Just when the three crows were finally killed by Liu Sui.

All the elites of Fuyun City came out to chase the demons wildly in the mountains and fields. When they won a great victory, Wei Cheng also successfully obtained a semi-perfect Seal of the Nine Powers tens of thousands of meters underground.

Or it should be called the Seal of Five Powers.

It combines the five elements of earth, fire, wind, water, and wood.

The reason why it is said to be semi-perfect is because it is not big enough. Wei Cheng tried every means to squeeze Yang Li, but in the end he was able to squeeze out 999 Jiazi's Qingmu's internal energy.


Now, Yang Li even took one more look at Zhou Wu and felt that her head was as big as a bucket, she felt nauseated, and she even thought about beating Zhou Wu to death with one fist.

Hey, Wei Cheng himself was thinking about what evil he had done!

Should he be called Wei - Love Grave - Crusher - Cheng from now on?


This ninety-nine years of Aoki internal power is the lower limit of the water bucket of the Five Powers Seal, so it corresponds to the ninety-nine years of fire-attribute mana and the ninety-nine years of wind-attribute mana.

Ninety-nine years of water magic power.

And the internal strength of nine hundred and ninety-nine years to move mountains.

In order to achieve this, Wei Cheng paid a huge price.

He calmly put away the five seals, and the object automatically turned into a strange jade talisman.

Although it is only the size of a palm, it weighs up to 500 tons.

And it's very stable, which is the biggest feature of this talisman.

Because it is designed to seal and suppress, like an anchor or a ballast stone.

If you are not stable yourself and things go wrong at every turn, how can you suppress others?

Anyway, Wei Cheng is quite satisfied with this, and has already planned to integrate these five seals into the Golden Bell, and use this as the core seal of the Golden Bell.

Absolutely solid!

Of course, we can talk about this later.

For now, we still need to continue to seal Chi Yao and continue - strategic intimidation!

He swore that he had no other intentions.

"Made, it's so heavy!"

Wei Cheng held the Seal of Five Powers expressionlessly and took two steps, and immediately felt something was wrong.

Although he can move it, he has to use his full strength to move the mountain, which is definitely not possible.

Then he could only try to see if it could be put into his Qiankun Bag.

Not to mention, if it is really successful, it is to accommodate the seals of the five powers. The space in the Qiankun Bag has directly increased to 90%, which is almost reaching the upper limit.

Thanks to the unknown orchid fairy, this special Qiankun bag really helped him a lot.

"Boss Wei, are you okay?"

Yang Li asked with concern, "This is indeed the strongest man. He has just resisted a few Aoki talismans throughout the process, and he is still in high spirits after everything is done."

Unlike the dead ghosts in her family, they were simply born with the ability to attract demons.

Just have a piece of stewed mushrooms.

"Ha! It's okay, keep going!"

Wei Cheng walked by with a smile. Judging from Yang Li's attitude towards Zhou Wu, he felt that next time it would probably be Qi Jia's turn.

You can’t just catch one person collecting wool!

Let’s ask Zhao Xinghua,

How much do you love the Qi family?

The Aoki Talisman explores your heart!

Of course, for the time being, Wei Cheng has no other ideas. He is waiting.

Calculating the time, when Chi Yao notices his seal of five powers, the siege of Cangwu City should have been solved.

The three-headed crow will lead the demon army and turn to besiege Fuyun City.

But Fuyun City is not Cangwu City. Except that there is no master of the level of Cangwu City City Lord, it is not bad at all in other aspects.

The Fire Spirit Formation mastered by Liu Sui and the Wind Spirit Formation mastered by Qi Mei are truly powerful weapons.

It is impossible to kill three crows, but it is very easy to annihilate the army of demons.

So it means that the rescue of Chi Yao Chi Yao failed.

So what then?

The choice was once again in Chi Yao's hands.

Should we continue to wait patiently for the next rescue, or should we find a way on our own?

Anyway, Wei Cheng is not in a hurry. When Cangwu City is no longer in danger of being destroyed, and when Fuyun City has repelled the demon army, they will patiently refresh their mental strength here. Maintaining the status quo is not bad!

"Xiao Zhao, can you still bear it?"

Another medicine gourd appeared in Wei Cheng's hand, with five tranquilizing pills in it.

"Boss Wei, I'm fine."

Zhao Xinghua smiled gently, she was really fine. It was only the thirteenth day today, and she had just moved her hands and feet, and she hadn't warmed up yet!

Boss Aoki, you are so scary, you are talking about me!

"Take it, be prepared."

Wei Cheng smiled kindly, forced the medicine gourd over, and then left without looking back.

But after a while, Zhao Xinghua screamed that her male god Qi Jia was covered in little mushrooms.

Red, orange, red, green, blue, purple!

Mu De, we are almost ready for a full banquet.

Of course, after screaming, I feel distressed, because of the handsome face of the male god, the arm of the male god, and the thigh of the male god!


From now on, I will be inseparable from mushrooms!

Swish, brush, brush!

Zhao Xinghua is full of firepower and full of potential!

Hum hum!

She will definitely be able to find out the reason and source of the male god being corrupted by the shadow curse.

What Yang Li can’t do, I, Xiao Zhao, can do!

For a while, Zhao Xinghua didn't even bother to care about other people, and was all about the little mushrooms on the Qi family.

Yang Li on the side was expressionless, her heart was as stone, and she no longer felt the excitement of spring.

She just wanted to take a break.

Fortunately, there are no longer little mushrooms popping up on Zhou Wu's body. It seems that she has solved the weird shadow curse.

My surname is Zhou, I will save your life, do you know?

As for the others, hey, they are numb.

One Aoki Seal in one minute is enough, and he won't die anyway.

And Xiao Zhao is indeed still too young!

Not far away, Wei Cheng's eyes are watching his nose, his nose is watching his mouth, and his mouth is watching his heart. Everything has nothing to do with me.

Of course, he was actually monitoring this place, which was at least ten kilometers away from where Chi Yao was sealed.

Therefore, the further you go, the more dangerous it becomes, not only for them, but also for Chi Yao.

He hoped Chi Yao could make a choice.

In the blink of an eye, another day and night passed.

Weicheng is still the same.

Yang Li returned to normal.

The average mental power of Bai Han, Tang Yuanshan, Zhou Wu, Qin Yang, Duan Jianghai and others has increased by about 0.3.

This is a very good harvest, especially Zhou Wu and the Qi family.

One increased by 0.45 and one increased to 0.5.

As a result, Zhou Wu is about to reach the ninth level of mental power, while the Qi family has successfully broken through the eighth level of mental power.

As for Bai Han, Tang Yuanshan is almost reaching the ninth level of spiritual power.

The rest are hovering around level eight.

All in all, the harvest was huge.

The only thing that is more depressing is that 24 hours ago, Xiao Zhao, who was still shouting about love and teaching life and death, and who was now looking like a full pomegranate sister.

His eyes were dull, his expression was numb, his soul was out of control, and he was completely drained.

After all, the nine hundred and ninety-nine-year-old Aoki's internal strength is not easy to gather.

Wei Cheng felt that this little girl was even beginning to doubt life.

She seemed to have burned all her life's love in these twenty-four hours!

She ran wildly for love, ran for love, and applauded for love, but in the end she found that it was nothing more than that.

I’m tired and don’t want to love anymore.

Also, Mushroom will be her lifelong enemy from now on, which has created a psychological shadow.

"Yang Li, Xiao Zhao is not in good condition, please take over."

Wei Cheng gave the order and waited for more than an hour. When Xiao Zhao finally took a breath, he woke everyone up.

"Let's go, time is running out, the brothers in Cangwu City are still waiting for us to rescue them!"

"Well, Lao Bai, Lao Zhou, you two open the way, I will take the rear."

Hearing Wei Cheng's serious words, everyone silently shut their mouths. They always felt that there was a conspiracy in this!

The group of people continued down the mountain, but they could no longer see the krypton gold moth, and there were no other things blocking the way. Only the erosion of the Shadow Curse was getting higher and higher.

It has reached a point where people with mental power below level nine will be affected.

Such high curse pollution even affects combat effectiveness.

A group of people occasionally cried and laughed, and occasionally changed their shapes, keeping Yang Li and Xiao Zhao very busy. It would be a bit bad if an enemy attacked at this time.

But for some reason, it was quiet all around.

Everyone was affected by the curse and had no time to think about the key.

They didn't even notice that Wei Cheng, who was walking at the back, was staggering and wobbling, leaving deep footprints on the hard rock with every step he took.

Five hundred tons!

Moreover, it is condensed into a palm-sized jade talisman, which is not easy to maintain.

Especially if it is activated, it will expand ten thousand times in one go!

Therefore, it is not that there are no weird things along the way, and it is not that there are no demons close to Chi Yao, but after sensing the seal of the five powers, they all stayed away from each other and did not come forward at all.

Even Wei Cheng could see them scurrying around and shivering!

So this is a real killer.

"Boss Wei, we can't leave anymore. The shadow curse in front of us is getting stronger and stronger. Otherwise, I'm afraid that even if we are exhausted, we won't be able to stop their distortion."

Yang Li said anxiously.

The only ones here who are completely unaffected now are Weicheng, Yang Li, and Xiao Zhao.

Bai Han, Tang Yuanshan, and Zhou Wu can only have a weak influence. After all, they have reached the ninth level of spiritual power, while the others are really weird.

Not relying on the suppression of the Aoki talisman, it is almost possible to achieve micro-mutations in a few seconds. From this, we can get a glimpse of where the demon armies in the past came from?

This ability to create something out of nothing and turn enemies into friends makes it no wonder that he is invincible.

"Okay! Everyone meditates on the spot and uses the Qingmu Mind Method. Yang Li, Xiao Zhao, please work harder."

Wei Cheng now has to take care of the mood of the two Aoki-Dainos. He doesn't dare to let them suffer. At most, he will let their men suffer a little.

"Boss Wei, don't worry, Xiao Zhao and I will not hold back the team."

Yang Li looked at Weicheng and said quietly, if she didn't know it at the beginning and couldn't see any flaws, then when mushrooms started to grow all over the Qi family, if she didn't understand, she would have blinded the woman in vain. Sixth sense.

Yes, although there is no evidence, although I don’t know how this is done.

But the culprit of this matter is definitely Wei Dasha!

But at least Yang Li still understood what the overall situation was, and she also knew that what Wei Cheng did was not a prank.

She even wanted to complain about Dasha Wei. Did she really think she was one of those big-breasted and brainless women like Xu Shan who didn't know the general situation and acted willfully?

What can you do if you tell me this is a trivial matter?

You also have to go out of your way to plot against your own men, which is really—well, it’s quite interesting.

How could such a sinister and cunning guy become Wei Dasha?

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