A dragon system palace guard that has achieved super evolution through evolution?!

At this moment, everyone was shocked, in the Royal Beast Blue Star, the evolution is the most elusive! The most difficult to study!

But what did they hear?

A dragon guard that evolved through evolution?

On the side of the jury, Guo Hongyu immediately asked the question everyone wanted to ask: "Lin Ge!" Are you sure it's evolution? If it is an evolutionary object, you must have a complete system, and a single accidental evolutionary individual cannot add points to the racial identification. On

the Seven Islands, they also immediately scoffed, and the old lady was even more disdainful.

"It turned out to be a guy who met a dead rat with a blind cat, and a single individual dared to ask for a playoff! I see how you Daxia stepped down!

Sakurako was silent, in her opinion, that Lin Ge was full of confidence, I am afraid that they Nanidao really want to plant this time!

On the stage, Lin Ge smiled and said: "Chairman Guo, I dare to ask for a playoff, this naturally cannot be a single individual, but in the true sense, mastering the evolutionary information of the Dragon Guarding Palace!" Mastered a path to heaven! A sunny boulevard!

Li Muzhi said: "Lin Ge, everything is based on physical objects, your words are empty, please show the evolution of the dragon palace!"

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly, facing the audience, and said loudly: "Then please look at the big guy!"

After speaking, Lin Ge gestured slightly, allowing Chen Yunjing to bring the dark dragon guarding palace up.

As for Xiao Jin, Lin Ge does not plan to let him evolve into a dragon machine at present, after all, Lin Ge already has an overlord!

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, the dragon guard palace that evolved from the dark system reappeared.

At this moment, everyone was holding their breath! Because they understand! They are about to witness a history!

The atmosphere present instantly tensed, did Lin Ge's team soar into the sky to hold the glory of Daxia, or did the drama take the stage and make Daxia lose face?

The old lady of Nanashima snorted coldly and said, "Jumping beam clown! How can evolutionary things be so easy to study! I

saw that on the stage, Lin Ge was in no hurry to put on those seven pieces of evolution metal for that lucky man one by one!

In the eyes of everyone, this is somewhat inexplicable, isn't it evolutionary? Why are you still wearing armor?

Liu Meng was slightly stunned: "Evolutionary objects can still be armor-style?"

Hua and Rong also said unexpectedly: "It is indeed a little strange, and those armors are as bright as new, as if they were just created."

Li Muzhi watched silently and did not make a sound.

In the audience, Jiang Jiang waited and watched, and Jiang Meier's small fists were clenched, as if she was also on stage.

In the corner where everyone didn't notice, the Dragon Country Royal Beast Master from the west was already wide-eyed.

"That's the Dragon Evolution Inscription! That's Dragon Armor! Damn it! How could Daxia have such a background! And also used on the body of a garbage dragon! What a waste! It's a waste! This kind of thing should belong to my Dragon Kingdom!" We Western dragons are the most powerful dragons! At

this moment, in the Phoenix Nest Stadium, there was an undercurrent.

And on the stage, Lin Ge finally put on the last piece of evolution metal for this dragon guarding palace!


a soft click, all seven pieces of evolution metal were finally put on.

Lin Ge silently retreated, and all the eyes in the Phoenix Nest Stadium, including the camera, turned to the dark dragon guarding the palace!

Gao Shenglong also looked at it and frowned: "Huh? Didn't evolve? Was it a failure?

The White Dragon King beside him said lightly: "Don't worry, it's just beginning!"

As the White Dragon King's words fell, everyone's hanging hearts thought that it was the time for evolution to fail.

That dark dragon guarding palace has finally made a move!

First, a white light flowed from the evolutionary metal on the body surface, which was the evolutionary light!

And the dark dragon guarding palace was slightly trembling, and then suddenly raised up to reveal that the dragon groaned!

In the next second, the incomparably rich white evolution light instantly brightened!

The entire Phoenix Nest Stadium was immediately filled with white light!

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible! The old lady of the Seven Islands stood up from her seat on the spot, her face horrified!

All the eyes of the audience and the jury, even the other scientific research teams, looked at the center of the white light!

Guo Hongyu was slightly surprised: "Obedient, so rich and many evolutionary lights?"

Li Muzhi wiped his reading glasses and said in a deep voice: "According to the theory of evolution, the brighter the light of evolution, the greater the evolutionary benefits generated, so let's speculate how many levels this evolution can have?"

Liu Meng slapped the desktop and immediately said, "How can there be level sixty!" Beyond the Seven Islands! Crush them!

Hua and Rong also analyzed: "Judging from the concentration of this evolutionary light, it is obviously a ghost demon knife that has surpassed the seven islands, and how many levels it can reach remains to be considered."

At this time, Zhang Qingfeng Daoist had already said heavily: "Level seventy! This dragon system will definitely be able to reach the seventy level after evolution! "

Amazing words!

Li Muzhi suddenly turned his head and asked, "It's impossible, right?" So high!

Guo Hongyu frowned and said, "What Zhang DaoChang said may be very different, such a rich evolutionary light, even I have never seen it." "

Not only these judges, but also those strong people who hide in the Phoenix Nest Stadium have naturally analyzed it.

At this moment, the young man on the stage became the focus again!

And while Lin Ge was waiting, the Dragon Guard Palace, which was originally only one meter and five meters long, finally began to change!

The body size quickly grew, two meters... Five meters... Eight meters... Ten meters! ...... Finally reached the level of twelve meters!

In addition to the size of the body, the characteristics of the palace guard system have also disappeared, replaced by the characteristics of the mechanical system, and the seven evolutionary metals seem to have been fused into one, wrapping the dragon system guarding the palace and turning into a dragon machine!

Of course, out of some joint gaps, you can still see the flesh and blood inside!

When the last light of evolution dissipated, there was no longer the appearance of a dragon guarding the palace on the field, replaced by a mighty and domineering mechanical dragon, with the appearance of an oriental divine dragon, but wearing mechanical armor and fully armed! Majestic and domineering!


This dragon machine roared on the spot, and the shock it brought made everyone's hearts beat faster!

"Evolved! Really evolved!

Chen Yunjing was excited, because Lin Ge said that this dragon machine belonged to him.

Zhao Yun and they also looked at the huge dragon machine on the stage, and they couldn't say anything with excitement.

Professor Lin was deeply relieved that Lin Ge's growth rate was even faster than he thought!

Lin Ge shouted loudly: "Fellow judges, audience friends, this is my Lin Ge's latest research results!" Dragon Machinery! "

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