In the middle of the night

, although everyone is in the realm of the god of wisdom, it is relatively safe.

But in the face of unknown places where danger appears from time to time, vigils have become the norm.

And the Rowan Five were divided almost without even controversy.

Rowan and Bai Yuekui are in a group, and Wendy and Zhongli are in a group.

As for Luo Xiaohei....

Children should sleep more and stay up all night.


night, the moon in the sky is also covered by clouds, which makes the already quiet night even more bleak.

And the only light left is the bonfire in front of him.

Bai Yuekui looked at the bonfire and suddenly said:

"Actually, I should have said that thank you

during the day, but..." Bai Yuekui recalled the various experiences during the day, which made her never find the opportunity to thank her.

What's more, with Rowan's drastic personality change during the day, it is simply unapproachable....

Although Bai Yuekui's words were not finished, Rowan guessed that it was because of his arrogant personality during the day.

"Boss Bai doesn't mind so much, aren't we companions."

"What's more, what you say during the day, I will most likely ignore it directly, or arrogantly refuse."

As he spoke, Rowan saw that the flame of the campfire had become a little smaller, so he took out a red stone from his side and threw it into the campfire.

In the next second, the red stone burned rapidly like fuel.

Immediately afterwards, the bonfire was restored to its original Gaolong fire.

The light emitted by the flames shone on the faces of Rowan and Bai Yuekui, reflecting their faces in an orange-red color.


, it's time for a shift change.

Wendy, who had a blush on her face, held the only remaining cider and said to Rowan and the two:

"Boss Bai, Brother Sun, we are here to take over~"

After speaking, Wendy burped, and a strong apple smell wafted out of his mouth.

Hearing this, Rowan stood up and patted the dust on his body, and then snorted.

He was indeed a little sleepy, after all, he was still just an ordinary human body.

"Trouble for you, Wendy and Mr. Zhongli."

And Bai Yuekui also stood up and said to Zhongli and Wendy, "Trouble you." Although

she had already adapted to this situation of staying up late, she was still in good shape tonight so that she could deal with the abyss tomorrow.

After that, the two walked towards the stone cave on the side.

This cave was specially created by Canggu to give everyone a place to rest.

After watching Rowan and Bai Yuekui leave, Wendy put the cider in her hand on the ground.

At the same time, Zhongli also walked over unhurriedly.

"Old man, do you really want to take them with you when you say such a dangerous thing?"

Wendy straightened up, and the blush on her face from drinking had long been swept away, and there was still the slightest sign of drunkenness.

Zhongli looked at the flames, then turned his head and said slowly

, "If you don't tell them, they will definitely catch up with you and me."

"What's more, with your current strength, it is enough to protect them under the Abyss."

Zhongli opened his hand, and the rock element permeated his hand, and after a while, a small celestial star was formed.

"Eh, the old man is also right."

"Although this place has suppression, now, they seem to be unable to suppress my wind~"

As soon as Wendy's voice fell, a fresh breeze drifted through the valley.

If Sanhui Shen saw this scene, he would be greatly amazed.

After all, the wind inside the Zangyun Mountain Range has been suppressed by the rock element that permeates the air.

There is no way such a thing as a wind rising out of thin air.

Perhaps with the eternal wisdom of the Three Wise Gods, he will never be able to understand this matter.

Because the wind in this Hidden Cloud Mountain Range changed the moment Wendy arrived.


In the morning,

the bonfire placed in the cave to dispel the cold has been extinguished.

Bai Yuekui and Luo Xiaohei slowly woke up from their sleep.

However, it is not awakened naturally, but awakened by heat.

Luo Xiaohei, who was woken up by the heat, sat up sleepily and rubbed his eyes with those cute little fat hands.

Before he could open his eyes, he asked in a soft voice,

"Is it dawn?"

But no one answered him, or didn't need to answer.

After all, when Luo Xiaohei opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a cold-colored light, and Luo Wen, who turned into a strong man's whole body.

When the sun rose in the morning, Rowan turned into a strong man because of the sun's magic.

At the same time, the clothes he was wearing on his body also became tense, as if they were going to be stretched by his muscles in the next second.

Although I don't know what material the clothes are made of, they can resist the temperature he emits (although the temperature emitted in the early morning is not high. But

now I still need to find armor and put it on.

It is to prevent the sun from continuing to rise, and the clothes on the body explode.

It is also to allow the armor to absorb the heat it emits, so that it can turn on that ability when the time comes.

The ability that evolved after fusing the Flame Spirit.

An ability that even he himself was surprised by.

After Rowan left the cave, Bai Yuekui sat up and stretched, then put the high heels that he had placed beside him back on.

It's a pity that when everyone slept last night, the perspective of the forbidden live broadcast was completely closed.

Until this morning, it was only in the open space outside the cave.

Bai Yuekui's beautiful feet were not seen by anyone.

And the only Luo Xiaohei who saw such a scenery was still a teenager, so simple that he would stare at the barbecue and drool.

Putting on his shoes, Bai Yuekui stood up and picked up the fox collar coat and his original knife.

After experiencing the fusion of heat and fire quenching, the blade style is more similar to her original knife, but it also has some characteristics of autumn death.

After putting on his coat, Bai Yuekui walked out with steps, and by the way, he also picked up Luo Xiaohei, who had not woken up.

And then hold it in your arms.

At the same time

, Rowan also put on the golden armor, and the heat emanating from his body was instantly absorbed and stored by the armor.

Zhongli and Wendy were also ready, standing in the clearing waiting for everyone to arrive.


it's time to fight the abyss.


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