National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 131 The mountain has nine changes

The old shopkeeper of Tiehang giggled and seemed to understand, but also seemed not to want to understand.

Of course, this is not important. Wei Cheng wants to buy the Flame Stone, but it is not an urgent need.

Just idle and bored, chit chatting.

But then he glanced out of the corner of his eye and realized, hey, the price on the wooden board was updated in real time again.

Unlimited purchase of flame stones, three coppers each.

Good guy, old man, you are trying to monopolize the market.

"For this price, give me a thousand flaming stones. Old man, we must practice martial ethics."

"Okay, Mr. Jun, one thousand yuan, half price, 25,000 copper coins. Do you want to pay with silver coins or gold coins? If it's gold coins, I can give you another eighty-five." fold."

The old shopkeeper really pretends to be crazy and stupid, and makes money without blinking an eye.

That’s right, in the blink of an eye, the price changed again.

Facing such an old gangster, Wei Cheng surrendered and turned around to leave. But just as he was about to walk out of the store, he suddenly remembered something.

He turned back to the old shopkeeper, bowed respectfully, and then took out twenty flaming stones from the miner's basket, which were prepared for transforming into a flaming giant.

He placed it in front of the old shopkeeper.

"Xiao Junye, are you selling this? We have a strong reputation and a resounding sign. You must be optimistic about it. You can pay for it every copper."

"If you don't want to sell it, I will donate it all to Fuyun Tiexing." Weicheng said seriously.

That's right, when he took out a bunch of black iron stones and jasper stones in Floating Cloud City, the old shopkeeper gave him three choices.

Sell, donate, and donate half.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with it at the time, but it was only today that I suddenly remembered it.

"Donate? Of course that's good. The black iron refined by Fuyun Iron Company is famous all over the world, all thanks to the secret technique of controlling fire, and this secret technique is in this flame stone-"


Twenty pieces of flame stones were taken away by the old shopkeeper with one sleeve. The next moment, he returned to his previous appearance.

"Xiao Junye, what are you going to buy? I'm not just boasting, my name is well-known throughout Tiannan County."

This line sounds familiar.

Wei Cheng looked at the old shopkeeper quietly, and the old shopkeeper's dim eyes also looked at Wei Cheng quietly. They were both sincere.

a long time.


Wei Cheng poured out another hundred flaming stones.

"I donated it all."

"Donate, of course that's good. The black iron refined by Fuyun Iron Company is famous all over the world, all thanks to the secret technique of controlling fire, and this secret technique -"

"In this flaming stone, you know that there is no flaming stone in this world, but our ancestors, in order to refine better peerless black iron, they traveled all over the world, three thousand worlds, and traveled to all sizes. I just found a spark of fire.”

"It is this fire that has created the Zixia Immortal Sect's glory for countless years, but it is the fire that will succeed and the fire that will fail -"


The hundred flame stones were taken away by the old shopkeeper again, and he immediately returned to his previous appearance.

However, Wei Cheng was not angry or depressed, nor did he turn around to look for more flaming stones to listen to the story.

Is this story actually difficult to guess?

Zixia is actually clouds, and this is the Iron Line of Floating Clouds. After the defeat of the Zixia Immortal Sect, the descendants of the Zixia Immortal Sect will not be able to use the previous name again, or they may change their name to the Fuyun Immortal Sect for fear of being chased by their enemies. , it’s very serious.

Secondly, success is also a fire, failure is also a fire, so the person who can bring down the Zixia Immortal Sect must be extremely awesome. Then there was no flaming stone in the world. Later, someone found a fire, so the flaming stone came into being.

Contact me again, what is the name of the ancient demon under Fuyun City? Yes, Chi Yao.

Most of Chi Yao's demons are related to flames.

The answer is ready to come out.

"Chi Yao is the fire, right? And it's now trapped in the underground space of Fuyun City, right?"

Wei Cheng spoke calmly, but the old shopkeeper didn't seem to hear him.

But it's not important. Even Wei Cheng can guess that Zixia Immortal Sect may have something to do with Zixia's mental method.

In fact, Fuyun Tiexing is the earthly stronghold of a hidden immortal cultivating sect.

Made, it has been soaked in for many years at a certain point, and now there is no sense of expectation at all.

But what does it matter?

I can move mountains, hahaha!

Wei Cheng laughed three times and walked away.

The old shopkeeper remained indifferent. He sat down slowly, took a sip of tea, and closed his eyes slowly, as if nothing happened.

Or, nothing happened at all.

However, Wei Cheng, who was walking a few hundred meters away, suddenly felt something in his heart. He lowered his head and glanced at his right wrist. A burning flame symbol suddenly appeared and then quickly dissipated.


"I'm rough!"

Wei Cheng cursed, no way, he really guessed that Zixia Immortal Sect, or Fuyun Immortal Sect is also destined to me?

But now this fairy tale is also broken.

Is there any mistake? In one day, he just passed by two immortal cultivating sects based on his strength.

Although he knew very well that his main occupation was to move mountains, Wei Cheng was still a layman after all. He immediately returned to Fuyun Tiexing. He wanted to admit his mistake to the old man, so he could kowtow a few times...

However, Wei Cheng was quickly stunned.

The old shopkeeper is gone. The shop is still the same shop, but it seems to have lost a bit of flavor.

As for the new shopkeeper, a young man in his twenties is very enthusiastic.

"My guest, my company, Fuyun Iron Company, is well-known in Tiannan County. The hoes, kitchen knives, and sickles we make are extremely sharp. I wonder what you need? Or you can order them. Our prices are very favorable!"

Wei Cheng shook his head, turned and left.

The mediocre people bother themselves.

He is still too vulgar.

Just like this, walking all the way back to the small courtyard, the turbulence in Wei Cheng's heart like a lake disappeared, and there was no more fog in his thoughts.

Even his understanding of the mental method of moving mountains and the roots of earth spirit is inexplicably much better.

How should I put it, it was as if before this, there were always two layers of veil blocking and interfering, preventing him from seeing his true self and the real picture of moving mountains.

But now, these two layers of gauze have been taken away and thrown away, and naturally, he will gain more.

"Actually, this kind of temptation is also a stumbling block on the road to spiritual practice."

If Wei Cheng had some enlightenment, he would be more in awe of this trial level.

Just ask, who would have thought that there was a small pit hidden in the reward after clearing the sixth level.

Why Ziyi Xiaozhu's overnight fee is halved? If he is really curious, or feels that he must be the one and only protagonist, no matter how he chooses, no matter how unreasonable the choice is, there will definitely be adventures. Then this time he will definitely fall into a trap.

The main technique practiced by the Ziyi Sect is undoubtedly the upgraded version of the Aoki Heart Technique.

It's not impossible for him to move mountains in a dignified manner and also major in Qingmu, but if it were suddenly reversed, majoring in Qingmu and moving mountains concurrently.

It's rough, I can't stand this scene.

Also, just now,

He seemed to be joking with the old man, but in fact, if he had been more curious, and if he felt that he could also practice Zixia, he would not have caused trouble, but would have looked for more flaming stones to donate. story.

When he finished listening to the story, would it be equivalent to becoming an outer disciple of Fuyun Sect?

It was so rough that I almost fell into a trap.

It's true that he has the first-turn earth spirit root, but what he wants is the third-turn earth spirit root.

He wants to be the strongest to move mountains!


When the idea of ​​Weicheng was so strong that even the visualization diagram of moving mountains was automatically activated, a vast and melodious bell suddenly rang in the nine groups of mountains.

When the bell rang for the first time, Wei Cheng automatically entered meditation.

When the bell rang for the second time, he had become one with the mountains.

His mental power moved along with the rolling mountain-moving internal power.

From the morning glow to the mountains, from the valleys to the clear streams, to the mighty rivers, the vegetation in the mountains, and the rippling water, all the details are real.

It was as if he was in it, and when he thought about it, the mountains were him, the morning glow was him, the river was him, and the grass, trees, mountains and rocks were still him.

But I just don’t know, where is the bell?

He thought hard, but the bell was not slow or slow, it kept ringing, and it had a rhythm of its own.

After a long time, Weicheng no longer persisted. He just transformed into nine groups of mountains and entered into concentration. The internal force of moving the mountains moved automatically. Wherever he passed, he brought up mountain winds and blew the trees. There were also rays of light covering them and the rivers. The water surged.

It is in perfect harmony with the sound of the bell.

In this way, for an unknown period of time, Wei Cheng, who was in trance, seemed to be illuminated by a spiritual light and understood instantly.

The sound of the bell was not mysterious or magical, it was clearly his heartbeat.

Then, he was stunned. He even woke up from his trance and looked at the sky. Night had fallen.

Did he have a dream, or did he have a dream while in a state of trance?

He fell into trance in the nine groups of mountains transformed by his mountain-moving visualization, and then he heard his own heartbeat?

That's ridiculous.

The logic doesn't make sense...

Wei Cheng grinned, he must be dreaming.

But the next second,

"Why don't you try?"

Wei Cheng suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, and instantly activated the visualization diagram of moving mountains. Level 9 mental power rolled through, and groups of mountains spread out.

Nine rays of golden light like morning glow shine on the top of the mountains, really like a rising sun.

And outside these nine groups of mountains, or perhaps among these nine groups of mountains, a towering tree is growing silently. This is the inner strength of his green wood.

Everything seems normal,

But at this moment, the bell rang again, still unknown from where.

But if the sound of the bell was his own heartbeat, then - as soon as his mind moved, Wei Cheng suddenly discovered to his surprise that no, it was sensing his own body.

And he is not in his own body.

It is definitely not face to face, nor is it an intuitive existence that can be touched.

It's more like breaking some kind of shackles.

The moment Wei Cheng had this enlightenment, thunder rang out, and a huge and simple stone tablet for transmitting power appeared and disappeared into his mind.

In the blink of an eye, all kinds of information appeared and disappeared.

"It turns out that at this moment, I have cultivated the second level of the Mountain-Moving Mind Technique to Dzogchen."

"It turns out that the opportunity to open the second-turn earth spiritual root is so simple, yet so difficult."

"It turns out that there are nine days in the sky, nine virtues in the earth, nine changes in the mountains, and nine innate meridians, which are the foundation of the nine changes. One step at a time, it is indeed impossible to be careless."

Wei Cheng woke up from his trance, his eyes no longer confused.

He even felt that the door to immortality had been completely opened to him.

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