"Wei Dasha, what are you thinking about? I, I don't want to be a mother so soon!"

Qi Mei's pretty face flushed, and she suddenly pushed Wei Cheng away, jumped back more than ten meters, and said in shame and anger.


Wei Cheng looked innocent, but in his heart he despised that old ghost Zeng Shu to the extreme. He said he didn't want it, but in fact he just wanted to call him his father.

Of course, this may be a misunderstanding. After all, the little girl’s hand feels pretty good...

"Ahem, I was just thinking, should there be another wave of forced zone mergers?"

"You idiot Wei, it's not over yet! Leave a way for others to survive."

After Qi Mei finished speaking, she burst into laughter, but then she seemed to remember something, and immediately said with lingering fear:

"Wait a minute, you're not trying to gather the big moving mountain seal in the trial level!"

"That's right, I'm sure that as long as I condense one of those big moving mountain seals, our district will have to start forced merging again."

"No, if you do this, the other trialists who were forced to join the area may all stay on the earth. As for those lone wolves in Cangwu City, many people are clamoring to return this time. Just stay on Earth and won’t leave, I really won’t leave.”

"Cao, they think they are Monkey King."

"Whatever, in fact, I hope they can all stay and not leave. I just hope they don't get slapped in the face by my words." Wei Cheng sneered. Nowadays, all the people left in the trial level are smart people. How can they be separated? Not to mention the seriousness of the matter, the situation on Earth is much more serious.

Even if the trial level is forced to merge, there is still a place where you can make extra money by participating in hunting missions, you can have a safe rear area like Cangwu City, you can earn a stable income through farming, and you can stay on Earth. You have to face the all-out attack of the strange demons.

"No way, do you really want to condense the Great Moving Mountain Seal?"

Qi Mei asked again.

Wei Cheng nodded solemnly this time, "Lao Zeng gave me a complete copy of the Mountain Moving Technique passed down from the Zixia Immortal Sect. I only mastered the second position, and I'm not very proficient yet, so I need to I’ll think about it carefully in seclusion, but I might be able to form a Great Moving Mountain Seal before I know it.”

"So, you still have to protect me, but not here, but to the ruins of Tiannan County. Only there can I condense the movements of the Dabaoshan Seal without accidentally hurting innocent people."

"Okay!" Qi Mei did not persuade him any more. At that moment, the two of them made preparations and left quietly. Now Cangwu City's internal and external affairs are handled by relevant personnel. Their presence or absence will not affect the normal operation.

The wind flew by me all the way, but I felt at ease.

However, just in case, Wei Cheng and the two went around Feng Mo Mountain and found that there was not even a single demon before rushing to the ruins of Tiannan County.

But far away, still two or three hundred miles away, Qi Mei suddenly pulled Wei Cheng.

Wei Cheng was also very experienced. He immediately restrained his aura, fell to the ground silently, and turned into a stone. He was already in a state of invisibility, and after this operation, he became even more silent.

As for Qi Mei, she climbed to the sky step by step without any hurry or slowness, using Lingyun Steps and Lingyan Mental Technique to reach the sky. In terms of concealment and induction, she was able to beat many Wei Cheng.

Especially the magic weapon on her body can already have a passive effect all the time.

Unlike the flying sword that Zeng Shu gave to Wei Cheng, it didn't even have a passive buff.

In the blink of an eye, Qi Mei had entered the best position, and then a ray of wind came and landed on Wei Cheng's forehead. In an instant, a jewel in his arms flickered weakly, and then he shared Qi Mei's sensory field of vision.

This is the instant communication weapon they refined before. They originally planned to sell it to those lone wolves for hunting monsters, but the situation changed too quickly and it was no longer useful.

Therefore, Wei Cheng could only use it for himself for the time being, and never thought that it would come in handy today.

At this time, Wei Cheng saw that more than 200 miles away, a thin layer of mist covered the ruins of Tiannan County. If you look at it with the naked eye, you will definitely not be able to see anything. Even up close, Absolutely nothing can be sensed.

Only Qi Mei's perception can detect it.

This thin layer of water mist covered a huge area, not only covering the ruins of Tiannan County, but also covering more than a hundred miles around the ruins.

It's like a huge spider web, waiting for prey to come to you.

"It should be the Water Demon Commander."

Qi Mei's voice sounded in Wei Cheng's ears, "I sensed a strange rhythm of water, like a mysterious and unpredictable realm."


Wei Cheng was stunned, couldn't he? The two forced mergers he triggered not only attracted the most mysterious Water Demon General, but also changed the plot direction of this guy?

Wasn't it sealed? How could it escape?

And how strong must the water demon be, with a degree of authenticity reaching 79%? I'm afraid it's at least equivalent to the seventieth level of the Ladder Realm.

"Let's wait and see what happens. If it doesn't work, we'll stay away from the edge for now. The Thousand Machines Palace will never ignore the emergence of this water demon."

Next, Wei Cheng and the two waited quietly, but the changes in the situation were obviously not based on their will, because the thin mist suddenly started to flow, changing on the earth with some mysterious laws, combination.

"No, this is not a water demon, but a seal of a higher level! A seal that is much more advanced than my Dabaoshan Seal. This is the Great Northern Ming Seal! The real Great Northern Ming Seal. !”

When Wei Cheng recognized it, he secretly screamed, but it was too late, because the Great Northern Dark Seal had already formed, and then the extremely terrifying cold air suddenly burst out, freezing thousands of miles away in an instant.

That’s right, it’s literally frozen for thousands of miles.

Centered on the ruins of Tiannan County, everything within a radius of a thousand miles was covered by thick ice.

The mighty cold air soared into the sky, reaching into the sky, freezing everything, causing violent winds and blizzards in an instant, and then under the influence of the cold air, the ice was covered layer by layer.

Within a few minutes, the thickness of the ice on the ground reached hundreds of meters.

At this point, a huge source of cold air formed, directly threatening all directions.

Cangwu City is the first to bear the brunt.

Although Cangwu City is 1,500 miles away from Tiannan County in a straight line, such a terrifying cold current directly carries the cold wind and snow, covering the sky and the earth, and the temperature directly drops by 70 or 80 degrees.

All the spiritual wheat growing in the fertile fields was directly frozen to death, and a large number of spiritual birds grazing were also frozen to death. Cold storms and snow dominated the wilderness, forcing everyone to retreat to Cangwu City.

Even this cold current went all the way to the west, freezing the river, and blew it all the way to Canglang County where Qianji Palace is located.

It was really like the water demon was born.

"The water demon has not been born. This is a way to divert the tiger away from the mountain and attack the east and the west!"

Wei Cheng and Qi Mei were frozen under the ice at the moment. They didn't dare to move, and of course they couldn't move. It would be good if they could save their lives.

This was the Great Northern Dark Seal, the kind that had to be prefixed with Super Supreme. How could they resist?

"This Great Northern Dark Seal shouldn't trigger a forced merger, right?"

"No, the indicator for forced zone merging is reflected in our comprehensive strength, not the strength of the natives. This is just a reflection of the real difficulty after forced zone merging."

"Now what?"

"There is nothing we can do, wait, we can afford to wait, but unfortunately, the supplies we transport back to Earth will be reduced by half." Wei Cheng sighed.

Cangwu City really has no shortage of supplies, and it can sustain itself even if the mountains are blocked by heavy snow for three years.

"It's okay, Qianji Palace cannot remain indifferent." Qi Mei guessed.

"Of course they won't remain indifferent, but what I'm worried about is that Qianji Palace will be restrained by other forces."

"What's the meaning?"

"A true water demon."

"If you and I were the masters of the Thousand Machines Palace, after noticing the Great Northern Dark Seal, we would immediately think that the water demon was born, or that there was an external force helping the water demon to be born, and they would naturally deal with this matter first. Don't forget, there is a big river to the west of Cangwu City. There are countless fish and shrimps in the river, and there are also many monsters in the water. When the river is frozen, maybe the mastermind behind the scenes will create another cold... An army of ice-attributed demons.”

"So, there is a high probability that they will not care about saving Cangwu City and the Great Northern Dark Seal."

As soon as Wei Cheng finished speaking, his and Qi Mei's expressions suddenly changed again, and they noticed a new fluctuation.

"It's the second Great Northern Dark Seal! In the due north direction, it must be at least two thousand miles away from us. I understand, that big river -"

"What a tragedy, the trial mechanism went crazy."

Wei Cheng smiled bitterly. The effect of the Great Northern Dark Seal falling on land and the effect of falling directly in the river are completely different.

This time, I am afraid that Qianji Palace will be in a state of disarray.

I'm afraid that tens of thousands of miles around will become the hardest hit area.

The circulation of cold air will be very conducive to the birth of the water demon.

In fact, Wei Cheng was right. The situation at this moment was more serious than he thought, because the water demon was really about to be born!

Thousands of miles away, with the place where the water demon was suppressed as the center, seven Great Northern Dark Seals were activated. Endless cold air was rushing towards the place where the water demon was suppressed, and its strength was increasing crazily.

The seal of the formation that suppresses the water demon is being broken!

For a time, alarm bells kept ringing in the gates of dozens of large, medium and small immortal cultivating sects within a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Except for some old monsters who were in retreat and could not be alerted, the rest of the immortal cultivators, young and old, They all rushed out, quickly deploying to defend the secular city covered by their own sects, and at the same time mobilizing elites, led by the sect elders and masters, to go to the place where the water demon was suppressed through the teleportation array.

No one wants to see the water demon born!

In the current situation, once the water demon is born, no one will be able to control it, and many innocent lives will be killed or injured.

And as a large number of immortal cultivators arrived, they suppressed with all their strength, and finally temporarily suppressed the water demon who was about to be born, so that the situation would not continue to deteriorate.

But then, it is time for the major sects to quarrel. Should they kill the water demon or continue to strengthen its seal?

Everyone was in a quarrel.

I'm afraid there won't be any results in a short period of time.

The outside world was completely frozen, and the cities and towns covered by the Immortal Cultivation Sect were relatively unaffected.

But like Cangwu City, a lonely person without the protection of the Immortal Cultivation Sect would be miserable.

Countless ice and snow demons were guided by a strange force, distorted, and began to wreak havoc on the earth.

Even the mobs have the strength of the 20th level of the Ladder Realm.

The trial mechanism really doesn't give you the chance to take advantage of others.

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