Inside the forbidden area.

Bai Yuekui looked at the red dragon cub with tears in front of him, stretched out his hand, and stroked it on the top of its head.

Then, Bai Yuekui picked up Luo Xiaohei, who was lying a little weak on the ground, and sat on the back of the red dragon.

Although the current red dragon is still just a baby, the innate ability has taught it how to fly.

Sitting on the back of the baby red dragon, Bai Yuekui asked while stroking Luo Xiaohei:

"Since the whole body is a red dragon, and it is also called a red dragon, how about calling it Xiaohong?"

Hearing such a casual way of naming herself, Luo Xiaohei suddenly remembered that when she first met Xiaobai, it seemed that she also gave herself a name Xiaohei.

It is.... It seems that Xiaobai also complained to his mother at that time, "Could it be that my name is also given by you casually..."

Luo Xiaohei, who was lying on Bai Yuekui's lap, replied weakly, "Meow... (Yes...) When

he sensed something was wrong before, he teleported away with Bai Yuekui.

But he never expected that the demon power did not recover completely, and he only teleported tens of meters with Bai Yuekui, and the demon power was not enough to continue to support the teleportation.

But fortunately, a gust of wind came from nowhere, taking them farther away, along with the red dragon cub and a tube of potion with a detailed usage tutorial.

I don't know how long it took.

Bai Yuekui, led by the red dragon, gradually appeared Rowan's shadow in her sight, and at the same time she also found Zhongli and Wendy.

It's really not that she paid too much attention to Rowan, so that the first thing she saw was him, but that the dazzling gold armor Rowan was wearing was too shining.

Even from a distance, you can clearly see the dazzling light emanating from that armor.

When she was about to land, Bai Yuekui was still looking for her, and the sunglasses that Wendy gave her before were still on her.

Wearing sunglasses, Bai Yuekui suddenly felt much better in his eyes, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously evoked a smile.

This scene was seen by everyone in the live broadcast room, and suddenly let out a wolf howl.

【Whoosh!】 The wife is so handsome!! 】

【Sister Kui wears sunglasses, sassy and cold, it's a pity, she will kick the quilt at night. 【

Ahhh... When I finally saw my wife, I was satisfied enough to join the army. 【

Hey?! You think you're going? The old lady also goes! It's a pity that I can't watch my husband's news in real time. Just

now, when the residents of the Dragon Kingdom learned on the Internet that other countries wanted to reach out and plunder the resources in the northern area of the Lost Island, they were furious in an instant!

Men and women, young and old, countless people immediately rushed to the nearest registration point for joining the army, for no other reason than not wanting the resources that their players had worked hard to gain to be taken by others.

For a time, there were long queues at registration offices for joining the army throughout the country.

Even the people who conducted the audit were confused.

There are too many of these people, right?!

In the end, it was the country that was quickly discussed in an emergency meeting before it was decided.

Those who have children to support in the family are not allowed to join the army.

Those who are the only children in the family are not allowed to join the army, and if they have brothers and sisters, they are not allowed to join the army.

There are elderly people in the family who need to be taken care of, they are not allowed to join the army, etc.

As soon as many regulations came out, more than half of the people were directly passed.

After all, this year, who has no children to raise, and who has no elderly parents to accompany.

But.... This does not stop their passion!

Good! Since we are not allowed to join the army, then we will go ourselves!

Without guns and cannons, then we will plunder in the fight with the enemy!

Without bullets and resources, then we are self-sufficient and will have to drive them out of the country!

And at this time.

Longguo, Chiping Township, in a mud house with a history of decades.

The old man sitting on the hot kang looked at his son, who was looking at his phone with full attention, raised his hand to say something, but put it down again.

The pipe in the old man's mouth smoked and smoked, even if the white smoke that was spit out covered his face, he did not care at all.

"Dad, I want to join the army."

Suddenly, the man put down the mobile phone and turned his head to look at the old man with excitement on his face.

Seeing this, the old man thought of the voice coming out of his son's mobile phone just now, and immediately guessed thoroughly.

Then he spat out a puff of smoke, and with his pipe in his left hand, he knocked it over the man's head.

"What kind of ginseng, as far as your virtue is concerned, it is also to cause chaos to people when you go, it is better to plant those three acres of land well, and you will not die of hunger."

The man couldn't dodge, was knocked by the pipe, and shouted in pain on the spot: "Dad! Wrong! I was wrong! Can't I not participate in it! Seeing

that his dream of being a soldier was pierced by his father's two words, the man covered his head with a face full of loss to avoid the pipe that continued to knock.

When the old man saw that the man was so lost, he did not continue to knock him, but took back his pipe and put it in his mouth, then took out a bag of seeds from the cabinet next to him, weighed it twice in his hand, and taught the man a lesson while spitting out the cigarette.

"If everyone thinks like you, because of what kind of blood, run to join the army to deal with foreign enemies, then who will be in charge of logistics?"

"You don't need food to fight? Don't need food to live? What's more, there is a shortage of food now, which is still fortunate that we are a big food country, so we are not like the hungry people on the cherry blossom side.

"If you go to war and fight with people without eating, how can you beat people."

Although the old man's words are rough, they all stand on the ground.

If only everyone ran to join the army because of their passion.

Then it will only fall to one end.

Food is not enough for soldiers to consume normally.

Before entering the battlefield, the food was exhausted, and even more soldiers would not help.

After listening to his father's reasoning, the loss on the man's face gradually recovered.

Also, with his own little ability, even if he goes to the battlefield, he will send him to death, and he may even affect others.

"But Dad, with our family's little land, even if we plant seeds, we won't be able to harvest much when they are ripe." The man asked the doubts in his heart, and his heart to contribute to the country was still undiminished.

When the old man heard this, he grinned, like a child who stole candy, and opened the bag in his hand like a treasure: "Laozi has lived longer than you, and of course he knows more people."

"Look what this is."

The old man took a seed from the bag and shook it in front of the man's eyes.

The man scratched his head in bewilderment, confused, "Isn't this just a seed, Daddy."

"Hey, I didn't know it was a seed yet." The old man patted the top of the man's head, and then stopped hiccupping, with a proud tone, but his voice was lowered a lot, as if he was secretly showing off: "This is the latest seed test product cultivated in our country, it is said that one acre of land, the yield can reach 1000 kg!" The

old man raised a finger, watched his eyes gradually change from shock to disbelief, and handed over the bag of seeds without saying a word.

When the man took the seed, the old man took the pipe in his mouth, spit out a puff of white smoke into the ceiling, and then patted the man's shoulder and made a joke:

"According to your words, this is called secretly shooting don't, hahaha."

The old man laughed happily.

The man also looked at the seed he was holding in his hands, revealing his previous excitement again.


At this time, inside the forbidden land.

After Xiaohong saw Rowan again, she immediately recalled the previous time when his men were dying, and the picture of being rescued by him later.

Under the contradiction between the two, Xiaohong finally chose the latter, flew down, and took the initiative to approach Rowan.

After Xiaohong landed, Bai Yuekui looked at the forest that had caused great damage around him, as well as a large area of land that turned black and purple, although he didn't know what happened just now, he could guess a rough idea.

After all, her memory only stayed when the gravel fell, Zhongli Wendy came over, and even the follow-up demon dragon attack was only learned in Luo Xiaohei's mouth.

Before Bai Yuekui could think about it, he felt a gust of wind passing by his ears, followed by a platinum-gold treasure chest dragged by the wind.

Looking at the treasure chest in front of him, Bai Yuekui asked suspiciously, "Why did you give me the opportunity to open the treasure chest?" Shouldn't this be the reward Rowan gets?

"And..." When

the Forbidden Land broadcast that Rowan had killed the Abyss Demon Dragon, she had woken up, knowing that this platinum treasure chest should be Rowan's, and also knew that she could survive thanks to the cell recovery potion in his hand.

Therefore, she already owes Rowan a life, why give her the opportunity to open the treasure chest?

Moreover, most of the items obtained in the treasure chest are based on the person who opened the treasure chest, and most of them are props that can improve the strength of the person who opened the treasure chest.

Rowan, for example, when he opened the Silver Chest, he was given an armor that resisted the temperature it emitted.

Wendy, too, opened the silver chest and got the Wind Crystal Nucleus that can restore strength.

Seeing Bai Yuekui's doubts, Wendy smiled and pointed to Rowan, who was standing in the open space holding a red treasure chest with a dragon pattern, and said: "

This treasure chest was given to me by him, moreover, I didn't open the treasure chest you want to open before~ So, take this to compensate."

The words fell, and Rowan's magnetic voice also came out.

"The items in the treasure chest can't be improved at all for me who are too strong, not to mention, your strength is too weak to even withstand my slightness, and it is normal for him to give you the treasure chest."

Looking at both of them saying this, Bai Yuekui swallowed back the words he wanted to say, but still pushed the treasure chest out, and also took out the contract scroll from his arms.

"Having said that, hasn't your strength still not recovered?"

"In addition, this is Xiaohong's contract scroll, when I woke up, I found that Xiaohong was confronting Xiao Hei for a while, so I had to make a contract privately, which prevented Xiaohong from falling into violence."

However, Rowan didn't pay attention to Bai Yuekui, but went straight to Xiaohong and patted its dragon head.

And Xiaohong also cooperated and leaned down and let Rowan touch.

"Eh, the strength will gradually recover, now the most important thing is to improve your strength first~"

Because the strength has not fully recovered, and Wendy, who has a legitimate reason to touch the fish, pushed the treasure chest back again, and said the reason why Bai Yuekui could not refuse.

"You don't want to be too weak because your strength is too weak, so that when we face a strong enemy, we have to be distracted to protect you~

" "Although

I know that this is for my good, why does it sound so heartfelt....

Bai Yuekui rubbed his brows, did not refuse again, and put the platinum treasure chest in front of him.

As for the contract scrolls....

Bai Yuekui glanced at Xiao Hong, who had turned into a licking dragon next to him, and felt that the contract scroll seemed to have or not.

Turning around, he looked at the treasure chest flashing with silver light in front of him, and slowly squatted down.

But before she starts, she has one more thing to do.

A necessary rule to boost your luck!

"Hehe, Xiaohei, you don't want me to open all the useless props..."

Luo Xiaohei (frightened): "Meow! (Don't come here!) )"


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