The government's actions are quite vigorous and resolute.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the exclusive station belonging to the P11 Legion had been divided, and it was in the North City.

It consists of five office buildings, 12 star hotels, two surrounding high-end communities, four mid-range communities, 22 ordinary residential communities, two parks, and a square.

Among them, the original residents will not be affected in principle, but those who are willing to move out will be given high subsidies and enjoy the highest price in the market to purchase houses.

Of course, the homes of many trialists are here.

If they are not in this area, the government will provide a free house based on the number of family members and a standard of 30 square meters per person.

The trialists need to live together according to the establishment, or live in the location where the mission is performed as needed.

In principle, shops, shopping malls, restaurants, buses, subways, and taxis in this area will not be affected.

"So this includes Lu Muyang's more than 50,000 people?"

In the North Street Hotel, Wei Cheng couldn't help but smile as he looked at the legion's location instructions sent by the government.

Otherwise, for such a large area, it would be equivalent to directly demarcating one-tenth of P City.

"Actually, this area has long been allocated to the P20 Legion, and the trial members of this legion have just been assembled and their families have not been settled in place, so their numbers have been cancelled. It's quite pitiful."

Xu Shan sighed, "Also, don't forget that each family member is given a free house of 30 square meters, but in fact very few family members come over, and many family members of the war dead don't even know about it."

"Moreover, we fight for survival in the trial levels, but rarely or even ignore the social problems caused by trials, such as trials for the elderly, trials for orphans, etc."

"The government has only now completed the preliminary social assessment and introduced relevant measures. Fortunately, the trial mechanism intervened in this matter at the beginning without our knowledge."

"How did you intervene?"

Weicheng asked seriously. He was single. He had enough to eat for one person and the whole family was not hungry. He had really not considered what would happen to those children?

If this matter is not handled well, it will be heartbreaking just thinking about it!

"All pregnant women will not trigger the trial mechanism, and all obstetric doctors and nurses have not triggered trials at present."

"In addition, the husband of a pregnant woman will not trigger the trial."

"Parents of children under three years old will not trigger the trial."

"Parents of children over three years old will trigger the trial, but if they make a choice at the fifth level, they will be solemnly reminded, and if another person chooses to go on, the remaining people will be forced to quit."

"If one party dies during the trial, his or her spouse will have memories of cheating and divorce, and their children will receive an inheritance that increases one level of mental power."

"Also, those under seventeen are not allowed to enter the trial, and those over seventy are not allowed to enter the trial. However, terminally ill patients and disabled people can enter the trial, and will be repaired during the trial."

"In addition, only one-third of the teachers in each school can enter the trial, and only one-third of the doctors in each hospital can enter the trial. However, this has been adjusted to one-half."

"Lastly, some key positions, such as the military and government offices above the provincial level, will almost never trigger the trial at first. The trial will not be triggered until the idea of ​​​​a trial comes up."

"It can be said that our society's ability to remain stable to this day has a lot to do with the setting of the trial mechanism."

"But one thing is that the alien demons that infiltrate will not care about the lives of ordinary people. Therefore, we must maintain zero tolerance for the alien demons that infiltrate."

"Now we are the only numbered corps left in P City, so I am thinking whether we should take the initiative to take on some important social responsibilities, especially in preventing the infiltration of strange demons, as well as the social crimes of trialists and guardians. I I think we can do better!"

After hearing what Xu Shan said, Wei Cheng nodded, "Okay, you can discuss this matter with Lao Liu, Lao Bai, Lao Tang, and Lao Zhou, and ask them to come up with a charter. From now on, cultivators will be the leaders. The main force, taking turns, dynamic, defending the whole city.”

"We must especially take care of remote rural areas and towns, or simply ask the government to conduct resettlement. There are too few people in those rural areas, they are too remote, and they are easily preyed upon by strange monsters!"

"In addition, I think we need to talk to the government about the amount of each donation. This donation is the sincerity of Wei Dasha, a good old man and a kind person like me. But next time, if the situation is bad, we ourselves How can we donate if we don’t have enough to eat?”

"This requires you to negotiate terms with the government, draw up a contract or something? Don't let it turn into a famous scene of rice engraving and rice feuding. It won't look good and the price will drop, right?"

"This is roughly the situation. You and Mei Xiaochen will work hard. If possible, it is better to set up a guardian organization specifically to serve our P11 Legion. It will be affiliated with the Guardian Alliance of the government and deal with it professionally. Affairs, so that you don’t even have a chance to practice.”

"Speaking of this, Lao Xu! Don't slack off anymore."

Wei Cheng gave Xu Shan special instructions.

"It's okay. I'm done with my busy days and I promise to stay in seclusion!"

Xu Shan left in a hurry.

Weicheng thought for a moment and called Xu Wangwang. However, after only half a day, the message indicated that the number was no longer available.

The government's mobility is off the charts!

But this is not a bad thing, because the testers selected in this way are truly powerful, and then they will be led by the government to build a real national team.

And these legions of trialists can only be regarded as traveling.

To be more elegant, you can call it a pioneer for kings!

Wei Cheng suddenly smiled. No one knew what the outcome would be until the last moment.

He casually took out a Wind-Breaking Blade and kept throwing it up and down.

He was thinking and recalling the terrifying beam of light that flew from the direction of Feng Mo Mountain at the end of the eighth level.

First of all, it can be determined that it is not light in nature, but should be an ultra-high-pressure plasma state formed during the movement of high-power field bursts!

It’s just that this value cannot be recorded and analyzed by the technology on earth.

Just like the frequency of sound, humans are born to only be able to hear sounds in a certain band.

And a lot of energy generated in the world of immortality cannot be perceived and understood by ordinary people.

"But in essence, it should undoubtedly be wind energy. Chi Yao can release the shadow curse. This suppressed wind demon must also have some kind of curse, and it will only become more powerful."

"If Chi Yao is the level 10 boss of Novice Village, then Feng Mo is probably the level 20 boss."

Just as I was thinking of this, someone came over and sat across from me. It was Yang Li.

In the previous level, she was still the little transparent person behind Zhou Wu, but now she is the leader of the P11 Legion, Aoki Daino.

Therefore, he is naturally qualified to enter and leave here.

"Old Wei, have you seen the trialists' official website forum? There are many trialists who have entered wandering escape mode sharing information and discussing the plot. Although we are not on the same plot line as them, we are still It’s quite a reference.”

"I haven't had time to go around yet, but you can give me a brief explanation. Those trialists who are forced to choose the wandering escape mode are not necessarily inferior to us."

Wei Cheng smiled slightly.

Yang Li nodded,

"That's true, Old Wei. It's not that I have shaken the morale of the army, but the strange light beam that appeared when I returned really scared a lot of people. So, from what I know, quite a few people are quite pessimistic. They believe that we will eventually be unable to defend Cangwu City and will eventually move into wandering escape mode."

"I understand this, it's normal. You continue."

Wei Cheng nodded, and there was no trace of worry or anxiety. He sat there with neither aura exposed nor that alluring sharpness.

The only thing I can feel is that I suddenly feel so comfortable and at ease.

It feels so safe.

"Well, many people are secretly consulting, or openly asking, if you are forced to choose the wandering escape mode, how should you start, and what should you pay attention to?"

"Now this topic has become the hottest topic on the Trialist official website forum."

"But to me, what's more interesting is that in the wandering escape mode, a new curse has appeared. They call this curse the curse of the wind and cranes and the grass and trees."

"Because the deeper manifestation of this curse is not that mushrooms grow on the body, but that it actually becomes vegetation."

"To this end, I really did a deep dive and visited several wandering trialists who came back alive."

"It is worth mentioning that these trialists who participated in the wandering escape mode returned twelve hours earlier than we did. This detail may mean something."

At this point, Yang Li paused and her expression became more serious.

"Old Wei, this curse appeared when those people started, and its external appearance is also an extremely strange and terrifying beam!"

"No one can escape because it's too fast!"

"So I guess that even if we are not in wandering escape mode, this curse will probably appear at the beginning of the ninth level, or it has actually already appeared."

Wei Cheng nodded, this judgment coincided with his previous thoughts.

"Can it be dispersed?"

"I don't know, because among the trialists in the wandering escape mode, there is no Aoki cultivator so far, so I can't compare."

"Then how did they fight against each other? There must be a reason for their smooth return, right?" Wei Cheng asked curiously.

"Of course there is, that is, the trial mechanism adds a new kind of stone tablet, the dispelling stone tablet, which has a high chance of falling. Almost every time you win a battle, whether you kill a monster or a mini-boss, you will There’s a high chance of dropping a Dispel Stone, allowing them to quickly return to normal.”

"However, this also means that they must be more proactive than before, win more battles, and gain more winning rates. There is no hesitation or buffering. The whole person is like a precise killing machine. , can never go wrong!”

"In their own words, it's killing Ma!"

"There are more than a dozen battles going on every day, and there is no chance to rest at all. If you are either on the road, you are fighting, or you are running away."

"It's impossible for one person to survive alone, and it's easy for a large team to have problems. In the end, it turns into a small team of more than a dozen people to adapt better."

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