At the boundary between the Wind Spirit Formation and the Fire Spirit Formation, Bai Han looked at the Earth Spirit Jade Talisman in his hand with excitement, and really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh.

It took him more than two days to finally be the first to realize it, successfully established contact with the Earth Spirit Array, and obtained an Earth Spirit Jade Talisman.

Logically speaking, he can be the head of the Earth Spirit Sect.

"Wait, I don't see Brother Wei. Hey, this is normal. Brother Wei is so awesome. He probably won't use it for a few hours before he gets the Earth Spirit Jade Talisman——"

"But, who am I, deputy head? That's all, what do you want to do? Anyway, with Brother Wei Zhuyu in front, he can only do this."

Just as he was thinking this, Bai Han suddenly saw Tang Yuanshan looking at him faintly over there.

"What are you looking at?"

"Look at you! Why don't you come over and pay homage to the leader?"

Tang Yuanshan suddenly showed off the Earth Spirit Jade Talisman in his hand. He was so proud.

Bai Han looked at it, could only sigh, and then showed his Earth Spirit Jade Talisman. When comparing the two, Tang Yuanshan's jade talisman actually lost, although it was only a few inches behind.

"What's going on? Is there a bug in the trial mechanism?"

Tang Yuanshan was very disappointed, what's going on!

"I guess we were misled."

Tang Xiaojun's voice suddenly sounded faintly at this time. He also had an Earth Spirit Jade Talisman in his hand, but his authority level was not as good as Tang Yuanshan's.

Sure enough, this thing is divided into small and large Tang.

"If there is only one, he will naturally be the leader. If there are many, the one with the highest authority will naturally be the leader. The situation in the previous level is different from now."

"At that time, only the person with the most potential could be sent to understand it, and the others had to be vigilant about it. That's why there was this misunderstanding."

"Now, this thing can only prove that we are the three elders of the Earth Spirit Sect."

Bai Han said in a deep voice.

"It's four now."

Zhou Wu's voice suddenly sounded, and immediately after, Yu Liang's voice also sounded deep and vicissitudes of life.

"I should have a place among the five elders."

"Count me in, six elders!" Tang Dajun also joined in the fun.

"Seven elders, this is auspicious." Lao Mei chuckled. From today on, I, Mei Buli, am finally a cultivator.

Seven people looked at me and looked at each other, but in the end they still couldn't laugh out loud.

"These four little guys look a little hung up."

Tang Yuanshan spoke again. Qin Yang and Duan Jianghai were still in the state of comprehension. The visualization diagrams of moving mountains on their bodies were rising and falling, but they could still see that it was impossible for them to obtain the Earth Spirit Jade Talisman.

Not only did they fail to complete a turn of earth spiritual roots, but it was also because they did not ignite the spiritual fire.

They really came here to experience it.

"But their progress is a bit scary! Especially their foundation is too strong."

The seven people suddenly fell silent. It didn't take much to think about it. Once the four Qin Yang people obtained the Earth Spirit Jade Talisman, their authority would be higher than them. That was all. The most important thing was that it also meant that they would probably not be able to defeat them.

So are they the seven elders or the four elders?

This is a question worth thinking about.

"Continue to practice. At least we now have this earth spirit jade talisman. Practicing in this earth spirit formation can save a lot of resources. Everyone, we have now completed the conversion of the internal energy of the mountain into earth magic power, so at least You also need to master the two immortal techniques of the Immovable Golden Bell Seal and the Iron Prison Seal."

Zhou Wu spoke in a deep voice.

In fact, they still have a lot of immortal magic to comprehend, but they don't have enough energy and mental strength.

But this can be regarded as an advantage. Their average mental power is 8.5, which is one level higher than the four of Qin Yang. They can definitely fly first!


The light of the teleportation array flashed past, and Wei Cheng's figure appeared again in Cangwu East City.

Looking at the familiar environment around him, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Although I had only been away for less than twenty days, it was really like I was back to the old place.

The four major legions that once existed no longer exist.

And can his P11 Legion continue to do so?

"Boss Wei!"

"Hello, Boss Wei!"

The streets were still very lively, and trialists would greet Wei Cheng from time to time. Even some indigenous residents would salute with slight respect when seeing him.

After all, he is already the Wei captain who occupies the east city.

The entire East City’s shops, workshops, and caravans entering and exiting from the East City Gate.

They all have to pay taxes to him, which is about ten gold dragons a month.

In addition, residents of Dongcheng also have to pay taxes once a year, but they can be offset in kind.

Wei Cheng walked on the streets, occasionally catching a trialist and asking a few questions, and he could get a general idea of ​​the situation in the city.

First of all, monsters can still be spawned and produced in the Demon in the Fire and Demon in the Mist maps.

This is currently the source of growth and training qualifications for most of our own trialists.

Secondly, all our own trialists have gathered in the East City, because since the start of this level, the city lord's mansion has hired thousands of innate warriors and a dozen cultivators as patrol officers from nowhere.

They occupied the main streets of the North City, West City, and South City, patrolling and collecting taxes in the name of the city lord's palace.

It won't make things difficult for trialists like them, but as long as they work in these three areas, or have to pass through the three city gates, or have properties in these areas, they will have to pay taxes.

It gives people the feeling that the city lord is finally working hard to govern and hate himself for the sake of strength.

"The current situation is quite acceptable. After all, we are working there and have already reached level three to level four living professions. How can we give up easily? What's more, we still have a destiny that cannot be given up!"

"Didn't we already announce that the third-level skills of the three professions will be released soon? We also have a sect of cultivating immortals ourselves. Why are we still obsessed with those immortal fates?"

Wei Cheng asked that he had asked Xu Shan and others to publicize this matter from the beginning when he was on Earth.

He didn't want the trialists on his side who finally survived to join other sects in the end.

Who knows what the future will be like?

So we have to guard against it.

But the trialist just smiled apologetically, "Boss Wei, I admire you, but immortality is related to the future destiny after all! Who can be careless? I think, after all, those immortal cultivating sects are indigenous , I have a long experience, a profound foundation, and I can also get to know some indigenous brothers, sisters, and junior sisters, and we can fight swords together in the world, slaying demons and demons, wouldn’t it be fun!”

Wei Cheng was defeated by the other party's words. He couldn't say that the other party's choice was wrong, let alone that the foreign Taoist priest was more handsome.

If what he expected was true, there were already so many immortals in Cangwu City that it was bad.

There are indeed some real celestial connections here, such as the Fuyun Sect behind Fuyun Tiexing.

It's also like the Tianji Sect where Li Ying belongs.

But the rest, the Wan Zhong Mountain, Wan Ren Mountain, Wan Lian Mountain and so on, are really not a joke!

"This matter should not be rushed. Those fairy relationships are as hidden as pyramid schemes. They have a single line of contact, and the tokens are ordinary. In addition, they cannot be distinguished. If one of them is not good, it will cause unnecessary trouble."

While thinking about it, Wei Cheng strolled down the street. Unknowingly, his aura gradually became lighter and less noticeable.

But it was he who switched Lingyan's mind method.

The Lingyan profession inherently reduces the sense of presence.

He walked through the East City, the North City, the West City, and finally approached the City Lord's Mansion from the South City.

It is much quieter here. It used to be lively because this place can measure the global strength ranking. However, after testing this a few times, I lost interest.

Unless this person's ranking will change every time he is tested.

Wei Cheng did not go to the test because it was not necessary. He had a very clear understanding of his strength.

Looking at the majestic city lord's palace, Wei Cheng's eyes moved slightly. He had always been a little confused about this mysterious indigenous city lord. His behavior was really weird.

If he were not in another district, this city lord really jumped out and dared to fight Chi Yao at the last moment of the demon army's siege. Although he was killed within a short time, it was enough to prove that he was really not fighting Chi Yao. Yao group.

"Let's take a look! I just want a stable base camp that can provide a lot of resources."

Wei Cheng turned around and left. At this stage, it was not appropriate to fall out with the city lord.

Next, he went straight to Fugui Pawnshop, which was the main purpose of his trip.

He needs to communicate with these former trialists and seek common ground while reserving differences. He is willing to do his best to show sincerity in order to unite.

Fugui Pawnshop is still the same, empty, but the door is open and stays open all night.

As for the Utensil Pavilion next to it, the door is closed no matter day or night.

"Hey! It's hard to welcome a distinguished guest from afar! It's really a blessing for Captain Wei to come to our store!"

As soon as Wei Cheng stepped onto the steps, the fat shopkeeper came out with a smile on his face.

Extremely enthusiastic.

Wei Cheng glanced at him calmly and walked slowly into Fugui Pawn Shop.

The pawn shop owner followed closely behind, "I wonder if Captain Wei wants to pawn it, or exchange it for the golden dragon?"

"How much money can this get in exchange for a golden dragon?"

Wei Cheng suddenly took out a fire spirit stone, waved it in front of the fat shopkeeper, and put it away again.

At this moment, he saw a flash of desire flashing through the eyes of the fat shopkeeper, but he suppressed it immediately.

"Wei Duwei is such a generous person. This fire spirit stone doesn't seem to come from the city lord's palace. According to the market price, one spirit stone can be exchanged for a hundred golden dragons, but Wei Duwei's fire spirit stone is really right. My spleen and stomach, so I am willing to pay two hundred gold dragons, and as much as you want!"

"one thousand!"

Wei Cheng spit out two words.

"Captain Wei is joking, it's absolutely impossible!"

"Goodbye then! Or come up with a better condition, for example, tell me your origins. You must not be indigenous, right? What is the purpose of your appearance in Cangwu City?"

"This is our territory. Whatever you want to do must be approved by the owner."

Wei Cheng said directly.

At this moment, a dangerous light suddenly burst out in the fat shopkeeper's narrow eyes.

Immediately, he said with a smile:

"Captain Wei, I don't understand what you are talking about?"

"Then excuse me."

Wei Cheng nodded, turned around and left, the effect of asking for directions had been achieved.

War or peace, it's up to them to choose.

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