"Brother Wei, do you want us to take action?"

Bai Han yelled. At this time, he could clearly sense that after the teleportation array was destroyed, the other three wind blade frenzy was gathering towards the area where Wei Cheng was. At this time, even if he could help stop one, it would be extremely dangerous. OK


"No, you don't need to worry about me. To me, the four wind blade frenzy is no different from one. But you must carefully explore the surroundings to find the lair of these wind monsters. If you find a fighter opportunity, take action decisively!"

Wei Cheng had calmed down by now. Really, the moment the teleportation array was destroyed, he was so heartbroken that his liver trembled.

However, as the saying goes, if you don't break it, you can't establish it. Instead, he looked away and discovered it.

Before the teleportation array was still there, they had to divide their forces to defend it.

This is actually quite passive.

But now that there is no teleportation array, although they are cut off from their retreat, they have also gained the greatest freedom of strategic maneuver.

They can fight when they want and withdraw when they want.

Never fall into this passive situation again.

"Okay! Brother Wei, be careful!"

Bai Han roared wildly. At this moment, he also regained his composure and realized the unexpected effects of the destruction of the teleportation array.

"Everyone, I will be the commander-in-chief next. Please cooperate."

"Chen Ce, Liu Sui, Old Tang, and you guys form a group of three and go out for reconnaissance!"

"Xiao Tang, Yu Liang, Lao Mei, you work in groups of three, support in the middle, and make sure that there is no more than 150 meters between each other."

"Yang Xiushan, you five little guys are responsible for protecting Xu Shan for me."

"Xu Shan, you follow the brigade and give priority to these newcomers. Their mental power is less than level 6. It is very likely-"

Before Bai Han finished speaking, the group of newcomers heard strange laughters of hehehehe, hehehe, hehehe, giggle, jiejiejie, quack, quack, meow, meow.

No one is exception.

Mental power below level 6 is simply unable to resist the ever-present cursed aura here.

At this moment, even Xu Shan was furious. She didn't care to complain about Bai Han's command. Her hands flew rapidly, and long green needles flew by gracefully. It only took three seconds to stabilize the situation.


Bai Han gave a thumbs up. Xu Shan really seemed to be born to eat Aoki's nanny. No matter how hard she practiced, she was now Aoki in Liujiazi.

It's so reassuring to have her here.

"Can't you put a golden bell on them and let them stay where they are?"

Xu Shan rolled her eyes.

"No, you can't stay in one position for a long time, let's go, everyone has it, cheer up, let's go!"

Bai Han was particularly calm and sober at this time. In fact, he was the leader of the team, and he was not bad in all aspects. However, his strength was overwhelmed by Wei Cheng, so many times, even if he had his own opinions, he had to hold them back.

Of course, now that things have come to this, he will not complain. Instead, he admires Weicheng's pioneering spirit even more, because if it were him, he would definitely not be able to part with the five hundred gold dragons.


Ahead, Tang Yuanshan was roaring to disperse the black fog blocking the road. Although his strength was still a few Baihans away from Wei Cheng, the power of this roar was enough to disperse the black fog within five to six hundred meters.

Enough for the whole team to get through with ease.

"Can Old Tang do it? Why don't you go and replace him, Old Bai?"

In the team, Xu Shan was tossing the long green wood needles while teasing Bai Han.

Obviously, she believed that Bai Han could provide better protection for her husband. Bai Han knew this very well, but he still explained it patiently.

"Old Tang can do it! He just needs this opportunity to be independent. He will soon ignite the spiritual fire."

"What about Old Wei? I can't see him anymore. Will we get separated? Will he be killed because he is alone? There is always a feeling in my heart that Old Wei himself is tragic in order to give us the chance to live. After being cut off, it was cut into a picture of Yusheng..."

"Xu Shan, that's enough! Old Wei is still alive and well. Without us dragging him down, he would never die."

Bai Han was speechless.

"Don't yell at me, I'm just a little nervous. Usually when Old Wei is around, I feel fine. But now that he's gone, I, I—"

Xu Shan gave a bitter smile. She really thought she was a crazy girl and was willing to talk nonsense. In this case, only talking nonsense could make her feel less nervous and less scared.

"Hee hee hee!"

"Hehehe, how big is your mother!"

A long green wood needle flew out and landed accurately. Hey, I don't know what Wei Dasha was thinking. It was useless to get these new babies and he had to take care of them.

"There's a situation!"

Bai Han suddenly shouted, and at the same time, with a loud roar from Tang Yuan Mountain in front, the black fog dissipated directly in front, and suddenly, a huge stone statue hundreds of meters high was exposed. This stone statue had seven heads and ten heads. Two arms.

The seven heads have different expressions, including joy, anger, joy, worry, and fear, and the twelve arms have seals on each, like a demon.

Everyone who sees this stone statue for the first time will feel a chill rushing to the sky, and the ghost of this stone statue will appear in their mind.


This roar actually sounded from the depths of their hearts.

At this moment, Tang Yuanshan was the first to bear the brunt. The demonic shadow was directly imprinted on his mountain-moving visualization map. With a loud roar, his nine groups of mountains were shaken to pieces.

Then it rushed into his soul, his spirit, to completely kill and destroy it!

Despair devoured his will and brought him to the verge of collapse!

But in the end, after struggling for an unknown amount of time, which seemed like ten thousand years, Tang Yuanshan's will to survive and the belief he had always adhered to finally saved him.

Or to be more precise, it was his level 7 mental strength that gave him the chance to finally come back against the wind. Otherwise, no matter how strong his will or his perseverance, he would never have the chance to come back.


He screamed in pain, heartbreaking, crazy and terrifying. How much pain he had suffered before, how much anger he was venting at this moment.

The internal force of moving mountains is re-activated, and the visualization diagram of moving mountains is re-united. As a moving mountain, he will not be destroyed or knocked down so easily.


Nine groups of mountain illusions spread out, the spiritual fire was ignited, and the erosion of the stone statue's demonic shadow became an opportunity for him to break through.

Tang Yuanshan finally gathered his spiritual seeds.

At this moment, the sky is vast and everything is different, as if the whole life has been completely new.

Indomitable will, immortal soul.

It was also at this moment that he suddenly understood, understood, and understood Wei Cheng's persistence.

This road of moving mountains is to set off towards difficulties, dangers, and impossibilities!

Move mountains and fill seas, lift up clouds and see the sun!

Change the world, turn things around!

Trying to hold back the heavens, who else could I do?


At this moment, Tang Yuanshan's mountain-moving visualization diagram went wild again, and its in-depth refinement progress directly exceeded 70%. The illusion of the mountain-moving visualization diagram was slightly more spectacular than Bai Han's.

Just because he knows and understands better than Bai Han what it means to move mountains.

The moment he ignited the spiritual fire, his will, faith, and spirit resonated to a higher degree of perfection!

While Tang Yuanshan ignited the spiritual fire, others were also attacked by the demonic shadow.

Liu Sui immediately opened his mental barrier and was immune to the demonic shadow's attack.

Chen Ce is having a hard time. Although he is not the first to be hit by the demonic shadow, and his mental strength is level 7, his willpower is far inferior to that of Tang Yuanshan and Bai Han. You can tell just by looking at his usual idleness.

So at this moment, black energy burst out from his whole body, and he fell to the ground with a thud, unconscious.

On the contrary, Tang Xiaojun, Yu Liang, and Mei Renli, who were 150 meters away, were very strong-willed. Facing the invasion of the demonic shadow, they did not give in and faced each other tit for tat. They relied on their own will and each had 6.5 He was able to carry it through with a level of mental strength.

Although they were all broken into a cold sweat in the end and their legs were weak, they had to admit that this seemingly evil shadow attack was very beneficial to sharpening their own will.

So much so that they were still a little happy and reluctant to miss Shu.

No, it’s an endless aftertaste!

As for Bai Han and Xu Shan who were in the rear three hundred meters away, they were not affected at all.

As for those newcomers, it doesn’t matter whether they have any influence or not.

Let’s first ask Aunt Xu about the long and thick green wood needle in her hand.

He was given an injection every half minute, making him the most miserable rookie tester in history.

This kind of advanced map is simply not the place they should come!

"Crack, click, click!"

The huge stone statue came to life at this moment, with its seven heads spinning like a revolving lantern, changing its expression every second.

And every expression and gaze will give rise to the same emotion in everyone's heart.

Joy, anger, sorrow, joy, fear,

Even Liu Sui and Tang Yuanshan, who had already condensed their spiritual seeds, were not exempt from this kind of emotional pollution.

"No! Go back!"

Tang Yuanshan roared wildly, and released an ultimate form of Immovable Golden Bell, wanting to hold the stone statue, but who would have thought that the twelve arms of the stone statue would each form a seal, and in the blink of an eye, twelve huge wind blades would form, and with one blow Just smash this immovable golden bell!


On the other side, Liu Sui had dragged the unconscious Chen Ce back quickly, and Xu Shan from behind had already greeted him.

He waved his hands repeatedly, and the long green needles flashed quickly. Liu Sui first dispersed several emotions accumulated in his heart, and then he used nine long green wood needles to prick Chen Ce.

"Seven emotions must not be accumulated successfully. Wife, it's up to you!"

Liu Sui shouted, turned around and went out to kill.

In an instant, purple clouds were swaying, half of the sky was flying, a dragon roared, the clouds fell from the sky, and the flying dragon was in the sky!

However, at the moment when his ultimate move was about to land on the top of the stone statue, twelve more huge wind blades struck from the twelve arms of the stone statue. With one blow, his ultimate move was also struck. The flying ashes are annihilated.

However, instead of being angry or panicked, Liu Sui quickly made a gesture. From the purple clouds transformed from the Zixia visualization diagram behind him, a short sword suddenly flew out, along with purple smoke and lightning. Cut off one arm of the stone statue.

This is exactly the external skill that matches Zixia's mental skills by 90% - [Wandering Dragon Sword Technique]. Thanks to Wei Cheng buying Liu Sui more than a day to master it, now As soon as this sword technique was released, it was immediately extraordinary.

Unfortunately, after the sword was drawn out, Liu Sui's Zixia internal energy dried up.

He could only quickly deflect a golden dragon coin to restore Zixia's internal strength.

But the stone statue didn't seem to want to stop there. The seven revolving lantern-like heads suddenly stared at Liu Sui, while the remaining eleven arms pointed at Liu Sui. In an instant, huge wind blades came towards Liu Sui.

It truly deserves to be the best taunting profession in the game!

The hatred immediately exploded!

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