Faced with the terrifying trial creatures in the fourth level, the rest of the contestants could no longer hold on, and they ended their hard work and took the initiative to quit.

At this time, there were only four players left who were still in the trial.

Lin Mo.


Nguyen Thu.


The huge light curtain was neatly divided into four parts, and the picture of each contestant's trial was presented to everyone very clearly.


World of Monsters.

The demon python controlled by Jiang Huai was defeated after all.

Although the bloodline of the dragon in the body has been blessed, its strength has been increased to the third order of silver.

But in the face of ten Silver Second-Order and five Silver Third-Order Trial Creatures, after all, the difference was more than a little bit worse.

At this time, the demon python was covered with terrible injuries, and it was entrenched on the ground and wheezing violently, and it had already exhausted itself to the extreme.

"I'm quitting!"

JAC chose to end the trial without hesitation!

He persevered in the fourth level trial for nearly five minutes, and during this time, the demon python even killed three silver second-order nightmare bats and severely damaged two silver third-order nightmare bats!

Such a record is already a strong one!

In JAC's expectations, among the contestants this time, I am afraid that no one can do better than himself!

The first place in the fourth level trial must be your own!


Exiting the boundless sea, Jiang Huai's figure slowly condensed out on the battle platform.

A reserved smile appeared on his handsome face, ready to meet the cheers and applause of the crowd—

Such an outstanding performance is enough to win a full house of applause, right?

But the truth is not what Jianghuai imagined.

Not only did there be no cheers and applause at the scene, but everyone in the seats didn't even look at themselves!


A bad premonition suddenly rose in Jiang Huai's heart!

He subconsciously raised his head and looked at the light curtain above his head!

When he saw the picture on the light curtain, Jiang Huai's heart instantly sank...

Three people...

In the current trial, there are still three people!!

My own ranking in the fourth level is not the first, but... Fourth!!

Jiang Huai only felt that his eyes were black, this was not at all different from the script he had thought out in advance...

In my own imagination, I should have cleared all the trial levels with the first place!

Then, in the actual battle after that, defeat all opponents and win the ticket to the final 323 match!

But now... I was dumped by someone else in the fourth level?

The fourth level is the most difficult level, and it also accounts for the highest proportion of weight in the score!

Even if you win the first place in the first three levels, I'm afraid it will affect your final ranking!

Jiang Huai looked at the light curtain, and in the trial screen of everyone, he saw Ruan Qiu, saw Wukong, and saw... A guy who has never been seen before.

At the bottom of the screen of this player's trial, his results in the trial are recorded very clearly-

[Thirteenth player: Lin Mo!]

[First Wave of Trials: First!]

[Second Trial: First!]

[Third Wave of Trials: First!]

[Fourth Wave of Trials: First!]

The first place in the four levels, none of them is themselves...

It's all this guy named Lin Mo!!

JAC suddenly felt a little spinning!

1st place... It's not Ruan Qiu and Wukong, who are also favorites to win the championship, but a guy whose name he hasn't even heard of!

This Lin Mo... Who the hell?!

How could he... So terrifying?!

Jiang Huai returned to his seat and sat down, and the principal on the side looked at Jiang Huai with a worried face.

Jiang Huai tried hard to calm himself down, he clenched his fists and said:

"Headmaster, I'm fine!"

"Although I didn't win the first place in the trial this time, there is still the next match!"

"As long as I can kill all these guys in the battle match, the top champion of the southern Hebei province will still be mine!"

The principal wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he just patted Jiang Huai on the shoulder, sighed, and said nothing.

If he could take a closer look at the clearance information, he would be able to know how terrifying and rebellious Lin Mo's record was!

It takes you longer to beat one level than all four levels combined!

Dozens of times longer!

This...... How to fight!

The truth is too cruel, and the headmaster doesn't want to hit this proud protégé anymore!


Bright World.

After a terrible killing, Ruan Qiu finally chose to terminate the trial.

Although the Dark Colossus is powerful, it still has no chance to defeat in the face of such a terrifying trial creature.

In this battle, the Dark Colossus killed several white (CBBB) silver second-order nightmare bats, and tried his best to kill one silver third-order nightmare bat!

Although he was seriously injured because of this, this kind of record is the ultimate he can do at the moment!

I'm afraid it's also the ultimate that all the contestants who participated in this competition can do!

As long as you can beat other players in the subsequent battles, you will definitely not be able to run the place in the finals!

Thinking of this, Ruan Qiu was relieved!

"The next step is to seize the time to recover from the Dark Colossus's injuries in order to show the best form in the battle!"

Ruan Qiu muttered to himself as he withdrew from the Boundless Sea and appeared in the venue.

But strangely, no one in the stadium seemed to notice his presence.

Everyone except the headmaster was still staring at the light curtain above their heads!

The principal not far away also showed an ugly smile at himself at the moment he looked over!

A shocking thought exploded in my mind!

JAC... Could it be that JAC is still in the trial?!

As the existence closest to his own strength among the players this time, almost immediately, Ruan Qiu thought of this fierce rival!

And now, seeing that even the principal is behaving like this, Ruan Qiu is almost certain that Jianghuai is still in the trial!

"With such strength... I deserve to be regarded as the strongest opponent!"

Ruan Qiu clenched his fists, took a deep breath, and looked at the light curtain above his head!


What about JAC?

How is there no JAC?

Is it the Wukong of Haizhou City?

I didn't expect him to be able to hold on until now!

I'm underestimating him!


In addition to Wukong, there is actually another person?

Number thirteen, Lin Mo?

This Lin Mo... And who?

Ruan Qiu frowned and thought about it, and then inadvertently, he saw the trial results under Lin Mo's screen-

[Thirteenth player: Lin Mo!]

[First Wave of Trials: First!]

[Second Trial: First!]

[Third Wave of Trials: First!]

[Fourth Wave of Trials: First!]




Or first!

The unbelievable rankings one after another dazzled Ruan Qiu's eyes!

Ruan Qiu instantly froze in place!

She looked at the series of firsts, and inexplicably gave birth to a dream-like unreality!

Lin Mo... This guy who has never even heard of it himself actually won the first place in all four trial levels?!

What the hell... Is it true?!

The first place is not himself as the three favorites to win the championship, not Jianghuai, not Wukong!

Rather, an obscure ... Lin Mo!

This guy... Where did it come from?!

Ruan Qiu's eyes widened blankly, she thought that she had been shocked to the extreme! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

But in the next second, she saw something even more sluggish!

[Thirteenth player: Lin Mo!]

[First level clearance time: 0.53 seconds...]

[Second level clearance time: 0.87 seconds...]

[The third level clearance time: 0.01 seconds...]

[The fourth level clearance time: 0.01 seconds...]


Those digits that were accurate to several decimal places made Ruan Qiu suddenly feel dizzy!

How many tenths of a second do you clear the level?!

If it's the first two levels, it's just that, after all, it's just a bronze-level trial creature, and you can barely do it yourself!


0.01 seconds in the third and fourth levels, what the hell is that!

Especially the fourth level!

The fourth level that makes you helpless, the fourth level with hellish difficulty!

It was actually passed by this guy in 0.01 seconds?!

Is there something wrong with the Trials system?

Or is there something wrong with your eyes?

Or rather... The nightmare bat in the fourth level has a powerful hallucinogenic ability, so now he is actually in a hallucination?

Although it is a bit outrageous, no matter which explanation it is, it is 10,000 times more credible than what I see at this moment...

Ruan Qiu's face was full of sluggishness, and he thought with difficulty.



Soon after Jiang Huai and Ruan Qiu withdrew from the Boundless Sea, Wukong's gold-devouring giant rat was finally defeated.

In this battle, two of the four Silver Third-Order Gold Devouring Giant Rat Kings died, and the rest of the Gold Devouring Giant Rats also lost a full half!

Although the price paid was extremely painful, the results of this battle were also extremely brilliant!

Of the five Silver Third-Order Nightmare Bats, two of them were ruthlessly devoured by the Gold Devouring Giant Rats and died completely!

And the ten Silver Second-Order Nightmare Bats were even more than a third dead!

At this point, there are only six left!

And without exception, all of them have suffered injuries large and small!

Although this is not yet his limit, Wukong has no intention of continuing the trial.

Unlike the creatures in the world of other players, his own gold-devouring giant rat has always been extremely tragic in the battle, exchanging lives for lives!

The other contestants' creatures were able to recover quickly after being injured, while the Gold Devouring Rat died... That's really dead!

Even if it is re-conceived, it will take a lot of time!

After that, there is still a battle between the players, and if the Gold Devouring Giant Rat is wiped out, then even if you perform well in the trial, you will not be able to win the championship!

Therefore, it is necessary to preserve the living power of the Gold Devouring Giant!

And even if all the Gold Devouring Rats are killed, this fourth level will still not be easy to pass!

What's more important is that the current Wukong is extremely certain!


As well as affirmation——!

Among the rest of the players, there will definitely be no one who can do it better than himself!

Everything you showed in the fourth level is enough for all the players to do their best, but they can't reach the extreme!

The first of this fourth level trial must be your own!

Although his performance in the trials of the first few levels is not outstanding!

But in Trials, the more difficult the level, the higher the points you can get, and your performance in the fourth level is so amazing that it makes up for all the previous disadvantages!

The first place in the standings this time... Definitely yourself!

It won't be anyone else!

What Jianghuai, Ruan Qiu!

It's all going to have to be a little bit later!

Thinking like this, Wukong confidently withdrew from the Boundless Sea and returned to the real world.

Everyone in the stadium looked at Wukong on the platform, and their expressions were full of regret.

"This little guy is not only powerful, but also far beyond ordinary people..."

"If there is no Lin Mo, this time he is afraid that he will overwhelm everyone and win the first place!"

"But, it's a pity..."

"Yes, four silver third-order gold-devouring giant rat kings, this is already the unique combat power ceiling among all the players!"

"It's a pity that there was that monster-like guy..."

The voices of everyone's regretful discussions came faintly, and Wukong suddenly felt a little stiff in his body.

An incredible thought came to his mind!

Don't...... Ruan Qiu and Jiang Huai are still in the trial?

No, the two of them are clearly in the seats at this time!

And what they just said about Lin Mo... Who is it?!

Wu Kong's face was full of doubts, and he looked up suddenly-

Above the venue, the light curtain that was hundreds of meters in size no longer separated at this time, and there was only one person in the picture!

That person Wu Kong had taken a look at the battle platform before, and he didn't know it!

But the moment he saw that picture, Wukong suddenly froze as if he was frozen!

Immediately after, he began to tremble wildly uncontrollably!

It's like seeing some terrifying picture beyond imagination and cognition, and utter horror crawled up Wukong's face and climbed up every corner of him from head to toe!

Because of him...... I saw some very familiar images!

These days, those images appear in front of his eyes and dreams from time to time, like a ghost like a tarsal bone, entrenched in his mind, and he cannot forget it by all means!

A desolate and dilapidated barren realm...

Hideous, suffocating dark cracks...

The gold-eating giant rat that has been wiped out by the whole army...

and that defeated, desperate world battle...

He thought he would never see that horrible scene again, and he was deeply overjoyed by it...

But at this moment, everything that seemed like a nightmare appeared in front of him again...

It turns out that guy...

It's called Lin Mo...

Wu Kong thought in a daze, and a miserable smile appeared on his face.

He staggered off the battle platform, but a few steps after he walked out, he sat on the ground, his eyes were dark, and he fainted!


"A player fainted!"

"Looks like it's stimulated!"

"This little one... Alas!"

"If it were me, I guess it wouldn't be much better!"

"Lin Mo... Lin Mo from Lanjiang City, participating in the battle with him is really too easy to make people despair..."

"Who's to say it isn't..."

"Although for these little ones, it can indeed be called despair!"

"But Lin Mo's existence is undoubtedly a blessing for our entire southern Hebei province!"

"Great luck!"


Everyone is gossiping and talking!


PS: Cthulhutu.

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