New Series! Extraordinary machinery!

For a while, everyone was washed away by this information, and they looked at Lin Ge in disbelief, even the five judges were stunned.

You must know that the extraordinary series of the Royal Beast Blue Star has been groped since ancient times.

Especially after the modern era, the rapid development of science and technology, the development of information transportation, the places that could not be visited in the past have also been explored, and extraordinary beasts that have not been discovered in the past have also been investigated one after another.

Especially after the end of the war, the Royal Beast Blue Star has entered the peaceful stage, and the discovery and positioning of the Extraordinary Beast series, as well as the identification of the Extraordinary Beast Race, have a clear data system.

The official website of the Encyclopedia of Extraordinary Beasts of the Great Xia Dynasty clearly divides all the extraordinary series on the Royal Beast Blue Star.

Therefore, when the extraordinary series was explored, people turned to discovering the powerful race of extraordinary beasts and the powerful individuals who evolved unexpectedly.

But now Lin Ge said that he had actually developed an extraordinary series through human intelligence?!

That's a shame!

The birth of an extraordinary series represents another path to the god level on the Royal Beast Blue Star!

To the height of that temple, to the top of that world!

Not only that, but the birth of a new super series must mean that the series has untapped potential!

This means that the series will be flooded with a large number of fresh blood and extraordinary beast masters!

And these can enhance the power of the Great Xia Dynasty!

Once circulating, a series is a behemoth!

Just like the Yunlin Jiang Clan, he controls almost all the powerful demonic beasts in the Great Xia Dynasty!

The children of the Yunlin Jiang clan also aim to contract for life, the demon line, and the extraordinary beast!

Therefore, after the appearance of the ghost demon knife that could counter the Jiang clan in the seven islands, Li Muzhi and them were so shocked.

After all, the mobilization of the Yunlin Jiang Clan would really hurt the bones and make the Great Xia Dynasty lose a lot.

But if you can add a super series back, it will be another scene.

This can be seen from the evolution of the Dragon Guard Palace into a Dragon Machine.

Guo Hongyu immediately asked in a loud voice: "Lin Ge, do you mean this?"

Lin Ge emphasized: "The mechanical department is naturally true, and the system is already very mature, but I can't study it alone, and my ability is limited."

Li Muzhi replied, "Young people can work hard, don't worry!" Daxia will fund you.

Guo Hongyu said with a smile: "It seems that my Royal Beast Master Association is about to give birth to the youngest vice president in history."

Lin Ge smiled slightly.

At this time, the old woman of the seven islands said unwillingly: "What a shit mechanical department!" It's complete nonsense! Also imitate our extraordinary weapons of the seven islands, saying what kind of extraordinary machinery! You little devil, don't you talk through your brain?

Sakurako's face suddenly turned pale.

Sure enough, in the next second, Liu slammed his palms and fists collided, and the crunch of his fingers continued.

"You old shrew! I've put up with you for a long time! Summon your extraordinary pet beast! See I don't punch it!

Sakurako quickly apologized and said, "Daxia's friends forgive me, in your Daxia's words, my teacher is long and short-sighted, please forgive her for being angry."

The old woman was a little angry and said, "Sakura Ko-chan, are you from our Nanashima?"

Sakurako looked cold and said: "When I go out, I call you teacher, it's already enough to give you face, don't forget what identity I am, really think that if I call you teacher a few times, you can step on my head?" The

old woman suddenly trembled and sat down sharply.

Liu Meng didn't think it was a big deal, and mocked: "Soft-footed shrimp."

Li Muzhi suddenly patted Liu Meng and said, "Control your mouth, less hot temper, you should really practice with the Qingfeng Dao Master."

Zhang Qingfeng smiled and said, "Willing to serve."

Hua and Rong said: "This stage is still handed over to Lin Ge, what do we mix, Nanishima does not believe that it is their business, old fierce, the secretary punished you to go to the Jiang family to do coolies, are you willing?"

Liu Meng suddenly smiled: "Willing and willing, my old fierce is born to be a coolie material, or Mrs. Hua understands me."

Guo Hongyu shook his head and smiled, Liu Meng was like this.

Li Muzhi didn't bother to pay attention to it, so he said to Lin Ge: "Lin Ge, this stage is handed over to you, what is there to show it, old man, I will guarantee you and have Daxia for you."

Lin Ge bowed his head slightly: "Thank you Old Master Li." For

a while, the five judges all retired and returned to the judging table.

At this moment, everyone was slightly surprised, how did this extraordinary appraisal become a personal show?

Lin Ge picked up the microphone again and said in a loud voice: "I just say a mechanical department, I believe you will not believe my words, so I also follow the rules of extraordinary identification, everything is heard, and seeing is believing!" Lin

Ge took a few steps back, then raised his hand to summon, and the white summoning array lit up, followed by the overlord appearing!


At this moment, with the appearance of the overlord and a roar, all the eyes in the phoenix nest converged.

Lin Ge said while it was hot: "As you can see, there are now two branches of the mechanical department on the stage, one is a pure mechanical creation like the overlord, and the other is a bionic mechanical extraordinary similar to the dragon system.

"But no matter which one, they all have the characteristics and abilities of extraordinary beasts, although they are mechanical pet beasts, but they are not inferior to other extraordinary in nature, bionic machinery let's not talk about for the time being, my research on the branch of the department is currently only one dragon system."

"So let's talk about pure mechanical transcendent beasts."

"It's different from the traditional creatures in everyone's perception of extraordinary beasts, because the mechanical department is the product of artificial birth, so the starting point of the mechanical department is generally low, depending on the limitation of the starting material, the mechanical pet beast may only have a primary transcendent degree when it is born."

"But this is not absolute, in my calculations, as long as massive resources and mechanical metals are poured, coupled with top-level computer programs, mechanical transcendence has the potential to achieve one step, but how much it costs, it depends on the budget."

"The mechanical department consists of an initial program code as the core of wisdom, with the energy reactor as the energy source, how to construct the mechanical extraordinary, I will announce some as appropriate, how to study specifically, or depends on your efforts."

"And then is..." With

Lin Ge's speech, the secrets of the mechanical department were also revealed little by little in the entire Phoenix Nest Stadium!

People's breathing gradually became rapid, and their faces were very excited!

Especially Li Muzhi, he can already foresee the prosperous future of the mechanical department!

This is the future heavy weapon of the Great Xia Dynasty!

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