"It won't take long for Cangwu City to become lively again, although this liveliness will only last for three months."

Walking out of Tie Xing, Wei Cheng said thoughtfully, "This is the case in Fuyun City, and it is also the case in Cangwu City. I don't know if the trial immortal did this intentionally or in too much haste. There are very few natives in the city."

Maybe it's not necessary. This is not a game. What are you doing with so many indigenous NPCs to please the players?

"By the way, Xu Shan, I remember that you took over a side mission when Floating Cloud City fell?"

Wei Cheng suddenly remembered that Xu Shan just flew out of a brothel and asked him to help, but he just turned his back.

"Yes, it's really strange. We traveled all over Floating Cloud City and didn't get any missions, but then at the purple building, a woman said she needed help. Of course, I couldn't help her either... "

Xu Shan regretted.

But Wei Cheng was stunned when he heard it. Ziyi Xiaozhu, good guy, there is indeed a reason.

At this time Xu Shan said again: "It's really amazing to say. I swear, I once visited every corner of Fuyun City, inside and outside, every residence, every shop, and every building. I know it well, but I don’t remember there ever being a shop called Ziyi Xiaozhu.”

After hearing this, Wei Cheng was silent for a long time, "Let's go, let's go to the City Lord's Mansion first."

Cangwu City naturally has a city lord's palace, and it is so majestic that it occupies one-tenth of the entire Cangwu City. People almost think that this is not a city lord's palace, but a small palace.

In addition, this city lord's palace is obviously not simple. After Wei Cheng's mental power was explored, he was immediately bounced back by a soft barrier after touching the high wall, making it impossible to peek at what was going on inside.

Not only that, there was some unknown force on the almost five-meter-high wall, which was suppressing them invisibly. Here, it seemed that even the movement of the inner force that could move mountains was stagnant.

This situation became more and more obvious as it approached the main entrance of the City Lord's Mansion.

"Boss, I feel like I'm being pressed down by a mountain. All my inner strength is stagnant. If I go any further, I'm afraid I'll suffocate."

"Old man, I'm like this too. Oops, I can't breathe."

Yu Liang and Mei Renli were the first to be unable to hold on.

After walking a few steps, Chen Ce, Xu Shan and Liu Sui also stopped with regret.

Although there was no prompt at this time, everyone understood what was going on.

Next, Tang Yuanshan, a Jiujiazi from Bingfifteenth District, moved ten steps forward, but he couldn't hold it anymore.

But Bai Han and Wei Cheng can still move forward.

Wei Cheng walked relatively easily. He even vaguely felt that the mysterious pressure in front of the main entrance of the city lord's palace was somewhat similar to the Shadow Curse, except that the former was gentler. So, was this also a free means of training? ?

But he also noticed that the flame ring and the small wine cup seemed to have turned into mortal objects and would not react in any way.

He must constantly use his inner strength to resist the overwhelming pressure.

"You all should try to walk as far as possible. This may be related to the reward."

Wei Cheng turned around and shouted. This might be a chance.

Didn't you see that Bai Han was suppressing his blush and exerting all his energy to move forward even if he took one step at a time? Not only was he a smart man, but he also had a strong will.

He was actually able to walk ten more steps than Tang Yuanshan, and even inspired the visualization of moving mountains. Unfortunately, he collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and could not move any further.

The people behind them, after being reminded by Weicheng, actually took two or three steps forward desperately, and then they became exhausted and dizzy. They felt that if they walked further, fireworks would set off in their brains.

Wei Cheng had no choice but to continue walking forward. He did not feel that his life was in danger. Although this suppressive force was powerful, it was quite friendly and did not damage the foundation.

Soon, he took thirty steps, and his whole body seemed to be carrying tens of thousands of kilograms of weight. That was all. The key was that the pressure even oppressed the source of his strength, forcing his inner strength to move mountains. Slow down, cut off the flow.

Fortunately, Wei Cheng can still mobilize the power of the nine groups of mountains and the power of the river. The foundation laid by his visualization of moving mountains is really good.

So no matter how the mysterious pressure exerts pressure, he can still maintain the operation of his inner strength.

However, every time he takes a step forward, the mysterious pressure will increase, doubling in almost three steps.

When Wei Cheng took forty steps, he felt that he could no longer hold on. He had to activate the mountain-moving visualization diagram, and even had to activate the Immovable Golden Bell to resist, but unfortunately it failed.

The immovable golden bell that was released couldn't hold on for even a second, and dissipated like bubbles.

On the contrary, it is not as effective as directly operating the internal force of moving mountains.

With every step he took, Wei Cheng was sweating profusely. Veins popped out all over his body. He was trembling uncontrollably. His seven orifices began to bleed, and fine blood vessels burst out on the surface of his skin.

Only a few meters of his mountain-moving visualization were left, and the illusion of the nine groups of peaks was getting weaker and weaker. Only those few wisps of red clouds were extraordinarily bright and kept shining, which always gave Wei Cheng some strength to persevere. The source of strength.

In this way, he finally persisted until he reached fifty steps, and he couldn't even stand up straight. He was like a cooked prawn, extremely embarrassed.

He couldn't walk anymore, and he was really at his limit.

But at this moment, Wei Cheng seemed to see a stone tablet of a different style slowly falling from the sky.

There were countless names on it that changed rapidly, and finally settled on the number 853,729,684.

And when the number disappeared, a name and a number appeared on it again.

——Weicheng, 197.

The next second, the stone tablet dissipated, as if it had never existed. At the same time, the terrifying mysterious pressure before also quietly disappeared, and the entire magnificent and unparalleled City Lord's Mansion became what a mortal could imagine.

Like a dream.

But it's definitely not a dream.

A gust of breeze came, and Wei Cheng's entire condition was restored. He stood a hundred steps away again, as if he had never walked past.

However, the progress of in-depth refinement of his mountain-moving visualization chart directly exceeded 98%.

That's the biggest reward.

"Brother Wei, did you see that stone monument just now?"

Bai Han had a mysterious + constipated expression on his face, and he was probably very shocked.

"What stone tablet?"

Wei Cheng turned around in surprise, "I don't know anything."

"Oh, my Brother Wei, Boss Wei, stop pretending. I just walked twenty-five steps. Guess what my global ranking is, but it's ranked outside one million. I'm a mountain-moving person. , I have mastered the Law of the Iron Prison, hey, if I had known earlier, I should have waited until I understood the Law of the Iron Prison before walking around again."

"The global ranking is over a million. Hey, I can't afford to disgrace this person."

Bai Han looked sad.

"Actually, it's not bad. How can you say that I'm ranked outside five million?" Tang Yuanshan walked over with the same sigh on his face. He was also a disciple of Jiu Jiazi. Not to mention compared with Wei Cheng, even compared with Bai Han, he was far behind. A bit far.

"I am ranked 10 million+ in the world. I never thought that there are really hidden dragons and crouching tigers on our planet, and there are countless capable people." Chen Ce walked over at this time and was extremely emotional.

"It's normal. I rank over 20 million. This is on a global scale. You have to think about how many active soldiers, how many retired soldiers, how many past military kings, veterans, mercenaries, especially those who have been serving all year round. People in war-torn areas are much better than ordinary people like us when it comes to decisive killing."

"Lao Wei, I'm afraid you haven't taken forty steps, right? What's your global ranking?" Liu Sui asked curiously.

"Within less than forty steps, the global ranking is over 100,000."

Wei Cheng vaguely said a number. Everyone was exhausted just now and in extremely poor condition. Without the ability to release their mental power, it was indeed difficult to know how far he had gone.

If there are people who cannot break through their limits without distractions under such circumstances and still think about how far Bagua Weicheng can go, then such people are really arrogant.


At this moment, a small side door opened on the side of the closed gate of the City Lord's Mansion, and a rather elegant middle-aged man wearing a green shirt, a jade on his waist, a crown on his head, and a beard came out. man.

He waved to the people in Wei Cheng, and they hurried forward.

"Those young warriors have worked hard. They were able to kill the demon in the fire and destroy the demon's lair. This can be regarded as eliminating a harm to our Cangwu City."

"I am Du Tianbai, an aide to the City Lord's Mansion. If you have anything to do in the city from now on, just come to me."

This middle-aged man looked very talkative. Wei Cheng looked carefully but couldn't find anything special about him.

"Well, Master Du, I heard that there is a reward for killing the demon in the fire?" Wei Cheng asked politely.

"Of course. Don't be impatient, young warriors. The Lord of the City heard that someone was able to kill the demon in the fire in such a short period of time, so he was very pleased. For this reason, he specially ordered me to come and distribute the reward."

Having said that, the staff member Du Tianbai took out a jade plate with sparkling green light from somewhere. On it were three golden dragon coins, a waist card, a land deed, and finally a small green bag with light inside. Faintly emerging, it should be the middle-grade magic weapon as a reward.

This was a reward for one person. Wei Cheng stepped forward and picked it up without any courtesy, but just when he was about to pick up the small cyan bag.

Du Tianbai suddenly smiled slightly, "Wait a minute, young man. With the permission of the city lord, you can have three choices."

After saying that, two more small green bags suddenly appeared on the jade plate.

"Can I open it and check it? Or can an adult explain it to me?"

Wei Cheng quickly asked, otherwise it would be the same as drawing lots. Is there any difference between choosing one out of three and taking one directly?

But Du Tianbai smiled and said nothing.

Wei Cheng looked at him and then at the jade plate. He had a slight realization in his heart. He tried to release his mental power, but he didn't know what kind of material the small green bag was made of and couldn't see through it at all.

Wait, could it be that one of these three choices actually corresponds to three professions?

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