National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 150 Shadow Clone (Added update 2100 for leader Nuanyang 1314)

"I'm stupid, look at that Lingyan, he's so awesome. He jumped straight from the sky and landed without any injuries. He's truly a role model for us. I've decided that he is my eldest brother!"

"Wait a minute, this Zixia can also use her ultimate move, and she can wash the ground twice with her ultimate move. Hey, I'm Zixia too. Zixia from five hundred years ago was one of the same family. Big brother, we're all our own!"

Inside the protective cover, Xu Xiaoguang, who was in a team of miscellaneous fish, shouted excitedly. Of course, the other miscellaneous fish would not be much better.

"When you go out to fight, do you think you are the masters sitting in the audience and cheering?"

Wei Cheng roared in the distance. The situation had been decided and it was time to hone these newcomers.

Of course, in reality, this is still very difficult for them.

Occasionally there would be a few flaming birds taking advantage of the opportunity to swoop down in the sky, or a dozen antlered monsters trying to launch a counterattack.

A few big fireballs hit them, and the entire team was basically wiped out.

Fortunately, Weicheng has Xu Shan, a nanny who specializes in Aoki. She hides in the protective shield and circulates the internal power of Aoki. Long Aoki needles fly out with lightning, allowing the seriously injured to quickly stabilize their injuries, while those with minor injuries can quickly stabilize their injuries. Basically, one shot can restore you quickly.

It must be said that Xu Shan seems to be very good at giving injections. She can live in the whole room by herself without any pressure. In just a few minutes, she rescued more than 20 seriously injured people who were near death and cured more than 50 people. Minor injuries.

There were hundreds of Aoki needles fired, but she still seemed to be able to do it with ease.

When the last antlered monster on the battlefield was eliminated, and the remaining hundreds of flaming birds in the sky no longer dared to fall, the battle finally came to an end temporarily, because the huge stone monument that was a thousand meters high finally slowly slowed down. fall.

This is the trial mechanism’s recognition that the battle is over and it’s time to distribute rewards.

"Lao Bai, Chen Ce, Liu Sui, Lao Tang, you four are on alert."

Wei Cheng shouted and was the first to go to the stone tablet for transferring power. He now needed to lay the foundation for the second-turn spiritual root and prepare to accumulate a lot, so this was not the time to be humble.

The moment he touched the stone tablet for transmitting power, there was a melodious bell in his mind, ringing simultaneously, and the visualization diagram of moving mountains was automatically activated, and nine rays of rays of rays of light shone, blending with the divine light falling like a train.

It’s different, very different.

Wei Cheng's entire body was bathed in this divine light, and he could clearly feel that his visualization of moving mountains could actually draw nutrients directly from the divine light.

This kind of nutrients was inaccessible to his body and soul before and was wasted.

No, not necessarily.

Wei Cheng could clearly feel that this time there was some more advanced power in the divine light.

This power went through the mountain-moving visualization diagram and finally fed back into his body, making him feel like he had been reborn.

Everywhere on the body echoes the visualization of moving mountains.

The nine groups of mountains are broader, larger, and have deeper foundations.

At the same time, at least half of the divine light poured into his spiritual seeds like a torrent. In the past, this was nothing but mud flowing into the sea without any ripples.

But this time, Weicheng felt that the area between his eyebrows was a little different, a little loose and swollen, as if the seeds that had been gestating in the soil for many years were finally taking root and sprouting.

Unfortunately, it is just about germination, but there is still a long way to go.

Finally, the divine light dissipated completely after shining for thirty seconds.

At the same time, Wei Cheng also obtained the second level of Tielao Law, the eighth level of Tiyunzong, and the third level of Qingmu Order.

These thirty seconds of divine light are more valuable than the fifty seconds of divine light that were rewarded in the previous battle.

His mental strength even increased to level 10 at once.

Of course, this standard is given by the Earth government and has only a reference significance.

At this time, only half of the kilometer-high stone tablet for transmitting power remained.

"Chen Ce! You are second, Liu Sui, third, Bai Han, fourth, Tang Yuanshan, fifth."

Wei Cheng shouted out five names in one breath. These were his real core team members and those who needed to be promoted first.

Especially Chen Ce, as the high-end Lingyan in his team, needs him to obtain the matching external skill of [Shadow Clone].

"Thank you, Brother Wei, thank you all!"

Chen Ce was very excited and pretended to bow to all directions before touching it with great piety.

In fact, it doesn't matter if your hands are dirty or not, if you touch this kind of power transfer stone tablet for the second time, you will definitely not go wrong.

Sure enough, Chen Ce was illuminated by the divine light for 25 seconds, and his mental power was directly raised to level 6.5. He was just one step away from igniting the spiritual fire and condensing the spiritual seeds.

In addition, judging from his ecstatic look, he must have mastered the top skill [Shadow Clone].

Liu Sui then stepped forward and received 22 seconds of divine light, and his mental power jumped to level 7. However, after the divine light disappeared, he suddenly cursed.

"Old Wei, I touched the first level of [Wandering Dragon Sword Technique], the matching rate is 90%!"

Good guy, even Wei Cheng was surprised. The drop this time was a bit rich. Liu Sui was even more powerful this time and really rose up. Last time, they killed the demon in the fire, and Liu Sui also got a piece of gold. The magic weapon is actually a dagger with a simple shape. It has always been useless, but now it comes in handy.

Of course, the premise is that he must master the [Wandering Dragon Sword Technique].

Next, Bai Han received 20 seconds of divine light.

Tang Yuanshan received 18 seconds of divine light.

Then Xu Shan, Yu Liang, Mei Renli, wait until these old guys are finished.

Wei Cheng then asked Tang Xiaojun to step forward. At this time, he could still obtain 10 seconds of divine light. Because the quality of the divine light itself was extremely high, it was enough to allow his mental power to reach level 6 in one fell swoop.

Spiritual power is an important basis for promoting the deep refinement of visualization diagrams, and it is also the standard for igniting the spiritual fire and condensing spiritual seeds.

Tang Xiaojun had been sitting on the bench in Zhou Wu's team for a long time, and even three fine-tunings could only be done quickly. Now that he could get such treatment in Weicheng, he felt a lot of emotion for a while.

At this point, all senior trialists in Weicheng's team have broken through or reached level 6 in mental strength.

At this time, the power transmission stone tablet was still one-fifth of its size. Weicheng looked at the rookies who were eager to try it out, and casually named five Xiaobianshan who he had observed long ago.

They are not the best performers just now, but they are more cooperative in terms of team collaboration. Such people will be more suitable for team development.

In addition, they are all Liujiazi moving mountains, and their mental power levels are generally around level 3, which is neither high nor low. Basically, from the first level to the current seventh level, as long as their performance is decent, 3 Super mental power is no problem.

And now, they will officially take off.

"Old Wei - Brother Wei, I killed five antlered monsters just now. It should be my turn to be in front of them!"

The thorny Duan Jianghai suddenly shouted, his eyes a little dodgey, not daring to look into Wei Cheng's eyes.

Before in Cangwu City, he dared to hook up with Wei Cheng and looked familiar. However, at this time, facing Wei Cheng with full aura, he couldn't even take one more look at him, let alone getting close. I was afraid that he would have nightmares and be scared to tears.

"Don't worry, everyone will have a share, it's just a matter of time."

Wei Cheng gave an unpredictable smile. There are still about twenty-five days until the sixth wave of the Shadow Curse breaks out. During this time, counterattacking Floating Cloud City is a joke, but it is not difficult to pull together a strong team.

This will also be his first step in building a large team.

Because after so many things, especially the scene in the city lord's palace, he suddenly realized that the indigenous immortal cultivators were unreliable, and his allies were equally unreliable. He had to build a powerful team under his complete control, which would be enough to change the future. big situation.

At this time, while Wei Cheng was thinking about it, the five Xiaobianshan also successfully retrieved it, and the harvest was a bit big.

After all, in theory, this level of power-transferring stone tablet would not be their turn at all. The veterans can’t grab it yet, and the rookies can’t wait to cool off!

The first Xiaomoshan was called Yang Xiushan. He received eight seconds of divine light. As a result, his mental power directly broke through from level 3 to level 5.5, and his physical cultivation bottleneck was cleared from Liu Jiazi to Jiujiazi in one go.

The next Xiaoboshan was named Song Wei. He received six seconds of divine light, and his mental power broke through from level 3 to level 5. His physical training bottleneck was also cleared in one breath.

The third Xiaobishan is called Xue Xindong. He received four seconds of divine light and his mental power exceeded level 4.5.

The remaining ones, Fan Yunlei and Hu Chunlai, received two seconds and one second of divine light respectively, and their mental power reached level 4.

"The five of you, from now on, meditate and practice immediately, strive to advance to Qijiazi within one day, and complete the first quality fine-tuning. Remember, it is quality fine-tuning. Then, concentrate on moving mountains and visualize The picture will be elaborated in depth, and don’t make your own decisions, otherwise I will kick you out of the team.”

Wei Cheng looked at these five people with majestic eyes. After getting the benefits, he had to show their due value.

This will be the first batch of standard moves he tries to cultivate.

"Brother Wei, the battlefield has been cleaned up. We have obtained a total of one hundred and ninety-seven magic bird crystals! How can one of these things be sold for a lot of money like a golden dragon?"

Bai Han came over happily at this time. The heart of the flaming magic bird can be turned into crystal. It can not only be used to strengthen magic weapons, but also seems to have other uses.

"I won't sell it. All these magic bird crystals will be used to strengthen the flame ring. Everyone will have a share. I want to build a bridgehead here."

Wei Cheng said calmly.

"Brother Wei, are you serious?"

Bai Han hesitated to speak. They had agreed before that they could at least convince Qin Douzi to join the forces of Zhou and Wu in Weicheng. By then, at least 5,000 trialists would be able to defeat the demons here with the help of the teleportation array. Carry out continuous encirclement and suppression to weaken.

But now, Zhou Wu and Qin Douzi have not shown up at all, and they can only bring back less than a hundred new trialists. It would be too difficult for them to do it alone.

Wei Cheng glanced at Bai Han and suddenly shouted:

"Old Bai, your mentality of worrying about gains and losses will destroy you! Do you really understand what it means to move mountains?"

"Be fearless, this is the true nature of moving mountains!"

Bai Han was horrified, as if he had been suddenly hit in the head and woke up.

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