Daxia, Nandu.

As Lin Ge's hometown, under the influence of the mechanical department, the attention of the southern city also jumped, and instantly stood side by side with the imperial capital, the magic capital and other big cities.

With such a great popularity, the Nandu municipal side cannot let it waste in vain, and naturally it is necessary to take advantage of this general trend to increase the economic development of the southern city.

So the first meeting of the southern city of this year was held, with the help of Lin Ge's influence, with the help of the popularity of the dragon system guarding the palace, with the help of the birth of the mechanical department!

Nandu suddenly began the planning and development of the next few years, or even more than ten years!

They even discussed the idea of building a mechanical museum for Lin Ge.

In this case, Lin Ge of course refused, he is still a student, how can he enter the museum at a young age and spend the same age?

Even if you really want to stand, it will have to be a few years later, or simply Professor Lilin's calculation, anyway, Professor Lin can afford it.

On the meeting in Nandu, it was basically political speeches, Lin Ge they listened, and by the way, they gave their opinions and images.

The person who presided over the meeting was still Qin Mu, Qin Qingyun's father, and the mayor of Nandu City did not know where to go.

The same was true of the Royal Beast Master Association, attended by Vice President Fang Tianyuan, and the president of the Nandu Royal Beast Master Association was also missing.

And this kind of high-level meeting is mostly boring for Lin Ge and these academics.

If there is anything they don't understand, Professor Lin alone can help them settle it.

Above the meeting, Qin Mu said: "In view of Lin Ge's influence and the birth of the mechanical department, we plan to invite the top traffic students of the current generation to tour the southern city once to boost the popularity, what do you think?" "

Of course, the other high-level officials of the Nandu municipal side agreed, after all, the attraction of traffic students is indeed terrible, and if they publicize a wave, they will eat this popularity in Nandu."

"In that case, we plan to invite Cai Kun, who has been practicing for two and a half years, to tour once, this Cai Tianwang's traffic has always been very high, and there are many small sunspots in the southern city."


Lin Ge just drank a sip of water, and when he heard these words, he immediately spewed out, and then pretended to cough.

Seeing this, Qin Mu asked, "Did Lin Ge have any proposals?"

Lin Ge quickly waved his hand and said, "No, no, I don't have any proposals."

Qin Mu then continued to start the theme of the meeting.

Lin Ge and the five students whispered.

Qin Qingyun and Lu Lingyi were excited, and asked Cai Kun to tour once, according to the popularity of this time, wouldn't they have the opportunity to take a group photo?

Thinking about it like this, the two team girls were excited.

Even Chen Yunjing was the same, and he was almost about to join in.

Zhao Yun secretly whispered, "Lin Ge, you seem to be very calm."

Lin Ge said lightly: "Oh, I don't chase stars."

Zhao Yun secretly opened his mobile phone and said, "Look, Lin Ge, how is it, do I have many memes?"

Lin Ge glanced at it, and didn't know if he didn't know, it turned out that Zhao Yun was also a little sunspot, and he actually showed his chicken feet today.

"I heard that this Cai Tianwang's pet beast is really a ... Chicken?

Zhao Yun nodded: "Yes, a martial arts kunkun chicken, but Cai Tianwang's is very special, the middle head, the feathers are black and white, a bit of suspenders, so sometimes Cai Tianwang's pet beast is more popular than him."

Lin Ge couldn't help but cough twice, he really never expected it.

"In other words, where is Senior Gao going today? I didn't see him.

Professor Lin replied gently: "Xiao Gao doesn't like this kind of meeting, so he has already sailed out to play, along the Nanyan River all the way to the South China Sea."

Lin Ge was a little envious in his heart, Goldman Sachs Long lived really dashingly.

"By the way, professor, I watched the evening news yesterday, there was a sudden storm in the South China Sea, and today's fish prices are a lot more expensive."

Professor Lin nodded and said, "Maybe there are extraordinary beasts in the South China Sea again, the mayor and the president are not there, they should go to calm the chaos."

Lin Ge nodded slightly, so to speak, Gao Shenglong should also go to support.

If you think about it, Nandu is just these two seventy-level grandmasters, and the arrival of Gao Sheng Long can also make them a lot easier.

For a while, Lin Ge also felt the importance of the high-realm imperial beast master for the first time.

With a high-level imperial beast master sitting on one side, he can not be afraid of the chaos of extraordinary beasts, nor afraid of extraordinary beasts setting off a beast tide and wantonly attacking human cities.

Lin Ge spoke up again: "By the way, professor, I want to use the extraordinary appraisal money to build a research building.

Professor Lin of course allowed it, and said: "Then go to the site to build, anyway, the money is basically your most contribution, building your own scientific research building, is the dream of every scientific researcher, I can understand."

Lin Ge said lightly: "Professor, the scientific research building I want to build may be a little different, it is more expensive."

Professor Lin suddenly turned his head and said, "That money has arrived?"

Lin Ge nodded: "Well, there are as many as five hundred million, this should be the bonus of the dragon machinery, and then there is another amount, more, it is ten hundred million!"

Professor Lin frowned slightly and said, "It's a little unexpected, 1.5 billion Great Xia Coins?" What is the budget for the building you plan to build?

Lin Ge took out the drawings, which he had drawn a lot of sketches last night.

On A4 paper, Lin Ge outlined the outline of the building with the simplest lines.

It is divided into three areas, which appear to be irregular in a semicircular structure.

The three areas are the smallest residential areas, but even if they are the smallest, they can be called luxury villas.

The second area is the largest, the largest circular building in the three areas, the area is sandwiched in the middle, in Lin Ge's guess, this building can meet all Lin Ge's needs!

Smelt metal, create metal, all kinds of high-tech, and even have the best equipment in Daxia!

Finally, on the third area, this one is not as good as the second area, and the area is only half the size of the second area, but this third area is the most core place of Lin Ge!

The equipment of the system will all be placed in the third zone! And it only belongs to Lin Ge alone!

Then inside the semicircle where these three areas are connected is an 800-meter playground.

Looking at Lin Ge's sketch, Professor Lin couldn't help but tug at the corners of his mouth, just by looking at the sketch proportions, he knew that this was a gold-swallowing beast.

"The scientific research building in Nandu City can no longer satisfy you?"

Lin Ge replied lightly: "I can be satisfied, but to run around, I still want to own a building of my own, so I have to use all this money on this blade!" "

Budget! 1.5 billion!

Professor Lin frowned when he heard this, how luxurious is the construction of these three areas by 1.5 billion?

"The amount of work is too large, this has to be discussed with the Nandu municipal side, and your land area, the playground alone is eight hundred meters, and there are three large buildings, the smallest are luxury villas, I am afraid that there is no place in the city to meet this demand."

Lin Ge said: "You don't need to be in the city, in the suburbs, or even farther!" "

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