
Hearing Rowan's arrogant words, the abyss snorted coldly, and dark energy permeated from his left hand.

Then Abyss clenched his left fist and swung forward.

The earth instantly cracked, and sharp dark purple thorns appeared all the way, striking towards Rowan's location.


Rowan jumped high, dodging the spikes rising from the ground, and then pushed the sun he was holding in his hand forward.

"Don't come up and die."

"The sun without mercy."

After the sun was pushed out, it quickly smashed into the body of the abyss, smashing him into the ground.

The fiery magic contained in it directly made the abyss unable to control the darkness around it.

It's hard to even get out of the way.


Abyss put his hands on the sun released by Rowan, and then opened his mouth and bit directly on the sun.


, goo..." With the sound of swallowing, the sun that fell on the abyss continued to shrink, and gradually was completely eaten by him.


After devouring Rowan's attack, Abyss stood up and wiped his lower lip.

"Thank you for your hospitality."

And all this was silently watched by Rowan.

But Rowan hugged his arms, showed pity, and quietly looked at the abyss.

As if he didn't care about the matter of the abyss devouring his attack.

Next second.

The abyss was about to condense the darkness again, but suddenly felt a flame rising in his body.

This was followed by a strong burning sensation.

The burning sensation that seemed to burn everything made him feel the pain he had lost for a long time.


Abyss covered his stomach and spat out a cloud of black slime.

When the slime fell to the ground, it instantly burned and was completely surrounded by flames.

At the same time, there was a crackling explosion.

Abyss fell to his knees, his black pearl-like eyes full of disbelief.

What's going on?!

Darkness can't assimilate this force!

Could it be....

This human does not use the fire element?!

The constant burning and pain in the body made the abyss have no time to think about it.

This body can no longer be used, so I can only give it up.

Abyss forcibly endured the burning sensation and stood up from the ground with his knees.

Then looked at Rowan indifferently, as if to determine that Rowan was already a dead man.

At the same time, the seven secrets of the abyss also constantly had darkness flowing out of it and condensing into a pure black figure in the air.

As the darkness separated from the body, the body of the abyss became more and more shriveled, and gradually turned into the appearance of skin and bones.

Just when the darkness was completely out of the way, the remaining body was quickly ignited by the magic power that had been devoured before!

The flames burst up to two meters high!

The body that had been in the abyss burned out in flames.

"Ahhhh... I still liked that body. The

pure black abyss shook its hand in the air, slightly dissatisfied.

But after he finished speaking, he suddenly changed his voice, looked at the sky with his teeth dancing, and his tone became crazy.

"After all, that's their former leader!"

At the beginning, when he was deprived of his identity by the Genesis family.

Those hypocritical gods actually wanted to kill him.

Later, not only did he not die, but he also succeeded in devouring the leader of the Genesis clan!

And His body has been occupied by Himself for thousands of years.

Abyss looked at Rowan's pitying gaze and gradually withdrew the crazy smile on his face.

Then the right hand pointed upwards, and a black flame ignited from the fingertip in an instant.

"Any idea why I'm called Abyss?"

The abyss looked at Rowan indifferently, did not wait for Rowan to speak, and said in a flat voice:

"Because I can use all the power that has been swallowed by darkness."

"And get stronger!"


As soon as the words sounded, the flames on the fingertips of the abyss quickly turned into a huge fireball.

"Try the taste of being devoured by your own attack."

Abyss swung his right hand downward, and a huge fireball struck towards Rowan with his movements.

In the blink of an eye!

The pitch-black fireball flew in front of Rowan.


, before the fireball could hit Rowan, a crack suddenly emerged from the fireball.


"You say, such a weak attack is my strength?"

The fireball was split from it, revealing Rowan's figure in the crack.

I saw Rowan with a lazy face illuminated by the firelight, carrying the divine axe Rhitta on his shoulder, looking arrogantly into the abyss like watching an ant.

Huge fireballs that had been split flew towards both sides.

Only listening to the "boom", the fireball smashed on the ground, and dirt and stones flew out wantonly within the explosion.

Pitch-black Mars also burst out in the smoke.

Seeing that the fireball was broken so easily, Abyss covered his face and grinned madly

, "Hahaha, you are really..."

Suddenly, Abyss spoke, and the whole person disappeared in mid-air.

"I can surprise me every time."

In a flash!

The dark clouds in the sky changed, and thunder fell violently, smashing on the ground.


Where the thunder fell, rubble mixed with dirt splashed wantonly, and the earth became scorched black.


Suddenly, the abyss appeared in front of Rowan, holding a pitch-black long knife in his left hand.

There is also an arc of electricity popping out above the blade.


The long knife slashed at Rowan's body, but it was blocked by the armor, and Rowan's battle axe also chopped down.


The tomahawk slashed through the body of the abyss, but the split abyss slowly dissipated like a phantom.

At the same time, the abyss appeared again, only this time it came behind Rowan.

At this time, the weapon in his hand was also changed from a long knife to a pitch-black spear.

The spear was pierced on the armor, and the position where it was stabbed was suddenly gradually petrified at a speed visible to the naked eye.

However, in the next second, the petrified armor suddenly emitted a dazzling light, and the petrification instantly shattered, revealing the original golden armor.

When the light flashed, the original damaged parts of the armor were completely restored.

Immediately afterwards, Rowan clenched his fist with his left hand and hit the abyss behind him.


Under this unstoppable punch, the abyss was knocked out like a ball.

But the abyss was still the same as before, the body gradually faded on the way upside down, and then disappeared again.

Then, the abyss appeared again, but this time it surrounded it from all directions.

Each of them holds a black weapon and exudes different elements.

In an instant, flames, thunder, wind waves, rocks, water waves...

Many elements were released together, and a violent explosion was created in an instant!


At the same time, the essence of the abyss also appeared in the sky.

Looking at the position where the smoke and dust were rising, the abyss propped his chin and exhaled a long breath.

Immediately afterwards, He crossed his hands over his chest, and the dark energy gradually gathered in front of Him.

He knew very well that the attack of that magnitude just now would not cause much harm to the human beings in front of him.

But he didn't expect it....



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