"It's gone, it's gone! Woo hoo, flower, grandpa hua, grandpa wood, he..."

Bitterly threw himself into Hua Meng's arms, crying silently.

At this time, the breath in her hand was only the orange-red breath that belonged to Rowan.

Hua Meng comforted her while patting her bitter back.

"Bitter good, old wood he... Just sleepy and want to sleep for a while.

"Otherwise, you can sleep for a while, maybe when you wake up, the old wood will come back..." Hua

Meng suppressed the grief in her heart and did not let tears pass through the corners of her eyes.

Looking up into the distance, the words that the wood told him in the past are still vividly remembered.

"Even if I die for me!"

"Anyway, my old bone has lived enough!"

"Alas..." Hua Meng sighed in her heart, and then continued to comfort the bitterness.

On the other hand, Wendy saw that she had experienced life and death at a young age, and her mood inevitably became sad.

"Today's wind, it seems a little, makes people want to wear more clothes."

Wendy raised her hand and felt the breeze blowing in his hand.

Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he looked up at the sky.

I saw that the sky covered by fog, I don't know when, a leaf slowly fell along the breeze.

But the breeze was obviously not enough to support the direction of the leaves, and the leaves gradually fell towards the ground.

But at this moment, the lonely leaf, as if pushed by a hand, fell on the bitter head.

Obviously it's just a leaf, a leaf that can be seen everywhere.

But bitterness felt the familiar warmth.

She felt Grandpa Mu's rough and dull hands.

It's just that once Grandpa Mu put his hand on his tree body and taught himself knowledge.

Now, Grandpa Mu put his hand on the top of his head, but he never saw him again.

The breeze is blowing again.

The leaves moved with the breeze, from the top of her head, and fell into the palm of her hand.

"Wood, Grandpa Mu..." Bitter

hands holding the leaves, his choked voice still trembling.

"Old wood..." Looking

at the leaves in her bitter hand, Hua Meng whispered the name of the wood, but smiled bitterly.

This time, you really preempted it....

I was asked to stay and deal with this mess with grief.

I don't know, is my remaining hours enough....


the other side.

After watching the wood leave, Rowan walked backwards and set out on the path to complete the agreement.

However, before leaving, he stopped his steps, turned his head and said

, "Oh, it is your greatest courage to dare to make a request to my sun."

With that, he continued walking towards the fog.

And behind Rowan, the broken body of the wood stood in the clearing, and the surrounding area was empty and lifeless.

But a beam of light with warmth passed through the clouds and fell on him.


"You say, can this power really kill them?"

Accepting the darkness of his heart and being assimilated, the Qianjia snake muttered indifferently.

"Hahaha, what can and what can't be?"

"You have to remember that the power of darkness is endless."

"Go, kill them, and then, take this world containing dragon luck into your hands!"

Qianjia Snake listened to his inner voice and gradually closed his eyes.

When he opened them again, only one emotion remained in his eyes.


Hatred filled his vacant heart.

Darkness also continued to permeate him.

Immediately afterwards, the black mist around him quickly spread, assimilating all the gray and white mist into black mist.

For a while, darkness descended.

The other side.

Zhongli, who closed his eyes and rested, suddenly sensed something, but still closed his eyes, and just said:

"Be careful, everyone."

This source of hatred malice, he could determine that it was a man who had repeatedly appeared in front of everyone before.

Although I don't know what the Qianjia snake has experienced.

But the power emanating from him was still familiar to Zhong Li.

Next second.

Zhongli opened his eyes, stretched out his left hand, and raised his hand to press down.


The voice sounded.

The Qianjia Snake, who suddenly appeared here, just leaned out to attack Zhong Li's hand, and was instantly suppressed by him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Li turned into a grip and took the Qianjia Snake's offensive backwards, causing his whole person to lean forward.

Then, Zhong Li let go of his hand, and his figure easily came to the side of Qianjia Snake like a ghost.

One palm falls!


Under this heavy blow, Qianjia Snake directly lay on the ground.

Zhongli, on the other hand, put his hand behind his back and quietly looked into the darkness.

The degree of casualness with which he launched the attack just now was as easy as walking to him.

After all, although the power in the body was sealed, the terrifying battle consciousness that had survived in the Demon God War was not something that a snake could challenge in vain.

But after the Qianjia Snake was knocked down, it turned into a black mist and dissipated out of thin air, merging with the surrounding darkness.

"Can you hide your figure?"

"Or in other words, these pervasive black fogs are all you."

When the words fell, Zhongli dodged sideways, dodging the sudden attack again.

At the same time, Wendy looked at the Qianjia snake with a fierce glare in front of her, spread her hands and said a little helplessly:

"Eh... I thought that with the old man here, I wouldn't have to do it.

After that, Wendy took out a bow out of nowhere, raised her hand and shot at the Qianjia snake in front of her.

"Swoosh--" The

arrow pierced through the air, made a sound of breaking the air, and ran straight towards the Qianjia Snake.

In the blink of an eye, the arrow passed through the body of the Qianjia Snake, and flew towards the black mist without losing its strength.

And the Qianjia snake in front of Wendy, just like before in Zhongli, turned into a black mist on the spot and merged with the surroundings.


Seeing this, Wendy suddenly discovered something, rolled her eyes, and made a sound of amazement.

"Are you actually studying?"

"What an interesting ability

~" After speaking, Wendy laughed wickedly, pulled the bowstring to the fullest, and said:

"I don't know, this, can you learn it~"

The words fell, and the cyan breeze continued to rush towards the wind soul in his hand.

Soon, it condensed into an arrow with wind and waves.


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