"Are you sure? Old man.

Bai Yuekui frowned and asked Zhongli again.

She really couldn't figure out when Rowan had left.

Or rather, why did Rowan leave.

Solve the trouble....

Does it refer to the monsters here, or the dangers hidden in this darkness.

Regarding Rowan's perception, she has always felt very powerful.

At dawn in the forbidden land, Rowan detected the danger hidden in the forest.

And now, in this area where five fingers are missing and the field of view is limited.

But he can still perceive the location of the danger, and he still solves it alone.

Seeing Zhongli nodding, Bai Yuekui immediately turned his head and asked

, "Xiao Hei, can you teleport us to Rowan's side?"

Hearing this, Luo Xiaohei opened his hand, and then shook his head.

"No, my power seems to be sealed."

Hearing this, Bai Yuekui touched his chin and carefully thought about countermeasures.

Regarding the seal that Luo Xiaohei said, she also felt it.

However, although the power of thunder in the body can no longer be used.

But the strength of the strengthened flesh remains.

"Is the seal only for elemental power?"

Bai Yuekui whispered, and then continued to think about countermeasures.

Since their power was sealed, then Rowan must have received this seal as well.

With physical strength alone, can he really defeat monsters hidden in the darkness?

**At the

same time.

Rowan after leaving the crowd.

Through perception, he walked in the darkness where this vision was confined to the front of him.

And in his hand, he no longer knows when he holds the divine axe Rhitta.

Suddenly, in this silent realm, the sound of the wind blowing sounded.

This was followed by the sound of quickly stepping on the ground.

"Oh, oh, oh, I actually took the initiative to send it to the door, I really have a heart."

As Rowan spoke, the divine axe Rashta in his hand was already swung by him.


The golden tomahawk cuts through the darkness, cutting off the swooping monsters.

Next second!

The scarlet liquid broke off the monster's body and melted into the ground, not knowing where it went.

Only the broken skeleton remained scattered in place.


Several monsters pounced again.

Although his vision was only one finger in front of him, Rowan was still able to see the incoming monster.


The tomahawks in his hands swung out one after another, and in the blink of an eye, three skeleton monsters wrapped in scarlet liquid fell on the spot.

At the same time, his steps did not pause at all, and he still moved forward so casually.

It seems that he does not take this group of monsters that are constantly coming in his eyes.

"It's obviously just a bunch of miscellaneous fish, but it's really foolish to want to attack me as the sun."

Rowan's eyes were full of pity, but the tomahawk in his hand was still swinging.

Kill all the monsters that come at your knees on the spot.

But in the gap where Rowan was swinging his tomahawk, a monster directly took advantage of this opportunity to rush towards him.

The large blood-red mouth that opened revealed the sharp bone fangs in it.

But at this moment,

a tree stump suddenly rose from the ground in front of him and flew directly out of the top of the monster.

From the perspective of arc and height, it is estimated that this stump has learned mathematics for two and a half years, and it is hard to use the parabola to the fullest.

After the tree stump appeared, sharp wooden thorns broke through the earth one after another, attacking towards the monster group.

The wooden thorn passed through the monster's body, directly destroying the core in their body, and the scarlet liquid was spilled on the spot.

Soon, the group of monsters that attacked this time all fell under the attack of the stake.

Seeing that all the monsters in the perception had disappeared, Rowan put the divine axe Rhitta on his shoulder and continued to walk forward.

However, the stake that suddenly appeared earlier was not happy.

I'll help you solve the danger and solve the trouble for you.

Left without even saying hello.

I don't want face!

"Ahem, this... The destined man, listen to the old man's advice, do not go any further. "

The stakes that had been half-buried in the soil suddenly uprooted and came out of the soil like a tree man.

Hearing this, Rowan stopped, and then turned his head to look at the stake beside him.

Seeing Rowan's appearance, Stake thought he was angry.

After all, in the perception of the stake, Rowan's body is constantly exuding a heat wave that can ignite him.

Just by looking at it like this, he felt like he was about to burn.

"That... I..." Under

this feeling of being about to burn, the stake suddenly forgot what he wanted to say.

But soon, he remembered.

"The destined man, the old man is Mu's younger brother Stake, and at the same time one of the bitter grandfathers."

"You should have seen the bitterness, she... Isn't it still very crying... After all, we suddenly disappeared..."

said the stake, buttoning his face a little embarrassed, only to snap a piece of bark.

Hearing this, Rowan didn't think much and answered the stake's question.

"Bitter? If you're talking about the crying bag that cries when you're okay.

"I think maybe so."

After that, Rowan stopped caring about the stake, turned around and continued to walk forward.

But the stake stopped him again.

"Oh, the destiny man, the old man really didn't mean to stop you, but the front is really too dangerous."

As if afraid that Rowan would not believe it, the stake continued:

"In the deepest part of the darkness, there is a large snake named Qianjia Snake, which is hundreds of meters long!"

"These monsters are formed by the slime on its body, and its strength is very terrifying."

"So, don't go any further."

"Qianjia snake?" After Rowan chanted, he ignored the stake and continued to walk towards the darkness.

"I hope its strength can be worth me to take seriously."

Seeing that Rowan insisted on walking, the outstretched hand of the stake paused in the air, and then lowered it again.

He knew that he could not persuade Rowan.

The stake sighed and sat down on the ground with a "poof".

Then towards the position in the direction where Rowan left, he sighed silently:

"Brother, you are right, we can't change our fate..." "It's

poor old flower, obviously what he wants to change the most is the fate of the bitter child..." "

However, since the old brother, you, and the old flower birch, they all chose so."

"Then I'll do my best, go and try it."

After that, the stakes reformed into stumps and drilled into the ground.

Although he knew that he had no way to change the fate predicted by the old flower.

But he still wanted to give it a try.

What if....



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