"Immortal Master Qin Yun and Hall Master Hu finally appeared!"

"Indeed, it’s great to be okay!"

"Fortunately, Immortal Master Qin Yun and Hall Master Hu walked quickly!"

"I really don’t want to watch that damn scene a second time!"

After Bingbing saw the live broadcast, everyone else in the live broadcast room also noticed that the scene between Qin Yun and Hu Tao was finally played.

Thinking of the strange scene just now, everyone in the Dragon Kingdom was still a little shocked.

However, when they saw Qing was surrounded by green light.

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom, like Bing Bing, suddenly came to their senses.

They all had cold sweat on their faces and looked at the green rock wall on the screen in horror.


"Is this damn ghost really lingering?!"

"That’s ridiculous!"

"I'm so torn apart!!"

"There are also turquoise rock walls here?!"

"Immortal Master Qin Yun and Hall Master Hu, run quickly!!"

"They seem to be absorbing special medicine? I guess it will take some time for the medicine to be absorbed, right?!"

"I probably won’t be able to leave for a while! ?"

"What to do! If you don't leave, the monsters will come!"

"Please calm down. This seems to be a stone room specially provided for rest in the forbidden area. There are stone doors in the front and back."

"Judging from the time, those ghosts may have arrived at Shimenkou."

"But he didn't come in, probably because he was blocked by the stone gate."

"Ask a question... I was wondering just now"

"Did the forbidden land system say that such a resting place would be provided within the forbidden land?"


"It seems...no?!!"

Everyone was talking and talking, and gradually discovered a blind spot!

The Forbidden Land never seemed to say that there was a safe place to rest in the Forbidden Land!

When the Forbidden Land system sent a message, it just asked them all to prepare.

Then select the players to go Play in forbidden areas

"Speaking of which, I saw a piece of news before... A player from a country seemed to have fallen into the swamp as soon as he appeared, and was directly cut into pieces by the forbidden creatures in the swamp!"

"……From this point of view, the so-called resting place is just our subconscious understanding that there is no danger around us?!"

"It should be that Immortal Master Qin Yun and Hall Master Hu were probably also confused."

"After all, except for the turquoise rock walls, there is nothing else in this stone chamber"

"There are also two stone gates blocking the road. It looks like a place for rest and transition."

"According to this, isn't this kind of resting place a trap set by the forbidden area?!"

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel a chill.

If this is true, you really need to be vigilant at all times in this forbidden area!

Otherwise, if you let down, you will be swallowed up by the forbidden area!

But after thinking about it, everyone couldn't help but recall that the second place in the forbidden area announcements

【There are many risks in forbidden areas for national sports, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will become obstacles to your adventure in forbidden areas. Please be careful when dealing with them. 】

This announcement has warned them a long time ago.

The forbidden area is unusual!!

Just when everyone was panicking.

Bingbing, who had been contacting the forbidden area attack team, also received the message.

Looking at the video screen on the phone.

Bingbing's face turned red at first.

But then his face gradually turned pale!

The scene in the video seems to be extremely shocking.

Collected my thoughts.

Then he hurriedly said to everyone in the Dragon Kingdom:

"The Forbidden Land Attack Team has sent a message!"

"Maple Leaf players also experienced a similar situation!!"

"Two players rested at a resting spot in a forbidden area"

"There are also turquoise rock walls near this resting point!"

"One player died while resting here!"

"In detail, I imported the image here, the scene... is too weird, please do not watch if you feel uncomfortable!"


Bingbing introduced the video into the live broadcast room.

Then he saw a strong man with brown hair wearing gold and silver, and a woman with blond hair and a hot body, resting in a place.

And this forbidden resting point It is very similar to the resting place of Qin Yun and Hu Tao!

Both have stone doors and green rock walls!

Everyone in the Dragon Kingdom live broadcast room learned that a similar situation happened to Qin Yun and Hu Tao.

They all looked at the screen nervously.

But Then his face looked a little weird.

Because, after the hot woman knocked down the brown-haired man, a series of mosaics and noises appeared in the middle of the video...

Although it has been processed, adults probably know what is happening at this moment......

Players from the Maple Leaf Country, live broadcast around the world...What are you doing?

And Bingbing just quickly watched a little bit and accelerated the video.

I saw the brown-haired man put on his clothes and took out an AK47 assault rifle and a small backpack from a large backpack. Backpack.

After getting ready, she gestured to the blond woman.

The blond woman winked and patted the man's backpack.

As if to indicate to the man to go out and let her take care of the luggage.

After the man left,

Maple Leaf The country's live broadcast screen was immediately split into two, broadcast simultaneously.

On one side, there was a scene of a brown-haired man breaking into a coffin array. On the other side, there was a scene of a blond woman taking out a blanket from her backpack and preparing to rest.

It all seemed pretty good. Normal.

However, just when the woman lay down to sleep, the live broadcast on the blonde woman's side was suddenly interrupted!

Only the main screen of the brown-haired man was left!

The brown-haired man stayed in the forbidden area for half an hour, but still could not find the breakthrough formation. method.

He had to go back to the stone door.

However, when the brown-haired man opened the stone door, he found that the stone room was completely dark!

When he turned on the searchlight in confusion, he saw...many people climbing strangely on the ground and walls.!!

The blond woman was also among them, doing the same weird movements!

And when the brown-haired man turned on the light, the blond woman seemed to be stimulated and suddenly tilted her head, twisting her head 180 degrees.

A pair of dark eyes. , looked at the brown-haired man bitterly!

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