Falling Cloud State.

Main city.

Compared to the conquest and killing in the field.

The main city is indeed a strange corner.

At least.

These commercial lords were spared the suffering of war and would not die prematurely.


Compared to the Battle Lords, they were lucky.

But if.

You think it's absolutely safe, but you're very wrong!

Saying goes.

The soldiers and horses did not move the food and grass first.

The battle lord is not strong or not, and it all depends on the supply of the commercial lord.

The commercial lords developed backwardly.

Unable to provide rich resources to battle lords.

The combat power of the battle lord cannot rise.

When the time comes.

The war mode between each state is on.

They can only face the death of the country!


Simple to understand.

The commercial lord is the sheep that the battle lord keeps.

Commercial lords are responsible for providing resources.

Battle Lords are responsible for protecting their states from invasion by foreign enemies.

They complement each other.


Lan Ruoshuang provided the clay statue of Jizo King for Bu Liang is the best proof of this.

Follow the address on the bulletin board.

Bu Liang soon found Li Mucong's green building.

But now.

The scale of his green building is still a little small.

Just two doors.

Front gate building for catering.

Backgate building prostitutes.

The middle is separated by a back garden.


There is also a high platform in the center of the lobby of the front gate building.

Usually, the dancers of the green building sing and dance on it attract guests.

Lan Ruoshuang hasn't come yet.

Bu Liang found a seat alone.

It's just that.

See is step cool.

Li Mucong immediately greeted him.

"Bu Liang-san, you can be considered coming, but you are in a hurry to kill me

" "What happened?" Bu Liang took the task though.

But the task description is ambiguous.


It's also a little mysterious.

Bu Liang didn't know exactly what was going on.

"It's like this, last night, I had a little two go to the backyard to deliver tofu to Hua Kui, and after delivering it, I never woke up again today"

This situation, Li Mucong does not know how to describe it specifically.


He only wrote vaguely when he posted the task.

"Xiao Er is dead?" Bu Liang guessed.

"It's not dead, there is still breathing, but it's a dead sleep, how can I not wake up, as if the whole person has lost his soul" "

Have you asked the flower leader in the backyard?" Did she do something?

"It's all people in my territory, there can't be any murderous intentions between the members, besides, that flower leader in the backyard was recruited by me for a thousand, and I usually expect her to earn income for the Qinglou, Xiao Er wants to save, but it's not a last resort, or try not to alarm this ancestor

" "So your business is getting better?"

"It's even worse

" "Okay, take me to see Xiao Er first"

After listening to Li Mucong's description.

Bu Liang immediately felt that it was an evil event.


Fortunately, Bu Liang got the true biography of the Ninth Uncle.

If it is to drive away evil spirits.

It really didn't bother him.

It didn't take long.

Xiao Er was carried in front of Bu Liang.

Bu Liang first poked his nostrils, and indeed he was breathing.

But I can't wake up no matter how I push it.

"Bu Liang-san, what the hell is going on? Is it that the soul is scared away, can you do your brother a favor and let them send the soul over

" "Fat man, what do you say" Bu cooled Li Mucong with a glance.

Then he continued.

"Help me find a silver

needle" "Silver needle?"


" "Yes and yes, you also looked for Lang Zhong before, he left a few silver needles"


Li Mucong asked another junior to send it over.

To a certain extent.

The two juniors are Li Mucong's starting militia.

If there is one less territory, the speed of development will be greatly slowed down.


For Xiao Er's coma, Li Mucong was very attentive.

At this time.

Lan Ruoshuang unknowingly also came quietly.

But see Bu Liang busy.

Didn't bother with embarrassment either.

Silver needle in hand.

Roll up your sleeves.

Bu Liang pricked Xiao Er's arm with a needle.


A magical scene happened.

After this needle goes down.

Two bugs were suddenly surging inside the skin on Xiao Er's arm.

"Oops! God!

"There's something!"

See this bizarre scene.

Behind Bu Liang, there was a sudden whisper.

It's just that.

After seeing this scene, Bu Liang's brows were obviously frowned.

Corpse worm?

How could there be corpse insects burrowing into his body?

As everyone knows.

Cadavers will only spawn next to the corpse.

Could it be that Hua Kui is a dead man?

"Fatty, let me ask you, when was Hua Kui recruited?"


the first day of business was poor.

The next day, he barely scraped together a thousand gold coins and recruited Hua Kui.

On the third day, business was even worse.

"Then after you recruited Hua Kui, did she do anything unusual?"

"There was no abnormal behavior, but something strange did happen

" "What?"

"I remember when Hua Kui was first recruited, it was just long hair and waist, but it didn't take long for her current hair to drag to the ground, she seemed to have received her hair, good looking is good-looking, just..."

"It just feels a little weird," Fatty Li said a little weakly.

But Qinglou all relies on Hua Kui to make money.

He didn't dare to say it explicitly.

I'm afraid of making Hua Kui unhappy.

"So, I know," Bu Liang nodded thoughtfully after listening.

"So what now?"

"Let's get this thing out of Xiao Er's body first" "

What is this?"

"Corpse Bug

" "What's that?"

"You don't understand," Bu Liang did not explicitly state his conjecture.

In case of.

What to do if Li Mucong is scared and faint again.

"So what do we do now?"

"Go prepare these things

" "Good!"

Bu Liang explained the things he needed one by one.


Li Mucong prepared all the things.

A rooster.

Two bowls of rice wine.

Three candlesticks.

Bu Liang first placed three candlesticks on the top of Xiao Er's head and shoulders.

Three fires overhead.

The lamp is in people, the lamp is dead!


Bu Liang tied the rooster's leg with a red thread again.

The other end was tied to Xiao Er's finger.

Rooster genus Yang.

It can force out the yin qi in the body.

At last.

Three more incense sticks were lit.

Bu Liang began to prick silver needles on Xiao Er's body.

While pricking the needle, he also silently recited the mantra.

At midnight, heaven and earth meet yin and yang.

Guanxiang asked the way to know thousands of miles, and did not go to Xuanshan Mountain every pulse.

Three mountains open the way, five tips seal the door!


Bu Liang plunged a silver needle into the top of Xiao Er's head.

Double level!

Two more stitches were pricked on both sides of the chest.

Triple Yin and Yang See the blue sky!

Third shot.

Bu Liang inserted the silver needle into Xiao Er's navel!

In a flash.

The corpse worms in Xiao Er's body began to pull upward.

From the abdomen to the chest to the throat.

At last.

It's almost time for the corners of the mouth.

Drink a bowl of rice wine.

The corpse worm is dissolved by rice wine.

Xiao Er directly highlighted a mouthful of black blood.

Then he woke up with it.

"What's going on with me, eh? Everyone in charge of the cabinet is there"

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