"Okay! Let's start the handover."

Qi Mei said loudly, and with a wave of her hand, she took out the Qiankun bags one by one, and the black iron ingots fell neatly on the ground.

These are all semi-finished products that have been roughly processed, initially smelted, and impurities removed, and can be used immediately.

This scene made a group of people silent. Based on this intention, no one had anything to say.

The chief engineers were even more excited. Such semi-finished products were equivalent to cutting their production line time in half.

"Great! Great! I think we can launch Type 4 mechanical soldiers directly, and we can even start the research and development of Type 5 mechanical soldiers."

"Miss Xiao Qi, please tell Mr. Weicheng that I am willing to guarantee with my reputation and my life that these materials will be used in the most appropriate place!"

Qi Mei smiled slightly and said nothing, it was just fifty million tons of black iron ingots, followed by twenty million tons of black copper, five million tons of black silver, and five million tons of black gold.

In fact, if the water demon hadn't been born this time, the quantity of this material would have been doubled.

"Everyone, I'm here to watch. For these supplies, our P11 Legion killed dozens of core elites. I can't let them die in peace."

After Qi Mei said that, he glanced at the invisible trialists again, snorted coldly, and secretly made a secret seal. The Great Spirit Swallow Seal was looming, and in just a moment, they were pulled out of the invisible state.

With this little strength, do you want to make a mistake?

After looking around, Qi Mei looked back with satisfaction. You guys are honest, otherwise, she really wouldn't mind trying to scare the monkeys.

Next, the S-20 base fell into a carnival just like celebrating the New Year.

However, the mountains of precious supplies that Qi Mei brought back did make countless people jealous!

Just because you can't beat him head-on doesn't mean there's no other way.

After all, that is five million tons of profound silver and five million tons of profound gold!

This number, in the world of cultivating immortals, is enough to make a medium-sized cultivating sect jealous.

Soon, all kinds of news and rumors became rampant.

Those who complain, those who plead for mercy, those who seek connections, just to name a few.

If you want a piece of the pie, there's no shame in it.

In particular, there are still competent authorities at the S-20 base.

This base is not a complete base, but a huge underground industrial city, numbered 20, and there are other numbered branch bases under the surrounding mountains.

From S-1 to S-30, from living and residential areas to light industrial areas and administrative areas, there are many.

This is the core area that currently represents the entire country.

Thirty branch bases accommodate 50 million people.

There are more than 100 trialist legions here alone, covering more than 60 district servers.

However, now at least half of the regional servers have been forced to merge.

Therefore, this has become the biggest crime of the p11 Legion.

"This is the current result achieved by our district server. Cangwu City and Tiannan County City have 1.3 million indigenous residents in these two cities. Moreover, we are closely related to Tianji Sect, Ziyi Sect, Fuyun Sect, and Qianji Palace. They all maintained friendly relations.”

"But now everything is gone. The forced merger means that all the results we have achieved have been in vain."

"So we have reason to suspect that the reason why the P11 Legion was able to bring back so many supplies was actually based on the interests of us regional servers who were forced to merge. They took our interests."

This rhetoric is still very lethal.

In particular, there were many legions of trialists who complained, and almost half of the trialists in the country were yelling and cursing!

On the Trialist Forum, Wei Cheng's name is already notorious.

"Wei Dasha, what kind of skills do you have in merging districts with malicious intent? Harvest us weak community servers and make Wei City famous. You are really awesome!"

"Is it easy for us trialists in weak community servers to get to where we are now? You simply merged with the malicious community. We have lost so many people, spent so much time, and conquered the indigenous friendships, sect reputation, and even The city we occupied didn’t even say hello, we just said harvest, and if we said demolition, we demolished it!”

"Is there any royal law? Is there still morality? Is there still a bottom line of conscience?"

"That's right! I just entered the Palace of Thousand Machines. The future is so bright. As long as I have one more level, I can advance to the fifteenth level of the Ladder Realm. But now, I have nothing."

"You idiot, you Wei Cheng is awesome. I can't afford to offend you. I'm going to lie down. If this earth is going to be destroyed, then destroy it!"

"This damn human race, if you want to be extinct, then exterminate it! I won't serve you anymore!"

"Hehe! Everyone, keep your eyes open. Wei Dasha wants to force the region to merge. He just wants to gather us trialists under his hands and make his p11 legion the boss and commander. This bastard is so ambitious. ! Oops! Everyone, we can’t let him get what he wants.”

"In the next level, we won't go, we will stay on Earth. Didn't the government develop Type 4 mechanical soldiers? Didn't Wei Dasha bring back supplies continuously? Let him feed us!"

"I just want to see what he can get back without us harvested leeks!"

The crowd was really angry.

But no matter how harshly the trialists scolded them on the forum, it seemed as if the world was turned upside down, but not even a single trialist from the P11 Legion came out to challenge.

This is very disappointing.

But what's even more disappointing are those who set the pace and want to make a fortune.

Because the top officials of the government did not pay any attention to this so-called public opinion.

Any smart person who wanted to gain connections or get a few kilograms of silver and gold was blocked.

The reason is actually very simple. These returning trialists did not realize the despair of those who stayed on Earth during the previous war.

The despair of being forced to fire mushroom eggs, causing the high-level strange demons to perish together with their own people.

And these returning trialists are still talking about how miserable they are, how difficult it is for them, and how pitiful they are!

Should we say this to the innocent souls of the billions of human beings who have died?

Do you want to talk to those who survived a life of death and luck?

If you don't want to unite, don't fight within yourself.

It is also hoped that these returning trialists can stay on earth.

He had already been slapped with a slap on the ear.

The previous war almost knocked out the coffins of all human countries on the earth, leaving only one billion people in each country.

Even the great Eastern countries have only 500 million people left. It would be a lie to say that they are not afraid.

In the past, countless trialists thought that the trial levels were too dangerous and hard, so they would rather stay on earth as guardians. However, after a tragic battle, they realized that the trial levels were the real deal.

Especially this time the trial mechanism is adjusted so that trialists do not need to return to Earth, which is even more exciting.

The main legion named S, the regional server known as the national team, only 5,000 of the 200,000 people returned.

The same is true for other Trialist legions.

The total number of returned trialists in the entire country, including localities, is less than 300,000.

Most of them stayed in the trial level.

How frightening!

How ironic!

Only by comparison will we know how valuable Weicheng's P11 Corps is.

Of course, this does not mean that all district servers and all trialists are so selfish.

There are many people who are loyal to the country, loyal to humanity, and do things above board.

But they really don't have the ability.

The mind is full but the strength is not enough.

Three days later, the Type 4 mechanical soldier was developed and officially entered mass production.

The government directly announced the official announcement on the homepage of the Trialist Forum.

The p11 legion not only won a lot of honors, but the legion number was also upgraded from p to S, becoming the S11 legion.

With the highest reorganization authority, all trialists who are forced to join the area must obey the command.

At this point, the roaring noise has disappeared.

Because Wei Cheng's legion has become the de facto national team.

Not convinced?

Nothing to be dissatisfied with!

Wei Cheng didn't even need to show up, just sending a little girl of unknown reputation could calm the boastful five thousand people.

The cowhide was so loud in the previous level, but in this level, just choose Run!

You can forget, but we will not.

What's more, now that there are Type 4 mechanical soldiers, the situation is suddenly different.

What is the concept of five million mechanical soldiers whose strength is comparable to the first level of the ladder?

What's more, the Type 5 mechanical soldier is under development.

It is worth mentioning that on the second day after the news of the mass production of Type 4 Mechanical Soldiers, countries in the Americas, Northern Rakshasa, Western Europe and other countries launched asylum merger applications, willing to join the Eastern powers.

The previous battle did not defeat them, but the testers from various countries chose not to return to Earth, which completely destroyed the confidence of each country.

The defense was broken directly.

The Eastern powers still welcome this, because the merger will not only bring about population, but also elites in various fields, which will help in the research and development of Type 5 mechanical soldiers.

This is a cultivator positioned on the fifth level of the Heavenly Ladder Realm.

Once the research and development is successful, it will not be so easy for the strange demons to invade as unscrupulously as before.

It takes decades for a cultivator to grow up, but a mechanical soldier can be produced and assembled in just a few minutes.

"Ms. Xiao Qi, I wonder if Mr. Weicheng is free?"

When Qi Mei was about to leave, Director Sun came to her with a smile on his face and tactfully expressed that his superiors wanted to see him.

Qi Mei immediately wondered why,

"Director Sun, this is not shirk from me, but Wei Cheng stayed at the trial level this time. But please tell me, Director Sun, that in fact, the actual commander of our legion, the real strong one, is not Wei Cheng, but Liu Sui."

"Weicheng was just pushed out by rumors and rumors."

"In addition, Wei Dasha's name is so loud that sometimes even within our army, people think that Wei Cheng is the boss, but actually Liu Sui is."

"How about, Director Sun, please make an appointment for me to say hello to our Boss Liu?"

Qi Mei said seriously, this was also agreed in advance, from now on, Wei Cheng will retreat behind the scenes.

"Liu Sui can do this too!"

Director Sun chuckled and followed the good example.

It doesn't matter who is the boss, but you will be rewarded for your meritorious service, and you must have all kinds of honors. This is the attitude of the country.

The p11 Legion, which is now the S11 Legion, is the national team. It represents the country and mankind on earth. There is no doubt about this!

In fact, it’s not that the senior management didn’t hesitate, nor did they think it was overestimated.

But that national team, which the country has high hopes for, has five thousand people!

They are all good at complaining, and they are all powerful at bragging, but what is the result?

Not to mention that I can’t bring the supplies back,

The strength is not as good as human beings!

Five thousand people, facing Qi Mei, no one dared to say a word. If you ask, you can't beat him.

I only know how to find connections, find connections, and want to share some silver and gold.

These are strategic materials, how can they be used to enrich one's own pockets?

"Director Sun, there is one more thing. Our Boss Liu believes that the strange demons will probably not be too active in the near future, so the trialists of each legion can communicate with the immortal world, and they should be able to obtain a large number of poverty alleviation spiritual stones."

Qi Mei said at this time, now that there is a Great Rain Seal on the inside and a Great Heaven-shaking Seal on the outside, even if the Blood-Eyed Demon Lord appears again, it will be difficult to cause any immediate consequences, so it is a good opportunity for alms.


Director Sun smiled bitterly and looked troubled. This matter was a bit difficult.

Those reborn people were ignorant and fearless before, but now they know how powerful they are, but they are unwilling to communicate with the world of immortality.

Especially now that these trialists are in a mood, it is a bit difficult to communicate!

Of course, it's not that there are no trialists who are willing to communicate, but this time for some unknown reason, the trialists whose mental power is lower than level 13 cannot communicate with the opposite world of immortality at all. It seems that there is an invisible barrier outside the earth.

There are less than ten registered trialists with mental power above level 13 in the entire country.

They either refused directly or asked for exorbitant prices.

This made the top officials of the government extremely depressed.

But what can be done? This is the negative impact of a significant increase in personal strength.

"How about leaving this matter to our legion!"

Qi Mei did not continue to ask, and just took care of everything.

It is also very important to seek alms from major sects in the world of immortality. Why don’t you want the free spiritual stones?

"Is there any danger in that?"

Director Sun asked with concern, this little girl with eyebrows is undoubtedly a top expert, please don't be marked by blood eyes because of this matter.


Qi Mei smiled confidently, it was not her who was going to communicate anyway.

Liu Sui and the other twenty-two people were prepared to be exposed and marked by the blood eyes.

Now it's just ahead of schedule.

Not a big problem.

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