"Grass! These kill a thousand cuts! Bai Ye has been wandering the world for many years, and it is the first time he has seen such a vicious method! "

See this scene.

Even Bai Impermanent couldn't help but exhale a turbid breath.

According to the prefecture law.

This kind of person will definitely suffer the punishment of the ninth layer of oil pot hell after death!


Bu Liang did not speak.

He was waiting.

He is still waiting.

These people used to be his classmates.

He was waiting for them with even the slightest hint of regret on their faces.

It's just that.

The result was destined to disappoint him.

Their faces not only did not have any sympathy and regret, but also a perverted feeling of cheerfulness.


It was a pleasure to watch ordinary villagers kneel in front of them one by one.

This is the Divine and Demon Continent.

All lords teleport into the default first order.

Oh, yes.

Even the cultivation of the first order is not comparable to these defenseless people.

To the end.

Wang Zihao asked.

"Wouldn't it be inappropriate to do this"


The squad leader snorted coldly directly.

"What are you afraid of, when the time comes, directly blame Bu Liang, just say that he did it!"

"Good!" After listening, Wang Zihao gritted his teeth fiercely, and seemed to acquiesce to this method.

After all.

They are now grasshoppers on a rope.

It's too late for him to regret it now.

The squad leader had already pulled him down.

When the time comes.

Once he withdraws, maybe the squad leader will blame him!

See here.

Bu Liang put away the mirror of reincarnation.

Although there is also a picture of the squad leader killing all the villagers in the back.


As a result, the rest of the matter is no longer important.

It is enough to have this!

"Your Highness, what should we do now?" At this time, Bai Impermanence said lightly.

It's just that.

What to do?

"And I ask you, according to the law of the prefecture, how should those who kill and set fire be punished?"

"Back to Your Highness, those who kill and set fire, according to the laws of the prefecture, should be sent to the eighteenth level of hell, and never exceed their lives!"

"Do you still need to ask what to do with Honza?"

Hell is empty, and the devil is on earth.

Bad guys can get away with killing people.

On the contrary, good people have to take their place.

Since the world is already in chaos.


From now on.

Let me restore order on earth!

"System! Spend 2,000 Breath of Death to unlock the second layer! Scissors hell! "

System! Spend 3,000 Death Breath to unlock the third layer! Iron Tree Hell! "

System! Spend 4,000 Breath of Death to unlock the fourth layer! Mirror hell! "

System! Spend five thousand breaths of death to unlock the fifth layer! Steamer hell! "

System! Spend 6,000 Death Breath to unlock the sixth layer! Copper pillar hell! "

System! Spend 7,000 Breath of Death to unlock the seventh layer! Dao Mountain Hell! "

System! Spend 8,000 Breath of Death to unlock the eighth layer! Iceberg hell! "

System! Spend nine thousand breaths of death to unlock the ninth layer! Pan hell! "

System! Spend 10,000 Death Breath to unlock the tenth layer! Bull pit hell! "

Yin Feng Village provided Bu Liang with more than fifty-seven thousand death breaths.

Plus the remaining six hundred before Bu Liang.


That's fifty-eight!

Minus the dead qi used by the Nether Ghost Fire, the Other Shore Flower, and the Mirror of Reincarnation.

Bu Liang still has fifty-five dead qi left!


He directly spent fifty-four thousand dead qi to unlock the eighteenth layer of hell to the tenth layer!

[The first layer: tongue pulling hell]

All those who are alive sow discord, slander and harm others, slip their tongues, argue cleverly, lie and deceive others.

After death, he was beaten into the hell of tongue pulling, and the little devil broke open the mouth of the person, clamped the tongue with iron tongs, and pulled it out alive!


【Second Layer: Scissors Hell】In

the Yang Realm, the woman's husband unfortunately died prematurely, and she was widowed. If you instigate her to remarry, you will be sent to scissor hell when you die, cutting off ten of your fingers.

Ten fingers to heart.

What's more, it's still cut off one by one!


[The third layer: Iron Tree Hell]

Anyone who separates flesh and bones while alive, instigating discord between father and son, brothers, sisters, and husband and wife, will enter the Iron Tree Hell after death.

The trees are all sharp blades, hanging you from the tree and torturing you constantly.


[The fourth layer: evil mirror hell]

committed a crime in the Yang world, did not vomit the truth, or walked through the door, up and down to hide the sky and the sea, and escaped punishment.

After death, he went to the hell to report, entered the evil mirror hell, according to this mirror and revealed the crime, and then went to different hells to suffer.


[The fifth layer: steamer hell]

likes to spread rumors, to falsely, frame, slander, insult others, after death, they are sent to the steamer hell and put into the steamer to steam.


[Sixth Layer: Copper Pillar Hell]

Those who deliberately set fire to or destroy criminal evidence, take revenge, set fire to kill people, and enter the Copper Pillar Hell after death. The imps stripped you naked and made you hold naked a copper pillar one meter in diameter and two meters high. The charcoal fire was burned in the cylinder, and the fan was blowing non-stop, and soon the copper column cylinder turned red.


[Seventh Layer

Dao Mountain Hell] Whether it is animals or people, they are collectively called living beings, and those who kill living beings are sent to Dao Mountain Hell after death, stripped naked, and made to climb Dao Mountain naked!


【Eighth Layer: Iceberg Hell】All

evil women who murder their husbands, commit adultery, and maliciously abort will be sent to iceberg hell after death. Cause them to strip naked and go naked to the iceberg.

Other than that.

Gambling, unfilial piety, unkind and unrighteous people are also naked on the iceberg.


【Ninth Layer: Oil Pot Hell】Prostitution

, robbery, bullying, false accusations and slander, eating animal flesh, plotting to occupy other people's property, and people who are married to each other are sent to oil pot hell after death.

The simple understanding is to strip naked clothes and fry them in a hot oil pan, and the degree of sin is equal to the level of maturity.


【Tenth Floor: Bull Pit Hell】This

is a hell where livestock are redressed. Whoever is alive abuses animals at will, bases your happiness on their suffering, and dies in hell of a cattle pit.

Thrown into the pit, countless cows attacked, the horns of the ox, the hooves of the cow trampled, the body of the ox burned, and it burned into ashes when touched!


After all ten levels of hell are unlocked.

Back to the territory again.

Bu Liang injected the last thousand dead qi into the black impermanent tablet.

After the tablet shook for a while, it turned into a black mist and appeared in front of Bu Liang.

[Black Impermanence]: Martial General

Rank: Fourth-Order Sub-Class

: Alchemist

Weapon: Weeping Stick

Skill: Capture the Forbidden

Spell: Eternal Nightmare

Bond Skill: Death Knell

[Eternal Nightmare]: White Impermanence puts all targets within range into a state of slumber!

[Death Knell]: The bonding skill must be activated by the combined force of black and white impermanence, and the two sacrificed a death knell to slap hard and suppress all targets within the range!


The moment Hei Impermanence appeared, he bowed to Bu Liang and spoke.

"Fan Wujie has seen His Royal Highness the Son of Cloudy Heaven!"

"Excuse me,"

Bu Liang raised his hand and motioned for Hei Impermanence to get up.

Right now.

The territory already has a third-order bullhead horse face, a fourth-order black and white impermanence, and an eighth-order Meng Po.

Bu Liang is confident that he can make the attacking army come and go!

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