South China Sea Sprat Islands, Zhongsha Island.


As soon as Lin Ge and Overlord set foot on this island, they already heard a roar in the distance.

The power of the violent demonic extraordinary beast was vented out like a gust of wind, resounding throughout the South China Sea Sand Islands, and countless trees were blown over and crawled, and the sound of folding like heavy snow pressing branches was crisp and dry.

Lin Ge suddenly raised his head and looked at the aura of great war coming from afar, just the aftermath of these catharsis, it was already blowing his clothes hunting, and he had to bend down slightly to resist.

The overlord bent his body very knowingly and blocked the raging wind for Lin Ge.

Lin Ge patted lightly and said, "It's okay, the battle over there has begun, let's explore this Zhongsha Island." Saying

that, taking advantage of the wind's gradual subsidence, Lin Ge turned over and jumped up, riding the overlord, and went in another direction.

A seventy-level battle is not something that he can mix with a ten-level imperial beast master.

Wild extraordinary beasts are fierce and cruel, except for some extraordinary beasts that are particularly kind-hearted.

Most of them are extremely aggressive, especially the extraordinary beasts of the beast line, once they set foot in their territory, they will inevitably be attacked!

This water demon octopus that is still guarding Zhongsha Island has long regarded this Zhongsha Island as its own territory, and it will definitely defend it to the death.

As for whether Jiang Jiang and Jiang could capture them in the end, Lin Ge didn't have to worry at all.

Four grandmasters of more than seventy levels joined forces to catch it, and no matter how many octopuses there were in the water demon octopus, they had to be obediently captured.

Lin Ge rode the overlord and explored at the edge of this Zhongsha Island, because a big war was breaking out inside, and countless extraordinary beasts living in Zhongsha Island ran out of it.

The number is vast, flying sand and stones, stirring up a cloud of smoke and dust in the earth.

Lin Ge gently patted the overlord's head and let it release its dragon power.

And with the deterrence of Long Wei, those extraordinary beasts who escaped were naturally very knowledgeable and bypassed Lin Ge and them.

Lin Ge looked at the battles that still broke out from time to time in Zhongsha Island, and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

"A battle of more than seventy levels is still like this, I really don't know how terrifying a battle of level ninety will be?"

Lin Ge said in a deep voice, I was afraid that the battle at that level already had the power to change the world.

A ninety-level Deep Sea Demon Chapter can single-handedly suppress the South Sea Sand Islands, and the power released at the time of death also benefits these five islands.

Suddenly, Lin Ge frowned slightly: "Strange!" Although the extraordinary beast will swear to defend its territory to the death, but in the face of this kind of battle with no chance of victory, how can it also have a sense of cowardice, is this water demon octopus so affectionate?

Even far away on the shore, Lin Ge could feel that the Water Demon Octopus was really defending to the death, and did not give in the slightest.

This is somewhat inconsistent with the principle of survival.

Territory is important, but without life, everything is a passing thing!

More than seventy levels of ink octopus can already spit out words, and has wisdom that is not weaker than humans!

"Something is wrong!"

Lin Ge's brows furrowed, this water demon octopus is a little too stubborn!

"Overlord! Hasten! Let's hurry up and explore this Zhongsha Island!

Lin Ge quickly ordered! Either he Lin Ge thought too much, or there was something in this Zhongsha Island that was worth the Water Demon Chapter's desperate protection!

The overlord immediately accelerated and ran quickly, and at the same time, Lin Ge was also rapidly observing everything around him!

The extraordinary beasts in Zhongsha Island all fled like they fled.

At a certain moment, Lin Ge's eyes suddenly widened, and his legs were clamped: "Overlord, over there!" "

I saw that all the extraordinary beasts were running away in a panic, but they all avoided one place very wisely!

There is a stream, and the clear water flows out of Zhongsha Island and flows into the sea!

Lin Ge rode the overlord and immediately felt the strangeness of this stream.

"Keep going up with this stream! See what's at the end of this stream! The

overlord immediately turned around and led Lin Ge upstream towards the stream, and along the way, those extraordinary beasts avoided one after another.

The stream is not large, the width is only about two meters, and the speed of the stream is not fast, but there are no extraordinary beasts that dare to approach, and there are even no traces of extraordinary beasts living in this stream!

Follow the stream all the way up to a dark mountain.

There is a cave more than ten meters high at the bottom of the mountain, and this stream flows from it....

The inside of the cave is dark, from the outside, it is dark, the visibility is very low, and it is already impossible to see clearly when you look a few meters into the cave.

The cave is more than ten meters high, and the width of the entrance is also large, and the stream that is only more than two meters wide occupies only about one-sixth of the entrance.

The inside of the cave was pitch black, it seemed too quiet, and there was no aura of an extraordinary beast.

"Overlord, spray dragon flame inside once to see."

Before coming to the entrance of the cave, the overlord did as Lin Ge said, and spewed out a straight line of dragon fireworks.

The blazing red fire illuminates everything in the cave, and there are many strange stones inside, stalactites hanging, and the wonders in the cave are slightly revealed.

Lin Ge frowned slightly and muttered, "Quiet is not like words." "

If there is no aura of an extraordinary beast coming out, then obviously there is no extraordinary beast inside.

"Did you run out?"

Lin Ge couldn't care so much, and decided to go in and find out.

The Overlord immediately entered the state of battle at any time, and walked towards the cave step by step.

Overlord's eyes glowed brightly, as if he had turned on the light, illuminating everything in the cave.

Lin Ge looked at the smooth stone wall in the cave, and suddenly a strange thought came to his mind.

"Wouldn't you? Could it be that this is the nest of the Deep Sea Demon Chapter?

As Lin Ge went deeper and deeper, the cave became wider and wider, as if the entire mountain had been hollowed out.

And at this time, the overlord suddenly froze, raised his head, and looked deeper.

Lin Ge asked, "What did you find?" The

voice echoed, and the overlord did not make a sound, but walked towards the depths.

Lin Ge was a little uneasy in his heart, as if he wanted to discover some big secret.

Until a certain moment, the sound of ticking water droplets sounded, and the overlord stood in a posture, slightly in an offensive posture.

Lin Ge looked in front of the overlord, and then in the next second, Lin Ge suddenly opened his mouth, and the whole person was shocked!

I saw that above the cave, there was a black oval-shaped egg-like thing hanging from it!

This black egg is very large, it is three meters in size by sight, and the ticking sound is exactly the drop of water on the egg!

Inside the black egg, you can still see an octopus-like extraordinary beast wriggling!

"I lean!"

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