The next day, the third day of open beta of the [Myriad Worlds blind box] game.

The game has been updated again with new features, and an official trading center has appeared in the game.

All blind boxes and items can be traded in this online trading center.

Trade items are freely priced by players, as long as they pay a handling fee.

The transaction center's handling fees are similar to the rates for transactions between individual players. For a transaction volume of 10,000 yuan, the fee is 1 gram of gold.

Although the transaction fees are the same, Chu Feng prefers to conduct transactions through the trading center.

After all, personal transactions require one-on-one contact, which is a waste of time!

Now, with the trading center, Chu Feng can freely choose bronze blind boxes!

And there are more choices.

Moreover, the trading center can consign and buy anonymously, which is also safer.

Open the trading center, select the "Blind Box" channel, filter out the item "Bronze Blind Box", and immediately dense "Bronze Blind Box" transaction information appears.

It seems that many players also like this feature.

The price of bronze blind boxes ranges from high to low, but most of them are 100W, and the transaction fee is borne by the buyer.

This price is the same as Chu Feng’s own price for receiving blind boxes, so Chu Feng directly scans the goods at the trading center.

[This is a bronze blind box, which contains 1 spiritual attribute point! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing 100 evil spirits! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing 10 bad luck charms! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing a smart home security system! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing a Land Shield close-in defense gun! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing 20 million Chinese coins! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing 1 lucky point! ]

[This is a bronze blind box containing an intelligent unmanned missile speedboat...]


When Chu Feng encountered the harmful bronze treasure chest, he simply ignored it.

When he encountered a bronze treasure chest that Chu Feng thought was worth more than 1 million, he took it directly.

Although there were many bronze treasure chests in the trading center, Chu Feng couldn't help but scan the goods like this.

In less than a morning, except for the harmful treasure chests, all the 100W bronze treasure chests were basically wiped out by Chu Feng.

As for the bronze treasure chest with a price tag of more than 1 million, if it is of high value, Chu Feng will take it. If it is of average value, Chu Feng will not touch it. He will not raise the price himself!

Chu Feng, on the other hand, gained a lot after opening hundreds of bronze treasure chests.

From skills, attribute points, props, to heavy weapons, intelligent systems, and advanced equipment, everything is available.

The first is the smart home security system. Once it is turned on, it will be automatically installed in the manor according to Chu Feng's ideas.

This set of equipment has thousands of sensors, hundreds of smart cameras, and dozens of audio and video output devices installed throughout Mingyue Island, and is ultimately linked to the smart center located inside the villa.

Any disturbance on Mingyue Island cannot escape this smart home security system. Chu Feng can have an overview of the entire island at home and feels full of security.

Secondly, there are four land shield close-in defense guns. This close-in defense gun is the land version of the warship close-in defense gun. It has a maximum rate of fire of 11,000 rounds per minute, a caliber of 30 mm, and can intercept missiles.

Chu Feng fired four land shield close-in defense cannons, one each in the southeast and northwest, giving him a full sense of security!

Third, there is the intelligent unmanned missile speedboat. This speedboat is 20 meters long and is equipped with a single-barrel naval gun, 12 vertical anti-ship missiles, and 24 anti-ship torpedoes. It feels like a mobile maritime turret.

The key is that this intelligent unmanned missile speedboat can be driven by Chu Feng himself or remotely controlled at home. It can also set combat missions and let it execute itself. It is a perfect black technology!

Finally, Chu Feng linked four land shield close-in defense guns and unmanned missile boats to the intelligent Anju security system. Chu Feng could realize voice control, which was very simple.

Of course, whether it is security systems, close-in defense guns, or missile boats, they are all external equipment.

What Chu Feng values ​​most is the improvement of his own strength.

Just imagine, if you can use magical skills such as "Invincible Golden Body" and "Undying and Indestructible", or you can use defensive Divine Weapons such as "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda" and "Pangu Banner", you will not be afraid of any zombies. Beast and weird.

But for now, it is impossible to unlock magical skills from the bronze treasure chest, and the strongest defensive skill is the iron cloth shirt.

[Iron Cloth Shirt (C Level): Refined to the Great Accomplishment, strong energy to protect the body, no drowning in water, no burning in fire, endless breathing, no hunger without food, Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers. ]

Chu Feng also tried the effect of the Iron Clothes Shirt, and he was able to hold on for at least 30 minutes without drowning.

At least Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers, although Chu Feng has not tried it, he can feel that ordinary kitchen knives and pistols should be able to withstand it without losing blood.

Then, there are attribute points such as strength, physique, agility, and spirit. The more these attribute points are added, the stronger Chu Feng's personal strength will be.

Today, 1 lucky point was awarded. In this way, would he be a little luckier than ordinary people?

After digesting the loot from the blind box, Chu Feng was about to lie down on the sofa to rest when the phone rang, and it was actually Ye Zhixue calling.

Ye Zhixue has many titles, including the daughter of a wealthy family, the number one school beauty, fairy-like appearance, legs longer than life, pure lust for waist and semen, aloof goddess...

But here in Chu Feng, there is another title, that is... childhood sweetheart.

Ye Zhixue's grandmother and the Chu Feng family were neighbors. Ye Zhixue lived in her grandmother's house since she was a child. The two played together until they graduated from junior high school. Ye Zhixue was taken back to the main house of the Ye family by her parents.

Chu Feng didn't know Ye Zhixue's family background at that time, but he only knew that her family was extraordinary.

It wasn't until college that the two of them accidentally met each other at the University of Magic City and added their contact information. Chu Feng didn't know that she turned out to be the daughter of the Ye family, one of the four major families in Magic City.

She grew up in her grandmother's house because her father refused to obey the family's arrangements and insisted on staying with her mother, so she was marginalized by the family.

Her parents worked hard outside for more than ten years. With their own efforts, they re-entered the family's core circle and brought her back to the Ye family's main house.

Although Chu Feng didn't understand the grudges between wealthy families, he could somewhat understand her after experiencing an incident in which his relatives and friends almost drained his family wealth.

Understanding is understanding, but Chu Feng felt that the gap between himself and Ye Zhixue was huge, so he subconsciously kept a distance from him, especially after falling in love with Song Yanyan, the two had less contact.

Unexpectedly, Ye Zhixue actually called him at this moment!

I remember the last contact was half a month ago!

Chu Feng quickly picked up the phone. Before he could speak, the other party spoke first.

"What's going on with you? It's broad daylight, why did it take you so long to answer the phone?"

"Uh... I was sleeping just now..."

"It's almost noon and you're still sleeping? You're a pig!" Ye Zhixue said angrily: "There are rumors about you everywhere now, but you still sleep peacefully! You're not afraid of being remembered. !”

"Rumors?" Chu Feng was a little confused: "I really don't know about this. What's going on?"


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