Chu Feng was not very interested in earning points by killing monsters, but he would still be very interested if he could kill the monsters together!

This time in the suburban village on the east coast, Chu Feng took over the mutant bat's lair and immediately became rich!

Not only that, when Chu Feng killed the mutated bats, he activated his refining skills at the same time, refining a large number of attributes for his own use.

Just the harvest of attributes is a huge wealth!

[You refined 1 C Level mutant bat elite and gained 0.1 agility attribute points! ]

[You refined 1 C Level mutant bat elite and gained 0.1 agility attribute points! ]

[You refined 1 B Level mutant bat leader and gained 10 agility attribute points... Obtained the B Level skill "Transcendent Level Sonar"! ]

[You refined 1 C Level mutant bat elite and gained 0.1 agility attribute points! ]

[You refined a B Level mutant bat leader and gained 5 agility attribute points! ]

[You refined 1 B Level mutant bat leader and gained 5 agility attribute points... Obtained the B Level skill "Transcendent Level Immunity"! ]

[You refined an A Level mutant bat king, gained 100 agility attribute points, acquired the A Level skill "Vampire Bat Summoning"... acquired the A Level skill "Vampire Bat Summoning"...]

Mutated bats fly fast and react quickly, so their most prominent attribute is agility, so much so that the attribute points of Chu Feng's refining are all agility attribute points.

Although there are many mutated bats, their levels are too low. Only C Level elites and above can refine a few attribute points.

However, there are enough C Level elites, at least several thousand, plus the B Level leader and the A Level Bat King, Chu Feng's attribute points refined this time exceed 800 points.

At present, the total attribute points of many players are far less than 800 points!

This shows what a huge harvest this is!

In addition to attribute points, he also gained several skills that only bats have.

[Transcendent Level Sonar: B Level, active skill, emits ultrasonic waves to identify the surrounding environment and targets, and identifies the location and distance to the surrounding targets. ]

This skill is somewhat useful, but not much. Chu Feng already has SSS Level space control, and has the ability to distinguish all objects in the surrounding space beyond the micro level, which is much better than Transcendent Level sonar.

[Transcendent Level Immunity: B Level, passive skill, obtains bat-like Transcendent Level immunity, is not afraid of any viruses at B Level and below, and improves body recovery ability. ]

The effect of this skill is pretty good, but unfortunately the level of the skill is a bit low.

[Blood-stealing: A Level, passive skill. After attacking the target, there is a certain chance that the damage will be converted into own Health Points. ]

[Vampire Bat Summoning: A Level, active skill, summons several vampire bats, attacks the designated target, causes damage to the target, and converts the damage into its own Health Points. ]

The two skills of blood-sucking and vampire bat summoning are not bad. The effect of the skills has been confirmed. They are skills that Chu Feng did not have before. They can be regarded as further improving Chu Feng's abilities.

Although the first two skills are not very useful, they are better than none at all.

When the dust settled, hundreds of thousands of bats were killed!

Everything in front of me was filled with smoke and dust, and the air was filled with the smell of bats being burnt by powerful electric current.

At the same time, among the scorched corpses on the ground, there were still a few places emitting a faint golden light and a vast silver light.

With a thought, Chu Feng immediately formed a space protective shield around his body, blocking all odors and smoke from the protective shield.

Then, the figure floated directly to the location emitting golden light.

"Sure enough, it's a gold blind box!" Chu Feng accepted it directly, then walked to several other locations emitting silver light and collected five silver blind boxes.

"It seems that this golden blind box was exploded by the A Level Bat King! These five silver blind boxes were exploded by several of the B Level bat leaders!"

Chu Feng frowned, the explosion rate of this blind box was too low.

However, Chu Feng remembered that in the rule adjustment before the [Myriad Worlds Blind Box] game was officially launched, it was not said that blind boxes could be exploded by killing monsters, but that a small number of blind boxes were randomly refreshed in hidden areas every day.

Now it seems that it is possible to explode the blind box by defeating monsters, but the explosion rate is pitifully low. Most people should not place their hope on destroying the blind box by defeating monsters.

With that time, the points earned from killing monsters can be used to buy thousands of blind boxes!

After putting away the blind box, Chu Feng once again used the Eye of Truth to explore the surroundings. After confirming that there were no precious items around, he teleported away.

Chu Feng waved his sleeves and took away not a single cloud, but the legend about Chu Feng has just begun!

The spectacular scene of summoning thousands of thunder and lightning to kill a swarm of mutated bats was recorded by players in a nearby residential building.

Then, the entire Magic City communication area was boiling!

[Shocked in capital letters! Is this the strength of a Transcendent Level psychic? It will definitely blind your eyes! Take a quick look! ]

[Super super super super Transcendent Level master appears! Madam, madam, you are so handsome! Big HD pictures! There is also a short video! ]

[I originally thought it was Master Transcending Tribulation! Unexpectedly, a master is helping everyone get rid of the harm! Players in the suburban villages on the east bank are in luck! ]

[Transcendent Level masters summon thunderstorms and directly kill tens of thousands of mutated bats! Shocking video of the scene exposed! ]

[The suspected Transcendent Level master was disturbed during the Transcending Tribulation Stage and skillfully used Thunder Tribulation to kill the mutated bat swarm! ]


In these posts, after you click on them, they are all photos and videos of Chu Feng killing mutant bats from various angles!

Whether it is a photo or a video, you can only see a humanoid creature floating in the distant sky, and opposite him are a dozen mutant bats the size of a football field!

Then, there was a thunderstorm network composed of thousands of thunder and lightning, which directly penetrated the entire mutant bat group, killing hundreds of thousands of mutant bats in an instant!

The charred corpses of mutated bats fell like rain. In just a few minutes, a major scourge near Dong'an Village was eliminated. Players applauded and liked the post one after another!

[Strongly calling on Transcendent Level masters to come forward and form an organization to eliminate the alien beasts, eliminate harm for the people, and save the people from dire straits! ]

[Strongly calling on Transcendent Level masters to stand up and form an organization. We all join him and support him! ]

[The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility! Transcendent Level masters, we need you! ]

[Shit, do the Transcendent Level masters owe you something or something? Is this the beginning of moral kidnapping? Everyone, wake up! ]

[Don’t be morally kidnapped. If a master is willing to help, it’s a matter of friendship, but if he’s not willing to help, it’s his duty! Everyone still needs to save themselves! ]

[The identity of the Transcendent Level master is suspected to be exposed, there are pictures and the truth! Take a quick look! ]

As soon as this post appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of countless Magic City players, who clicked in to check it out!


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