National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 110 Flash (Additional update 1213 for the alliance leader to stop whitening)

In the poison circle, in Weicheng, Bai Han led everyone along the cliff and upstream of the magma river.

Although it was unlikely to join up with other people, it had to be done. Maybe Liu Wenli's group and the two groups from District Bing 15 had also suffered setbacks at this moment and were heading downstream.

"Wei Cheng, I'm still very curious. I want to ask how you did it. You can condense fifteen immovable golden bells in an instant. The strongest man in the P5 Army who can move mountains can also do sixteen. It's just a seat. Also, why do I feel that the immovable golden bell you condensed has a stronger defensive effect."

After walking for a while, Bai Han couldn't help but asked his doubts. He was also Jiujiazi's mountain-moving, and his mental power level was about to reach level 5.5 at this moment. The mountain-moving visualization diagram had been perfected, and the golden bell was perfect, and he had mastered it. The second level of the mountain-moving mentality is logically not bad.

"In addition to the answers you and I both know, there is another point that is the in-depth exploration of the mountain-moving visualization diagram. What is your current progress?"

Wei Cheng replied calmly that Bai Han was a good person, so he was willing to share some experiences.

"Is the visualization map perfect? ​​My current progress in perfecting it is about 20%. This is more difficult because it requires higher mental strength. It will be very difficult for people with mental strength below level 5 to do this forcefully."

Bai Han sighed. Whether it was fine-tuning or perfecting the visualization diagram, it would not work if he did not have enough mental power. However, mental power also required the irradiation of divine light, but irradiation of divine light also required the inclination of team resources.

One after another, he had worked hard before and cultivated a relatively strong team, but in the end, it was sent to his grandma's house.

Thinking of this, Bai Han couldn't help but feel sad. If it weren't for Chen Ce, his cheap brother-in-law, he wouldn't have the courage to return to Earth.

Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a rumbling sound.

There was a huge roar from the magma river on one side, and a large amount of magma rose into the sky, as if another magma giant was born in the sea of ​​fire.

Bai Han was taken aback and immediately formed a battle formation with Wei Cheng and others. They already had a full understanding of the magma giant they were about to encounter.



With a roar, a magma monster ignited with flames rushed up the cliff. It turned out to be not a magma giant, but a salamander with three weird heads.

The first head on the left has antlers growing out of it, resembling an antlered demon.

The head in the middle is more normal, that of a salamander, but there is a faint golden flame flowing in the mouth.

The third head on the right is purple, which is very reminiscent of the purple-skinned demon.

Its body is much smaller than the magma giant, but it is also much more flexible and can run very fast on its four thick and powerful legs.

Good guy, is this a combination of agility + magic system?

"Be careful to dodge, don't resist!"

Wei Cheng and Bai Han shouted almost at the same time. They were definitely not afraid of the attack of these three salamanders, but they definitely couldn't stop them with their speed.

As he spoke, the three salamanders rushed over quickly, and within a blink of an eye they were within a hundred meters. Wei Cheng and Bai Han unanimously threw out the Immovable Golden Bell, trying to trap the three salamanders inside.

Among them, Wei Cheng threw out five in an instant, and Bai Han threw out three. The eight immovable golden bells were like a trap, blocking all the charging routes of the three salamanders, unless they could stop them on the spot. stop!

But at this moment, the figures of the three salamanders quickly faded and then disappeared.

I'm rough, not good!

Wei Cheng and Bai Han both had a bad feeling in their hearts. The next moment, they saw the three salamanders appearing directly next to Mei Renli, who was 300 meters away.

The old man is waiting with all his strength, and has condensed the traces of the talisman of three immovable golden bells. In total, he can instantly activate four immovable golden bells, which has reached the level of Weicheng under Fuyun Pass.

But he never expected that the three salamanders would flash out, and the target would still be him. Subconsciously, all four immovable golden bells erupted. He felt that he could always resist for a moment, and then Wei Cheng could return to rescue him. Get off him.

But he still guessed wrong. The purple-skinned head of the three salamanders suddenly expanded rapidly, opened his mouth, and swallowed Mei Renli and his four immovable golden bells.

This is obviously a skill that only the purple-skinned monster has, but I didn't expect this salamander to be able to do it.


The moment Mei Renli was swallowed, Chen Ce and Xu Shan also attacked like lightning, Liu Sui also launched a charge, and Yu Liang also threw out three immovable golden bells in an attempt to save Mei Renli.

Everyone's reaction speed was not bad, but the next moment, the three salamanders disappeared again, and they could even reappear.

But this time, without leaning to either side, several immovable golden bells lined up in a row, trapping the three salamanders in them like tombs that had been waiting here for a long time.

However, Wei Cheng and Bai Han had already predicted the outcome of these three salamanders.

This guy can flash, so this is the ultimate move that is most beneficial to guerrilla warfare and harassment warfare. When combined with the magma giant, it is definitely the most disgusting.

So when the three salamanders handed over the first flash and devoured Mei Renli, Wei Cheng and Bai Han invariably guessed that this thing would definitely flee towards the magma river next, guerrilla guerrilla, of course fighting. One shot and run.

So they were all running back, keeping distance between themselves, and calculating the location of the second flash of the three salamanders.

As long as these three salamanders dare to flash, they will definitely be detained by them.

And if these three salamanders only have the ability to flash once, then there is no need to worry. No matter how fast and agile it is, it cannot withstand the interception of Xu Shan and Chen Ce's two spirit swallows, let alone the interception of the two spirit swallows. There were Liu Sui and Yu Liang assisting.

By now, everyone has grown up.

At this moment, when an immovable golden bell in Wei City clasped the three salamanders, a thunderous roar erupted from the magma river. Sure enough, there was a magma giant ready to cooperate with the salamanders, but it was too late!

Wei Cheng sneered in his heart, no need to say hello at all, everyone quickly retreated and the battle line opened.

Xu Shan followed Liu Sui closely, and Chen Ce followed Yu Liang closely. This was to prevent a second salamander that would flash. As long as there were teammates nearby who took action in time, the salamander's flash would be just that, and it would be easy to crack.

As for Wei Cheng, he didn't go to rescue Mei Renli at all, because what the old guy needed at the moment was time. It was enough for him to hold the salamander with the immovable golden bell.

As for Meirenli, who is the Hachijiazi's mountain mover, after two fine-tunings, the mountain mover in her body is very strong. Coupled with the +9 flame ring, she is not afraid at all!

But at the next moment, a second salamander suddenly rushed out of the lava river and appeared in a flash next to the immovable golden clock. He actually wanted to rescue him?

As a result, one hundred and twenty meters away from Wei City, a precise golden bell was placed and firmly buckled into it.

Mud, do you think you’ll be safe after going 100 meters?

Teach you to be good!

I am already nine years old.

Other people's Jiujiazi and Wei Cheng's Jiujiazi are completely different things.

His Immovable Golden Bell can now be thrown 150 meters accurately.

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