through the tenth level of the Royal Beast, and I plan to assess the junior Royal Beast Master badge."

Fang Tianyuan said with a smile: "No problem, I will personally arrange it for you, if it is convenient, you can come over now, and start the assessment immediately."

Lin Ge agreed, and then looked at Qin Qingyun: "Deputy squad leader, I'm sorry."

Qin Qingyun snorted.

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