National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 114: Soldiers never tire of deceit (Additional update 1313 for the alliance leader to stop t

This moment.

Bai Han, Yu Liang, and Mei Renli quickly formed seals and placed golden bells on the people they were protecting.

But the two Lingyan and the two Zixia didn't say a word, turned around and ran away. The boss was furious and didn't run away yet. Where are they waiting for the food?

I'm sorry not to accompany you, but I'll see you later.

In the blink of an eye, they had already rushed far away. Wei Cheng originally didn't mind giving them a golden bell if they came closer to him.

As a result, I am so far behind now. How could I meet such smart Shabi?

He didn't dare to neglect, he carried the unconscious Wuming Moshan like a puppy, and ran away. Without saying a word, Liu Sui, Xu Shan, Yu Liang, and Mei Renli each gave extra deductions. An immovable golden bell.

And almost at this moment, a feeling of impending disaster suddenly spread, not just near the battlefield, but covering an entire radius of 10,000 meters.

Mader, turns out to be a real full-map AOE!

The next second, the magma giant's third head slowly opened its eyes, as if some kind of switch had been pressed, or as if an ancient demon had reappeared in the world. A throbbing directed at the source of power was completed at this moment. resonance!

Wei Cheng couldn't describe it or understand it, but he knew that it represented extreme danger, especially for fragile professions, and it could be fatal.

The air was suddenly heated, and a bright light suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth. The dazzling light shone so brightly that everyone could not open their eyes. Fortunately, the light only lasted for a second, but then everyone was horrified to discover that, with the magma giant at the center, , within a radius of 10,000 meters, the air was suddenly filled with countless flame crystals.

This crystal is very small, no more than the size of a grain of rice, but it has a golden light, like flowing sunlight.

But everyone is familiar with this thing. It is clearly the mysterious blood of the magma giant, a golden flame that can explode instantly.

This thing only needs to be exposed to the air a little bit, and it will form an extremely terrifying deflagration effect. The burning temperature is many times stronger than ordinary flame magma.

Nowadays, this thing is available in all directions.


The next second, everyone's field of vision was filled with crazy bursts of fire, with nowhere to escape and nowhere to hide.

The temperature in this area was rising crazily. In the blink of an eye, the golden flames were almost invisible, only the dazzling white light remained.

Then comes destruction!

Weicheng, Bai Han, Yu Liang, Mei Renli and other mountain-moving professions are fine.

Even people like Liu Sui and Xu Shan, who were held on several immovable golden bells, could barely hold on.

Chen Ce is not bad with Bai Han protecting him.

Even the nameless mountain move had the glory of Wei Cheng.

Only the four or four people who had escaped thousands of meters, although they had been activating the flame ring, the flame shield only lasted for two seconds in this state before disintegrating, and the next second they all collapsed. The ground was so carbonized that no clothes, hair, or skin could even be seen.

If they are determined and determined, this moment can also ensure that their mentality does not collapse, and their internal energy is still stable and rapid. Relying on their own internal energy, they can buy two or three seconds again.

If someone could save them once in such a short period of time.

But if the mind is not strong enough, then the mentality will completely collapse from the inside out in an instant, and then in the blink of an eye it will carbonize into powder and cease to exist.

This is a fixed-point blasting for non-mountain-moving professions.

Once Moving Mountain cannot provide effective protection to other professions, the outcome of the next battle will not matter.

For five full seconds, the hot white light dissipated, the temperature dropped, and within a radius of 10,000 meters, there were only eight trial subjects left alive.

None of the other testers from Area C 13 or Area C 15 survived.

It's embarrassing to say that those four people are very strong. In the short five seconds just now, if they can have an immovable golden bell to buckle them, their lives can be saved.

But ever since they abandoned the mountain-moving profession in their respective teams, it seemed that they were destined to end like this.


The third head of the magma giant roared extremely unwillingly at this moment, and then closed its eyes, seeming to fall into an uncontrollable sleep.

Wei Cheng read it right, it was out of control. Undoubtedly, the cost of releasing this move across the entire map was extremely high, and the third head was temporarily disabled.

However, the other two heads were full of energy. Especially at this moment, six huge flame arms grew out of the back of the magma giant BOSS. They were adsorbed all around, and the flame javelins and big fireballs condensed instantly. Become.

Then there was a rain of javelins and fireballs all over the sky.

This scene is like a person using a fly swatter to deal with a group of ants on the ground.

But from an ant's perspective, this is terrifying.

However, Weicheng's team is also different from what it used to be.

He doesn't need to take the initiative to cover or command, everyone can easily dodge and swim away.

At this moment, Xu Shan led the old man Mei Renli, Liu Sui led Yu Liang, and Chen Ce led Bai Han. They flew quickly when encountering the rain of javelins, and when they encountered the aftermath of the big fireball, Qianshan took action to catch it.

In particular, everyone's mental power has been raised to a very high level, and they can even predict and predict in advance.

The whole process was smooth and easy.

"When you run, don't be in a hurry, and you must not make mistakes. The time is mine and the advantage is mine."

Wei Cheng roared, his voice loud and clear, as if he was deliberately speaking to the monster lava river.

His confidence in this battle now has reached 60%.

The full AOE of the magma giant's move just now is certainly stunning and shocking, but it also exposed the guilty conscience of this monster magma river.

Yes, it is feeling guilty and anxious.

It knew that the big move just now could not affect Weicheng's team, but it had to release it. It should be worried that the addition of the two Lingyan and the two Zixia would directly turn the battle over.

That's why he took decisive action and directly strangled these four people before they entered Weicheng's protective range.

But in this way, it is a situation where one is ebbing and the other is ebbing, and it is difficult to get off the tiger.

You must know that it is not only Weicheng and the others who are hunting the magma giant, but the two teams in District Bing 15, as well as Liu Wenli's team, have been hunting with all their strength.

They should have gained a lot, but of course they would have more and more flaws, until they were finally defeated and defeated by the monster magma river.

If the team that was trying to destroy Weicheng could be defeated, the monster magma river might be able to be upgraded, if that was the setting in the trial mechanism.

But it is a pity that Weicheng is not the ordinary Jiujiazi who moved mountains.

They resisted, so it was embarrassing.

This monster magma river has no time to upgrade, no time to ruminate, no time to develop, its resources are stretched thin, and its power is waiting to be revived.

This was its richest moment, as it devoured dozens of Trials.

But this was also its weakest moment, as it had to pay a huge price because it devoured dozens of trialists.

Wei Cheng has accurately grasped this point now.

Sure enough, the magma giant quickly became agitated and kept roaring. However, the eight people in Weicheng were divided into four groups, taking into account both defense and speed, and they were always able to stay 500 meters away from the magma giant.

Whether it is dense fireballs or fire spears, they can be effectively avoided and fought.

As for the magma and flames all over the place, relying on their flame rings with at least +9 fire resistance, they can completely walk on the ground.

If this delay continues, Wei Cheng and the others are not afraid. They have already gained a lot. Even if they cannot kill this magma giant BOSS, it will be nothing.

But it is not certain whether the monster magma river can be dragged down.

So suddenly, this magma giant suddenly stopped chasing Wei Cheng and others, but stood on the same spot. The huge magma body suddenly squirmed crazily, and the magma from all directions began to gather again, turning it into a tower hundreds of meters tall in the blink of an eye. High mountains of huge magma.

Immediately afterwards, countless magma squirmed, accumulated, and changed, forming a thick layer of armor on the outside.

However, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a rough version of the ultimate form of the Immovable Golden Bell.

"Holy shit, this is the Immovable Golden Bell!"

Wei Cheng was stunned, and everyone who originally felt like facing a formidable enemy was also dumbfounded.

"What is it doing when it shrinks into a turtle shell? Does it think my fist is not strong?"

Bai Han and Wei Cheng looked at each other and rushed forward. A golden light suddenly emitted from their fists, like two golden sledgehammers.

"Boom boom boom!"

Bai Han fired dozens of punches in a row, but the magma hill remained motionless, leaving no trace.

Liu Sui wanted to step forward and try, but was stopped by Wei Cheng.

"Wei Cheng, do you think this guy is just playing rogue, stalling for time to incubate new troops?"

"Yes, it should have swallowed up many mountain-moving professions, so it has changed like this. It can only be said that the learning ability of this thing is not very powerful. However, it may not hatch the troops of the mountain-moving type. It is now equivalent to advancing the I used up a big move and a trump card just to incubate new units."

Wei Cheng stared closely at the magma hill, all kinds of thoughts in his mind changing rapidly.

At present, all conventional methods have been unable to deal with this magma hill, so should we use his method of suppressing the situation?

Can his enhanced wine cup destroy this magma hill?

"We can't take risks, just wait."

Wei Cheng still chose to be cautious. After all, the weirdness and cunning of this thing far exceeded the monsters he had encountered before.

Completely invisible!

"How about we retreat first? Go back and call more people."

Chen Ce made a suggestion at this time, and everyone was a little moved for a while. There was no need for them to wait here. After all, no one knew what kind of new soldiers this magma giant would hatch?

Even Wei Cheng pretended to be moved by this reason.

But at this time, Liu Sui suddenly said,

"If this monster magma river can obtain the abilities of different professions by killing trialists, then we can actually deduce what types of soldiers it will hatch next."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

"Zixia and Lingyan!"

"What it is about to hatch must have the characteristics of Zixia's profession and the characteristics of Lingyan's profession. Those four unlucky ones who died just now, I am a fool, and I will become an enemy even if they die."

Bai Han's expression changed. He didn't even discuss it with Wei Cheng this time. He turned around and ran in the direction of Heiwu, with Chen Ce following closely behind.

How could they deal with this BOSS-level magma giant before? It was not because they had to work in a team of two, one responsible for agility and the other responsible for defense, so they seemed to have the upper hand.

But once the new Lieyan soldiers hatch out Zixia + Lingyan, they will no longer have the advantage at least in terms of speed.

Also, if Zixia has enough professions, she can also defeat the Immovable Golden Bell that can move mountains.

What's more, once this monster lava river hatches a new soldier type, who knows what kind of evolution will happen based on it? How many are there?


Wei Cheng also felt uncertain. They had already received enough benefits, and they could go back and replenish their internal strength before trying again. There was no need to risk their lives right now.

A group of people yelled and ran away, but it didn't matter if they ran away. The magma hill suddenly cracked open, a huge buzzing sound sounded, and hundreds of flaming poisonous mosquitoes almost as big as an eagle flew out of it!

Seeing this scene, Wei Cheng, Bai Han, Chen Ce, Xu Shan, and even Liu Sui, an honest man, all had a smile on their lips.

Look, this is the legendary soldier who never tires of deceit.

No matter how cunning this monster is, how can he play tricks on humans?

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