National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 306 Level 5 Difficulty (Added 50100 for leader Nuanyang 1314)

"Old Wei, I still feel that the decision you made is a bit hasty."

"That's not your style."

Wei Cheng's ears heard a voice that raised eyebrows.

At this moment, everyone present felt as if Wei Cheng had awakened the beast in their hearts, and their morale was at an all-time high. Even if Liu Sui and others tried to persuade them, it was impossible.

They would not question Wei Cheng's decision in front of so many people, even though the decision was very hasty.

It's just the beginning of the tenth level now. Are we ignoring the trial mission?

Don’t you care about the demon army in Tiannan County?

So Qi Mei hurried back and took advantage of his invisibility to ask a few questions.

But Wei Cheng did not answer Qi Mei, but raised two fingers to everyone.

"First, the alien demon army may be attacking the earth right now."

"Second, ninety-nine percent of the blood-eye marks on all of us have been dispelled. This is very important. You only need to know why the Blood-Eyed Demon Lord is so persistent in giving us the blood-eye mark. You will understand."

"So you may think it's rushed, but actually that's our biggest advantage."

"Of course, our little power may not be able to play a big role in this war of alien demons attacking the earth."

"We must admit this, but we must also understand that in the world of cultivation, the resources we obtain far exceed the trial level."

"You can think of the trial level as an early golden finger or incubator. Now that we are strong, unless we can merge areas crazily and increase the difficulty in a very short period of time, the profits we can capture will be too low. This You can ask those living professionals, their alchemy technology, brewing technology, and various technologies have been greatly improved, but suddenly they have entered a bottleneck, and why can't they produce better quality materials?"

"Why do you think this is?"

"It's just two words, resources."

"The trial level can only be used as our camp and a safe map, but the current level limit is only 20, but we need a map above level 30 to meet our daily needs."

"If the earth fails to resist the invasion of strange demons at this stage and is completely destroyed, then we have nothing to say."

"But if at this stage, the earth has paid a huge price and successfully blocked the invasion of strange demons, but it has also exhausted most of its resources, what will we do then?"

"Should we continue to communicate with the world of immortals for alms? That bloody eye in the sky will become our biggest nightmare! There is no place on earth to supply supplies."

"At this time, we, the trialists, need to provide the maximum amount of resources to allow the friendly defenders of the earth to recover blood as quickly as possible."

"And do you think this is possible just relying on the output of our Cangwu City?"


"So that's why, on a whim, when the tenth level just started, I applied for a level 5 hunting mission."

"Because even I didn't expect it, then the enemy wouldn't expect it either."

Wei Cheng still explained it very seriously.

Those who are hot-blooded will be hot-blooded, and those who are rational will be rational.

He did come up with this idea after seeing that ninety-nine percent of everyone's blood eye marks had been removed.

In a word, if you don’t fight for, develop, and grow when you still have an advantage, then you will never have a chance again when you are completely at a disadvantage.

"Of course, Cangwu City needs to be left behind. Yu Liang, Wang Xin, Yang Xiushan, you guys from the Cangwu Legion will go out and be responsible for staying in Cangwu City and managing the 30,000 reborn people. No matter what, you must hold on until we come back. .”

For a time, Yu Liang and more than 50 people quickly came out.

With such strength, as long as they don't fight outside the city, there will be no problem.

As for the possible backstabbing of the Old Demon, in fact, overall, as long as the Old Demon does not interfere with their attempts to summon and communicate with the Supreme Demon Immortal, the Old Demon will not kill indiscriminately.

In particular, the indigenous cultivators of Qianji Palace will be in charge of the overall situation in the future, and they can survive for a month no matter what.

Next, after unifying everyone's understanding and thinking, Wei Cheng silently thought in his heart to apply for a level 5 difficulty hunting mission.

Just a few seconds later, a hunting stone tablet fell from the sky.

But unlike the previous hunting stele, this one had a large number of runes engraved on it, some of which he recognized, and some of which he didn't recognize at all.

There are also some runes that are combined from basic runes.

Anyway, if you look at it in detail, the runes on this hunting stone tablet seem to have the ability to cross barriers and directional teleportation.

This is for real.

And the first line of information on the hunting stone tablet is indeed a very serious warning.

[Warning: It is a hunting mission with level 5 difficulty. There is no punishment after failure. There is no specific mission guide. Specific requirements. Please survive in the designated area for one month. Once the time limit is up, as long as you are still alive, even if you lose consciousness, you will be killed. It will be automatically locked by the Hunting Monument and taken back to the trial level. 】

[Please select the area where the hunting mission will be carried out. 】

[Warning: The trial mechanism will try its best to select an area with level 5 difficulty, but there is no guarantee that there will be no monsters with level 6 difficulty, level 7 difficulty or even higher difficulty in this area. Any consequences are at your own risk. 】

[1: The ruins of Cangwu City in Tiannan County and the surrounding area within a thousand miles. 】

[2: The ruins of Tianji City in Canglang County and the surrounding area within a thousand miles. 】

[3: The ruins of Snow Song City in Shenwu County and the surrounding area within a thousand miles. 】

[Mission mode: Single player mode, two-player mode, five-person team mode, ten-person team mode, fifty-person team mode, and infinite mode are available. 】

[Explanation: The number of participants will not affect the difficulty of the task, but more people will undoubtedly attract more attention, unless you can truly enforce the prohibition and there is no blood eye mark. 】

[Note: There is no basic reward for the hunting mission of this difficulty, but there will be bounties offered by other immortal cultivating sects. 】

[Every time you kill a hundred low-level alien demon puppets, you will get a bounty reward of one spirit stone. For every ten kills of an intermediate alien demon puppet, you will get a bounty reward of two spiritual stones. For every time you kill a high-level alien demon puppet, you will get a bounty reward of two spiritual stones. You will receive a bounty reward of five spiritual stones. 】


After reading this information quickly, Wei Cheng thought for a moment and chose the map of the ruins of Tianji City in Canglang County, because this is the territory of Qianji Palace, and theoretically there is a high chance of picking up good things.

Of course, another reason is that there is still an earth demon and a little girl with five spiritual roots hidden in the mountain gate of Qianji Palace.

Although he didn't know why the trial mechanism put level 5 difficulty hunting missions in enemy-occupied areas, it was impossible for them to commit suicide under the trial mechanism.

Therefore, there must be a reason.

As for the mission mode, Wei Cheng directly chose the infinite mode.

Except for Yu Liang's Cangwu Legion who needs to stay behind, the other 270 core members of the P11 Legion, one by one, all join this hunting mission.

When everyone confirmed, a huge mysterious immortal magic talisman suddenly appeared in the hunting stone tablet, which instantly locked everyone, and a powerful force rose into the sky, and dropped them into the real world of immortal cultivation.

In an area that has been completely occupied and controlled by strange demons.

This time, Wei Cheng had a very obvious feeling of being teleported and crossing the barrier.

Rather than entering the trial level from the earth, or returning to the earth from the trial level.

Does this detail mean that the 'root' server of the trial level may be closer to the world of immortality and further from the earth?

But before he had time to think about it, he had already fallen into a cold, sticky, and extremely smelly 'lake'.

If this is a lake.

Fortunately, all 271 of them fell neatly within a radius of a hundred meters. No one was left behind, and no one was left behind. At least there was nothing wrong with the trial mechanism.

"Instructions are given that everyone is not allowed to release out-of-body spirits, nor is there any obvious fluctuation of mana. They are to cover each other according to the group mode, with Qishan outside, Qingmu in the middle, and Zixia cooperating. Lingyan will enter the invisible state from now on, and will also be responsible for reconnaissance and early warning! "

Wei Cheng ordered in a low voice.

This chaotic and dangerous area is where Lingyan can show off his skills. Maybe Lingyan in the era of innate warriors was fragile, but after entering the ladder realm, not to mention bug-level Lingyan like Qi Mei, as long as it is not so outrageous All Lingyan professions can perfectly monitor and perceive dynamics within a radius of more than ten miles or even dozens of miles.

But this kind of perception does not rely on eyes, ears, touch, taste, etc., but on wind.

A neutral, undetectable, weak wind that will not trigger various energy overreactions.

But this weakness is not a physical weakness, but a weak wind that has been purified, analyzed, and refined, and it is impossible for it to exist independently between heaven and earth.

It can't even blow goose feathers, catkins, or hair, but it can feed back various information better.

This is something that all cultivators who have mastered the power of wind can simulate and release.

Like Qi Mei, she can perfectly respond to this weak wind to 99%, and it can extend to hundreds of miles away.

Liang Yuan and Zhang Min can respond to weak winds to 90% and can extend to thirty miles away.

As for the worst, it will not be lower than 80%, and can easily extend to more than ten miles away.

In short, it is not an exaggeration to say that Ling Yan is the best scout and assassin.

"Follow the wind."

The voice of Qi Mei sounded, and then in front of everyone, a wisp of breeze swirled and disappeared, but then appeared more than ten meters away and swirled again.

This is Feng Xin.

"Everyone, please stop looking around and keep a calm mind. Everything will be subject to Lingyan's reconnaissance."

Wei Cheng issued the order again. The place was completely dark. You could say that you couldn't see your fingers, but there was a strange light like a will-o'-the-wisp floating in the air, like corpses, staring at the ground with dead eyes.

In addition, the level of pollution here is very high, far exceeding the hunting missions they have experienced before.

It is estimated that a cultivator in the Heaven Ladder Realm who has transformed his spiritual roots will not be able to survive here.

Among the 271 of them, the weakest ones are all on the fifth level of the Ladder Realm, so they can still hold on for now.

But it was only temporary. As they followed Feng Xin and walked about a hundred meters away, someone in the team made a squeaking sound, as if they were trying to endure something, and their expressions were a bit uncomfortable.

"Boss Wei, it's a little, a little itchy..."

Someone whispered, but as soon as he said the word "itch", Wei Cheng felt it was inappropriate, because almost at the same time, he couldn't help it, couldn't control himself and screamed like crazy.

Fortunately, his companion reacted very quickly and immediately covered his mouth and held down his hands and feet.

At the same time, Wei Cheng also stopped the Qingmu girl who wanted to drive him away.

"Don't worry, don't rush to disperse it. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. He can still bear this pollution, but if you disperse it for him, it will be bad."

In fact, most people feel a little itchy at this time.

However, everyone has experienced many battles and has a flexible mind. They will never think of scratching it. Instead, they will divert their attention as quickly as possible without actively fighting. They will let the weak itching flow through the whole body and eventually it will go away. Of.

After all, their body's ability to resist pollution has been greatly improved after ascending the ladder. As long as they don't mess up their position, they will be fine for the time being.

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