National Blind Box Treasure Hunt, Starting At Sss Level

Chapter 14 The Blind Box Model Of Wealthy Families

Chu Feng scrolled through his phone. When he felt sleepy, he threw the phone away and closed his eyes to sleep.

And at this moment, the magic city.

Ye family manor, backyard.

The Ye family, one of the four major families in the Magic City, is gathering together more than a hundred bronze blind boxes that they have spent huge sums of money to open.

Almost all the direct descendants of the family gathered here, five generations living under the same roof, and Ye Zhixue, one of the direct descendants, was of course among them.

Among the crowd, the eldest one is the head of the Ye family of the previous generation, Ye Zhixue's great-grandfather Ye Santong. He is now over 100 years old, but he is full of energy and has a childlike appearance.

Ye Santong was already very old, and no matter how rich he was, he could not withstand the passage of time. He spent most of his time in bed recuperating, and he felt tired after getting out of bed and walking even a few steps.

But just when he was about to finish his life and return to his hometown, he opened some physical attribute points, and his whole person was suddenly full of vitality, as if he was twenty years younger!

This feeling was so wonderful, and it also made him feel the magic and unusualness of the "Myriad Worlds Blind Box".

He immediately called his son, Ye Zhixue's grandfather and the current head of the Ye family, Ye Wentian.

After an in-depth and detailed discussion, the two agreed that the Myriad Worlds blind box game is absolutely extraordinary and can be called a miracle!

The emergence of this game will definitely cause drastic changes in the world, and the destiny of mankind will change as a result!

Therefore, the Ye family must firmly seize this opportunity!

If we seize this opportunity, the Ye family will become a very important family in the World Level!

But if we fail to seize this opportunity, the Ye family may become ordinary people, or even disappear from this world forever!

Therefore, it is crucial to seize this opportunity!

And the way to seize the opportunity is to open a blind box!

And it must be a bronze blind box! They don’t like ordinary blind boxes!

Only by opening more blind boxes and obtaining powerful abilities from Myriad Worlds can the Ye family be invincible in this game!

Therefore, while Ye Wentian arranged for his trusted direct descendants to purchase bronze blind boxes extensively, he also summoned the direct descendants of the Ye family to return to the family manor to distribute the bronze blind boxes.

He wants to intensify the training of the direct descendants of the Ye family and feed them directly with bronze blind boxes!

As for whether you can develop powerful skills, it just depends on luck!

At the same time, the Ye family's guard team has also assembled. There are also people with powerful combat professions among the Ye family's children. If something harmful comes out, they can gather everyone's strength to destroy it.

This is the Ye family’s strategy for opening blind boxes!

"Children, I believe you have all felt it! Myriad Worlds blind box game is definitely not an ordinary game! It is a miracle!"

"Our world will change because of Him! In order to adapt to this change, we must unite, be united, and face it together!"

"Since yesterday, the family has arranged countermeasures and has started to implement them today. We have spent huge sums of money to collect 102 bronze blind boxes from various places and prepare to distribute them to everyone to open. Everyone has a share, and there is more than one!"

"As for what is opened in the blind box, it depends on everyone's luck!"

"As for possible risks, we are fully prepared!" Ye Wentian pointed to the surrounding escorts with live ammunition and the Ye family disciples whose bodies were shining with magic: "After everyone receives the blind box, they will open it on the spot. , we have enough power to ensure everyone’s safety!”

"Okay, without further ado, I'll start allocating blind boxes!"

After speaking, Ye Wentian operated his mobile phone and began to distribute blind boxes.

The eldest person present is Ye Santong, who is over 100 years old. He is the only one of this generation who is still alive.

Further down, there is Ye Wentian, who is over 70 years old and is also a single seedling.

But Ye Wentian has more children.

We have six sons and two daughters. Two of the daughters married outside the family, so we will not treat them as the direct lineage of the Ye family.

Among the six sons, the one with the most children is the eldest son, Ye Zhixue's uncle, who has three sons and one daughter.

The one with the fewest children is Ye Zhixue's father, who is the only daughter.

A family of six sons gave Ip Man a total of 15 grandchildren.

Further down, there are five great-great-grandchildren, but they are not yet adults and will not participate in the blind box allocation for the time being.

A total of 23 people were present to participate in the blind box distribution.

"Allocation is based on seniority order. Some people can be allocated 5 bronze blind boxes, while some can only be allocated 4 bronze blind boxes."

"But it doesn't matter. Next time, we will start the distribution from those who didn't get it this time to ensure fairness and justice!"

"Okay, the blind boxes have been distributed. Father, please open them first!" Ye Wentian looked at his father Ye Santong.

"Okay!" Ye Santong nodded: "Kids, pay attention, I'm ready to turn it on!"

After finishing speaking, when the people around you are ready, immediately click on the bronze blind box on the phone screen to open it.

“The first blind box, Huaxia Coin 1 million!”

"The second blind box, an armored vehicle!"

"The third blind box, 100 Type 95 automatic rifles!"

"The fourth blind box, 100 tons of high-quality coking coal!"

"The fifth blind box, 2 million Chinese coins!"

Every time Ye Santong opens a bronze blind box, he tells everyone that the beneficial objects can be directly realized, or they can be automatically saved to the game inventory and can be realized by the players themselves.

"It's not bad luck, no bad things came out! But it's not good either, I probably won't be able to get back the money!"

"Yesterday, I could still get my money back, but today I can't. Yesterday, a bronze blind box cost 1 million, but today it has gone up to more than 2 million."

"It's okay, as long as you can develop powerful skills, you will have plenty of money in the future!"

"Yes, father!" Ye Wentian nodded: "Okay, now it's my turn! Everyone, get ready!"

“The first blind box, obtained 100 tons of Northeast rice!”

“The second blind box, obtain the D Level skill ‘playing piano with two hands’!”

"The third blind box, get 10,000 boxes of pure milk!"

"The fourth blind box, gain 1 strength attribute point! Yes, this is not bad!"

"The fifth blind box, grass, monster! Everyone, be careful!" Ye Wentian said, quickly getting out of the way.

In the Myriad Worlds blind box game, if a monster is encountered, it will appear directly, giving the player only three seconds at most to react.

Just as Ye Wentian got out of the way, a three-meter-tall giant with fire all over his body, like it was made of lava, appeared in front of everyone!

But in an instant, he was overwhelmed by bullets and magic from all around!

Especially Ye Zhixue's ice magic was the nemesis of fire monsters. After a while, the flaming magma giant was shattered into a pile of rocks with black smoke rising.

Immediately, servants came forward to clean up the rubble.

"In this battle, Zhixue played the most important role. I will be rewarded with a bronze blind box. Remember it first and distribute it together tomorrow!" Ye Tianwen said: "Okay, let's continue to open the blind box. The next one..."


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