
The moment Wei Cheng successfully drew the Great Nine Movements Moving Mountain Seal, a voice seemed to sound in his mind, and he looked slightly surprised.

But then there was no movement, probably because the other party was a little surprised.

Wei Cheng didn't have time to think about it, all the mana in his body and the terrifying power blessed by the mysterious fairy spirit were poured into it. What he had sketched before was just a framework, and it required a powerful infusion to be considered complete and perfect. print.

But what surprised Wei Cheng was that there was not much movement in this perfect seal of the Great Nine Powers. No, actually there was no movement at all.

There is absolutely no external manifestation of the power to swallow up the world and shake the mountains and rivers, and there is not even the entity of the seal of the Great Nine Powers.

Is it as strong as it is bald?

The more powerful it is, the less traceable it is?

But Wei Cheng didn't have any more energy left to control it. The moment the seal of the Great Nine Powers was formed, he gave up. Because at this moment, his level 25 mental power was exhausted to the last trace. All the mana and the terrifying power of the mysterious fairy spirit were completely absorbed by the seal of the Great Nine Powers, and there was even a little bit left unfinished.

This also made Wei Cheng suddenly realize a fact that he had ignored.

That is, the seal of the Great Nine Powers is not full yet, it can still infuse more power, even infinitely.

This should be the reason that surprised the mysterious fairy.

As for why the Great Nine Powers Seal can do this, Wei Cheng doesn't know. He should ask that old ghost Zeng Shu.

He found this technique from the Zixia Ancient Formation.

Before old ghost Zeng Shu was reincarnated, Wei Cheng asked him for more skills, but Zeng Shu didn't say anything and just gave him an idiot look...

Now that I think about it, what he probably means is that the best skills are not big cabbage, so there is no way that you can pull them out in large quantities with just one stroke.

In this short period of time, thoughts flashed through Wei Cheng's mind, and the seal of the Great Nine Powers that could not be seen or touched, but did indeed exist, also fell.

There were no waves, and there could be no waves. The area with a radius of five thousand miles, that is, within a diameter of ten thousand miles, was suddenly enveloped by an invisible force.

Wei Cheng was stunned for a second before he realized what this was!

What a field!

After the seal of the Great Nine Powers is released, a supreme realm can be formed!

No, this may not be the full power of the Great Nine Powers Seal, but Wei Cheng cannot activate it or control it now, so it is actually in an unactivated state.

Otherwise, it should be at the level of a Great Heaven-turning Seal or a Great Ganlin Seal.

Wei Cheng thought quickly, took out Baipin Lingjiu, drank the best Lingmai, ate and drank wildly, and at the same time held the Lingshi, running the Mountain Moving Technique, and recovered like crazy.

At this moment, he no longer has the power of the mysterious fairy spirit on his body. The transaction between him and the other party has been completed. The incense of the god is completely burned out, turned into fly ash, and annihilated in an instant, leaving no trace.

The other party seemed not to want anyone to know about this at all.

Half an hour later, Wei Cheng finally regained his strength, and without saying a word, he came out of the Nine Apertures, but was suppressed back by a mysterious force the next second.

It is the supreme realm formed by the seal of the Great Nine Powers. This thing should be in an ownerless state now. Yes, it doesn't matter that Wei Cheng created it, but because the power of the mysterious fairy spirit has been exhausted, he Can't control it either.

Okay, I wonder if this counts as shooting yourself in the foot?

Wei Cheng looked a little strange, but he was not depressed. He just stayed where he was, not daring to move a step.

Because the point where he is located should be the only vitality of this supreme realm, and can be viewed as a formation.

The seal of the Great Nine Powers is here.

Although Wei Cheng cannot control it, he is indeed the one who outlines the seal that condenses the Great Nine Powers, so the Great Nine Powers Seal is also protecting him.

Such a situation was beyond Wei Cheng's imagination.

Fortunately, it's not that bad.

Because the Seal of the Great Nine Powers is transforming all the forces in the entire field.

Pollution is dispersed and transformed.

The curse was suppressed, dispelled, transformed.

All kinds of indescribable and rotten earth within a radius of five thousand miles are being silently changed.

The foul-smelling mud on the surface has begun to turn into spiritual soil with a spiritual content of 70%.

Yes, pollution, curses, radiation and other strange forces are also a kind of energy. Before they can't be defeated, they are all kinds of monsters, weird and unprovoked. But if a powerful flying brick really comes, then these are excellent. friend.

Wei Cheng squatted there, drooling at the sight.

Didn't he come on a hunting mission just for resources?

In just half an hour, the spiritual soil transformed and purified by the seal of the Great Nine Powers here will allow Weicheng to refine another five thousand jars of thousand-grade spiritual wine!

This is not to say that the seal of the Great Nine Powers is so awesome. Although it is in fact very awesome, it is difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

Try another place?

No oil can be squeezed out.

This place is the real hinterland of the alien demon, a place where unlimited troops are deployed, a place with mysterious arrangements, and where the body of the water demon is located.

So there is a lot of oil and water.

"After this time, even if I haven't been marked by the Blood-Eyed Demon Lord, I'm afraid the other demons will know that there is a person who is around the 90th level of the Ladder Realm. He is extremely powerful and can release the seal of the Great Nine Powers. The mysterious master who is mysterious, cunning, resourceful and has never been discovered or marked is still wandering in the world of immortality."

"What kind of threat is the earth? This mysterious master is the real threat."


Wei Cheng suddenly took a breath of cold air, "Isn't it possible that the strange demon will doubt the major sects in the world of immortality because of this? After all, it looks like the four major alliances did this."

"Okay, you cunning immortal cultivators, you look honest and courteous on the surface, but in fact, you are full of messy intestines. While you are on the defensive, you can hide such a terrifying and mysterious master. Why are you playing for me? Ten Thousand Years of Killing, you are really not human!"

For a moment, Wei Cheng felt aggrieved and angry for Yi Mo.

Until an angry roar woke him up.


The earth shook, and black mist rose into the sky, as if some unknown, indescribable, and indescribable power had awakened underground.

Is it the body of the water demon?

Wei Cheng is not sure, but this power is really powerful, and this pollution is really terrifying.

Previously, more than ten meters of soil on the surface of the earth had been transformed into spiritual soil with a spiritual content of 80%. As a result, all of a sudden, it was back to its former self, or even worse!

Wei Cheng was surprised and frightened, so he took out a jar of Baipin Lingjiu, drank it sizzlingly, and waited to watch the show.

As expected, the stronger this power is at this moment, the more it can activate the seal of the Great Nine Powers. In the blink of an eye, countless rays of light rise, the supreme realm shows its power, and the seal of the Great Nine Powers is activated by 30%.

All of a sudden, the underground power was pushed back.

The contaminated spiritual soil on the surface was transformed back again, and this time the spiritual content rate soared to 85%!

It's so exciting.

But Wei Cheng didn't dare to move. Now that the seal of the Great Nine Powers was activated, the only safe spot was the place where he was standing. Anyone who crossed other places would be suppressed.

He does not want to become part of the spiritual soil.


As the earth shook and the mountains shook, a thick tentacle burst out of the ground like a big bamboo shoot, and the water demon's body finally appeared.

Then the ground within a thousand miles was shaking, and an extremely huge monster was crawling out, with countless black mist, endless pollution, and an unknown source of curse. It was going to erupt, it was going to burn, it was going to devour everything!


The power of the seal of the Great Nine Powers was directly activated by 90%!

Under the supreme realm, endless pressure shrouded it, pinning the huge monster firmly down below. No matter how it struggled, twisted, roared, or jumped, it still couldn't change the outcome of being suppressed.

This seal of the Great Nine Powers is a bit stronger than Wei Cheng imagined. (End of chapter)

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