Listening to Yang Zi's words, Qin Fan was also interested, and he was not a good person.

Not to mention, some back-to-back transactions, what things can be obtained, and what rare items are available.

He was interested, and since he had agreed, he definitely planned to check it out.

This matter has been decided, and of course it cannot be changed.

"Well, follow us, you'll be fine, don't worry.

"This trip is just to get a reward!" Yang

Zi was appeased, feeling Qin Fan's serious eyes, Yang Zi was not good at saying anything.

She is still a little afraid of the Western Protection Zone.

If it weren't for Qin Fan taking her and protecting her, she wouldn't dare to go anywhere alone.


A group of people hit the road again.

When he went to the western protection zone, Qin Fan handed over the rest of the situation in the southern protection zone to Zhang Tao to deal with.

By the way, let the other party go back to the company its protective area, his people, and he needs to go to another place.

"I know, Mr. Qin, you take care all the way, the Western Protection Zone is indeed an area of no influence, and it is very troublesome.

"In short, be careful!" Witnessing

Qin Fan's strength, Zhang Tao also admired the other party very much.

Within the apocalypse, powerful people are definitely worthy of respect.

The protection zone can save more than 3,000 people, all thanks to Qin Fan alone, even if there are heavy casualties.

saved 3,000 people, and this merit is also absolute.

If it were her, she would definitely not have the ability to save the 3,000 people here!

Watching Qin Fan go away, Zhang Tao's eyes were full of admiration, a man who could face the tide of millions of corpses.

There is no possibility of a second presence in the entire protection zone.

If she could, she would like to join the other team.

I just want to wait for the other party to come back from the Western Protection Zone, and then have a good talk.

She knew that there were many dangers in the western protection zone, but for a man who was not afraid of a million corpses, this danger was nothing at all.

Who can hinder Qin Fan's footsteps?

Now, Qin Fan has set off smoothly, taking more than 10 people and driving a few cars to the west.

During the journey, I also learned some things about the Western Protection Zone.

It's also about the rules here.

Each area is divided, and what is within the area.

This place is said to be a powerless team, but in fact, because there are too many forces, it is impossible for anyone to really control the western defense zone.

Therefore, under the situation of mutual checks and balances, this lawless place appeared.

A force governs a place, and a place has a rule.

So there are a lot of rules and regulations.

Each circle has its own rules!

As for what it is, we can only talk about it after we arrive, and even those who have been there do not know what the situation is in the current western protection zone.

Which areas of influence, re-division, re-change.

The change is too big, and it can change once in a few days, so the specific situation can only be talked about when it arrives.

The group was on the road, but it was only a three-hour drive.

It was to the first line of defense in the Western Protective Zone.

The defense line here is only 1 layer inside and out, and there are not many other lines of defense outside the original entrance.

The first line of defense is also a one-time payment, which accommodates a certain amount of entry fees.

One person enters, the cost is in a can or a pound of rice.

And a group of forces entered, and the cost was about 50 catties of rice!

Of course, they did not pay this entry fee, because the leader of the southern protection zone still has a reputation here.

Someone went out and immediately let the people at the entrance and exit of the western protection zone be exempted from these fees.

"Mr. Wang, please come in, you have heard that all of them have fallen, is this true?"

The other party waved his hand and said calmly.

"The state of the protective zone is not good, but it has not completely fallen. "

Okay, another day, I'll give you a few more packs of cigarettes, let's go over first!" The

other party's eyes lit up when he heard the cigarettes, nodded again and again, and immediately let him go.

Cigarettes are hard currency in the apocalypse.

No one who has a smoking addiction can resist this temptation, and that is the second most valuable item after filling the stomach.

In the apocalyptic world, it is also a bit capable of getting cigarettes.

Qin Fan raised his head, and his gaze fell on the environment of the Western Protection Zone, which was also its entire area.

Compared to the southern protection zone, it is much smaller, almost 10 times less in size.

In the entire western protection zone, there is only one small town, with an area of more than 1,000 square meters.

The buildings, the tents, and so on, are very rudimentary!

equivalent to the slum lots of several protected areas.

However, even if it is simple, there are quite a few people here.

You must know that the black market in the western protection zone can trade all kinds of items, in fact, it is compared to other protection areas.

It's easier to get some supplies, and it's easier to get some of what you want.

All kinds of weapons, and all kinds of locked slaves.

There are many black markets, and almost at the very front, there are all kinds of things that are sold in different areas.

There are 5 sales areas, and you can sell everything.

In other protected areas, some beautiful women sell themselves and find customers on their own.

But here, after being bound by other people, they are directly bound by ropes and chains.

In order to prevent escape, even chains were tied to their feet, and at a glance, some of the women were lifeless.

Keep your head down, and there are a lot of bad spirits.

After all, in such a hellish environment, no woman can withstand it and will not collapse.

Not to mention women, the same goes for men.

Here, there are also many male slaves for sale, and the men are able-bodied, and there are also good-looking women who are biased towards women.

The buying crowd is also dominated by men.

This is really a crazy black market!

The sound of selling is constant, and the value of a person is fully realized here.

"Brother, do you want a few first-class and beautiful women on my side, cheaper, 3 together

, 10 boxes of canned food?"

"A few good-looking men on my side can also do it, if you like it, I can also give it to you, all together with 15 boxes of canned food, or 100 catties of rice." "

Brother, don't buy him, it looks like it's all bad goods, I'm just clean, 10 boxes of instant noodles, take one away."

"Damn, yours are not the same, and you still say mine, 10 boxes of instant noodles, you really dare to say it." "

Don't listen to him, it's just a random shouting price, in a beautiful woman, even if it's a big star, it's not worth 10 boxes of instant noodles!"

As soon as the words came out, Yang Mi behind Qin Fan had a sinking face, and Yang Mi was wearing a hat.

I almost want to hit someone!

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