National Destiny Shelter: Creating A Sci-Fi Paradise For China

12. Gather The Five Elements, Condense Light And Shadow, And Cast Armor! Yin-Yang Five Elements Ligh

The nanosuit created by Musk shocked the humans of Blue Star.

Compared with Cyber ​​Ark, the nano-suit with stable combat power recognized by Blue Star Will is obviously more impactful.

The creative rewards that Musk and Meiliguo have received also make many people envious.

The number of people online in Meimeiguo’s live broadcast room soared to nearly 8 billion in a short period of time.

Compliments flooded the comments section.

"Musk is definitely the light of mankind! He will bring hope to mankind!"

"A beacon in the darkness! Praise Him!"

"The nano-suit created by Musk is ten thousand times more powerful than other people's attack weapons. It will definitely be able to easily defeat the Dread Devil!"

"Almost all the consumed sources of national fortune have been returned, which is really enviable."

"I suggest that other countries transfer all the sources of their national destiny to Musk. Only he can lead mankind to the final victory."

"While other saviors around the world are in trouble, only the savior of our beautiful country is in control of everything!"

"Do you still remember that the rules of Blue Star Will mentioned that you can attack other countries' safe islands?"

"Huh? Oh yes, I remembered it. It seems that I can attack other saviors."

"Do you mean to let Musk use his mecha to attack others to get rewards?"

"That's right! Hahaha, I believe that the world's first nano-armor with stable combat output will definitely make other saviors cry like ghosts."

"But this seems a bit inappropriate, right? After all, other saviors did not choose to attack us."

"?? Fake Squid! Blue Star's rules allow plunder, why can't we do this? Don't tell me, now you still have to consider the so-called human ethics."


Many bellicose invaders from beautiful countries are making all kinds of alarmist remarks.

In their view, only by plundering other countries' saviors can they achieve more progress.

In particular, some members of Congress from beautiful countries use peace and humanity as gimmicks on multiple platforms. Other countries must take the lead from beautiful countries.

One senior official even bluntly said that under today's international situation, if you are not on the table, you will be on the menu.

The sharp and domineering words caused uproar everywhere.

It also makes the hegemony of the beautiful country more obvious.

Huaxia Live Room.

Many big guys in the barrage and comment areas had orgasms on the spot.

"Why can the savior of the beautiful country be the first to create stable combat power output equipment? We should reflect on ourselves."

"Look what others are doing? And look what our Savior is doing?"

"We are all human beings. Why can't our savior be as good as Musk?"

"I have long said that Chinese-style education simply cannot equip Chinese people with sufficient innovation capabilities."

"I think we shouldn't build any shelters. We can just borrow the shelters in Beautiful Country."

"I believe the country will eventually take action."

"Musk is the real light of mankind, and with him, Blue Star will still be more prosperous in the future."

"You were so happy about the two progress rewards Lin Tian received before. Now you can smile again."

"Yeah, why don't you laugh? Don't you like to laugh by nature?"

"What about those experts and scholars in China? Why don't you give us some useful suggestions?"


Remote farming technology is as powerful as ever.

Yan Lingji's eyes were red with anger.

Beautiful national security island.

The nanomaterials sizzled and covered Musk's whole body in an instant, and an energy device made of new elements in the heart provided super energy.

?Open your palms, and the palms of your hands light up, a ball of white light.

Buzz - boom! !

A ball of energy bombs ejected, blasting a huge crater into the ground.

Then the air flow under his feet rolled, and the impact of the light wave actually carried Musk flying into the air!

Everyone stared blankly at Musk, who was flying around the safe area.

This is the only device currently in the Savior's creation that is capable of flight!

Netizens who were originally not optimistic or on the sidelines immediately became enthusiastic fans.

For a time, Musk's reputation reached the peak of the entire planet. ?


?At the same time, the progress of the saviors of various countries also ushered in the first blowout.

Many interesting creations have excited people in this country.

[Congratulations to Ioun, the savior of the Waterfront Kingdom, for successfully creating a living armor! The overall progress performance is excellent, and Ioen will be rewarded with +3 strength, +2 intelligence, and +1 longevity! Reward all members of Binshui Kingdom with +2 longevity! 】

[Congratulations to Songpa Shan, the savior of the Golden Pillow Kingdom, for successfully creating the magic carpet barrier! Excellent overall progress performance, special rewards for Songpa Shan’s strength +2, intelligence +1, and longevity +3! The reward is +5 longevity for all members of the Golden Pillow Kingdom! 】


[Congratulations to the savior of England, Winlon Butch, for successfully creating an eight-layer heavy nuclear engine! For excellent overall progress performance, Wen Lun Butch will be specially rewarded with +6 strength, +2 intelligence, and +5 longevity! Reward all members of the British Kingdom with +1 longevity! 】

Most of my blowouts this time were my first-round rewards.

More than 80% of the countries in the world are filled with joy.

The collapse of the Kimchi Kingdom caused by the Dreadlord seems to have been erased from memory.

The people of China were sweating.

Lin Tian was still playing with the huge furnace, and everyone had no idea what he was doing.

The progress of other countries has caught up, and they may catch up with China at any time in the future.

They don't want this to happen at all.

Safe island.

The huge furnace was constantly scorching with flames.

At a certain moment, Lin Tian suddenly stretched out his hand and slapped it, and the furnace lid flew off with a bang.

In the dense hot air, five balls of light flew out.

The light ball was of five colors, and very strange fluctuations echoed around Lin Tian.

In the confusion of everyone, the five-light group flew down in front of Lin Tian.

"The pure power of the five elements can also be called the origin of the five elements."

Lin Tian's eyes sparkled with wisdom.

These five origins are the core of the light and shadow armor.

He was born after being tempered by the heart of science and technology with the appearance of the national destiny.

"Gather the five elements, condense light and shadow, and cast armor."

Lin Tian murmured in a low voice, and the second-generation heavenly soldiers quickly gathered at his feet to form a giant formation with a diameter of a hundred meters.

This is the yin and yang five elements light and shadow array.

It is another important device for forging light and shadow armor.

The structure of the array was complex, but it was successfully established in less than a minute under the joint efforts of Pangu and the Heavenly Soldiers.

With a wave of his hand, the five elements' original light group flew out and landed exactly on the five formation points of the formation diagram.

Buzz buzz——

The entire yin-yang and five-element light and shadow array seemed to be activated, and the buzzing sound was vibrating.

The origin of the five elements quickly submerged into the formation diagram, and the five-color energy flowed in the ravines of the formation diagram, completely filling it in the blink of an eye.

boom! !

The light and shadow array trembled violently, and a five-color light pillar rose from the ground and shot directly over the safety island.

The golden barrier of the safe island emerged, blocking the light beam.



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