North of Fuyun City,

Twenty-five teams and more than a thousand trialists in District D all looked at Wei Cheng and his men returning.

There were sixteen people when they left, and they were still sixteen when they came back. Not even a hair was lost. Not only that, but there were dozens more corpses of wolf monsters. This harvest alone made people excited.

Not to mention, they also killed a team of demon scouts for the first time.

I deliberately stepped forward to congratulate, compliment, and flatter a little, but my previous mocking words were still echoing in my ears!

That's all for the other team members. At this moment, the meridians are seriously injured, and they can't get close to them even if they want to.

But the people who originally belonged to Weicheng's team, especially the dozen or so people who had been protected by Weicheng and were not injured, were almost torn to pieces.

They looked at Weicheng eagerly, trying to find a reasonable excuse, or swear a poisonous oath to show their loyalty, and they could do whatever they wanted. Don't abandon them!

"Boss Wei, you see, it's just the brothers who were confused for a moment. We, we are willing to be punished, we are willing to spend all our wages——"

Guo Jiangshan came over and looked sincere in his remorse.

"It doesn't have to be like this. It's understandable. I won't deduct your salary. You are still members of Team Ding Twelve. Don't be nervous. We were seriously injured just now. We need to rest now. You can patrol the city wall for us."

Instead of being angry, Wei Cheng spoke with a smile. He even patted Guo Jiangshan on the shoulder in a friendly manner, as if we were good friends.

His behavior made Guo Jiangshan and others confused. Just as they were about to say something more, someone from other teams shouted loudly, "Boss Wei, I am Ling Yan from Sanjiazi, please give me a chance to cooperate!"

"Boss Wei, I am Zixia from Erjiazi, let's join forces!"

"Get out of here! Are you Xiaoqiang's boss?"

Yu Liang couldn't help but cursed, "These snobbish people are coming to get close to us now, they think we are fools."

Only Wei Cheng was still smiling, holding a copper token and gently inputting an internal force. Immediately, a faint light appeared on the fifty people of Team Ding Twelve.

It's too late to change the court.

"Boss Wei, we can cooperate! I am Liu Ze from the Tianma Group in P City. We have united twelve Wu Jiazi to move the mountains. It is enough to annihilate another demon scout team. We won't take it. For the first kill of the power-transferring stone tablet, as long as you can touch the stone tablet."

A group of people walked over quickly, with extraordinary momentum. Before this, they were all strong men in District D.

Wei Cheng shook his head, "I advise you to give up this idea. The opportunity to divide and annihilate each other has been lost. Now the two demon scout teams have been merged. Even if I agree, we can't defeat it together. It will only be in vain." life."

"Boss Wei, can you tell me about the intelligence and combat effectiveness of the demon scout team?"

Some people still asked unwillingly.

"Yes, the leader of the demon scout team is a mage-like being. He can release nine fire spears at the same time. Each fire spear can easily blast through the golden bell shield that can move mountains for ten years! Two fire spears can kill instantly. Wu Jiazi moved the mountain, three fire spears can break through the shield of Liujiazi moved the mountain, four fire spears will definitely kill Liujiazi moved the mountain."

"And now, the two demon scout teams have merged, you can do the calculations yourself."

Wei Cheng didn't hide anything. Everyone looked at each other in shock and couldn't believe it.

Liu Ze wanted to say something else, but he heard many people suddenly scream in surprise. He saw that the two stone tablets suspended in the sky outside the city actually merged into one.

And this also means that Wei Cheng is not lying at all, and they have lost the opportunity to divide and annihilate them.

Wei Cheng looked back, said nothing, and returned directly to Yuelai Inn without stopping.

He had to speed up.

Because he was suddenly very worried, what if the real purpose of the fifth level was to defend Fuyun City?

If you defend Floating Cloud City, you will pass the level.

If you can't hold on, you will fail!

It’s a bit of a trap!


"Master Duizheng, there are thirty-seven wolf demons in total. They are not a rare thing, and the meat is not delicious, but the fur is intact, so how about I give you thirty coins for each one?"

Next door to the Yuelai Inn was a butcher, and Wei Cheng directed everyone to move the wolf monster's corpse to sell it. Although they could eat the wolf meat, the price-performance ratio was quite low if it was used for cultivation.

"Okay! At this price, give me a thousand dollars, and the change will be exchanged for meat."

Wei Cheng didn't bargain. He took a thousand dollars, plus everyone's wages for the next five days, and went to the wine shop to buy twenty-two jars of osmanthus wine.

Thanks to his previous binge eating and drinking, he knows better than most of the trialists that the most cost-effective food for cultivation that everyone has access to in Fuyun City so far is osmanthus wine!

"Everyone brings a jar back and practices individually. Remember my words and practice as much as possible!"

After Wei Cheng left these words, he moved the remaining osmanthus wine back to his room and started practicing without stopping. Time was very tight now, and he was not sure what changes would happen in the next wave?

If the demon army attacks the city in full force, how many of their five thousand trialists will have to die to be able to defend it?

After opening the mud seal on the wine jar, Wei Cheng drank three jars in one breath. In the blink of an eye, a fire seemed to have ignited in his belly, burning him as if he was going to explode. This shows how domineering this osmanthus wine is.

Weicheng was familiar with the road and used the mental method of moving mountains. Under the huge spiritual power, the visualization of moving mountains slowly emerged in his mind, turning into a more realistic towering mountain.

The inner strength of moving mountains is like the mountain wind, like flowing water, passing through the mountains, accompanying this majestic mountain day and night, feeling the power of this mountain, and copying the stability of this mountain.

Perhaps because of the divine light this time, Wei Cheng's physical growth bottleneck was opened up and loosened a little, so at this moment, he had a lot more direct contact than before.

This cannot be replaced by mental power and must be felt by the body.

It's like no matter how much you imagine the warm fragrant nephrite, it's still not as good as picking up a gun and mounting a horse to experience it yourself.

When Wei Cheng looked at this visualization of moving mountains before, he only thought that it was an ink painting. I could imagine that it was a real mountain.

But now, due to the loosening of the bottleneck, he began to have the impression that he was really in this mountain.

From pretending this is a mountain to actually being in this mountain.

In the future, we may be able to reach the level where I am this mountain.

The bright moon is shining high, and the pine waves are bursting!

The boulders are rugged and the valley is secluded.

Wei Cheng only felt that his inner power of moving mountains was integrated with his spiritual power. Every time he walked through a mountain, he would get a new experience.

Every time he runs for a week, even if he doesn't deliberately remember and observe, he can get some deeper details.

The benefits of loosening the bottleneck are really great. The new inner strength of moving mountains is like spring water, constantly gurgling and then gathering into streams to nourish the towering mountains.

At a certain moment, Wei Cheng even had some illusion, feeling that his inner strength to move mountains was about to undergo a qualitative change.

It's a pity that this feeling only passed by briefly, without even a trace.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the internal energy of moving mountains accumulated to a certain extent, Weicheng clearly felt the existence of the seventh innate meridian.

You must know that in the past, innate meridians could only be sensed after they were opened.

This time it's really different.


Not only did he feel the seventh innate meridian, he also vaguely felt the eighth innate meridian, and the ninth innate meridian.

He even felt the end.

There are only nine innate meridians. In these majestic mountains, they are like the nine foundations of the mountains, the nine changes, and the nine earth veins.

They form the overall structural skeleton of the mountain-moving visualization diagram.

It is also them who have solidified the foundation for the operation of the internal force of moving mountains.

It is they who have created the hidden treasures of the human body!

The process of discovering and discovering them is personal exploration, the source of personal cultivation, and the beginning of everything!

Weicheng felt like he was standing among the majestic mountains represented by the moving mountain visualization diagram, as if he had suddenly found the direction and secret of cultivating immortality!

At this moment, the majestic and powerful internal force of moving mountains was like the birth of a divine dragon, which was earth-shattering!

The seventh innate meridian is opened in an instant.

However, the moment after it was opened, Wei Cheng suddenly felt blessed because he could decide the specific direction and structure of the seventh innate meridian that was opened.

Or to be more precise, the six innate meridians opened up earlier have laid a solid foundation for him, allowing him to be a little willful and adjust the direction slightly without affecting the entire large framework structure.

It's like he has completed six years of elementary school and three years of middle school, and now he can finally choose to be a liberal arts student or a science major.

"It's like a talent skill tree, so I finally get a free attribute point?"

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