National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 376 The Blood-Eyed Demon Lord Disappears

"Lord City Lord, this is today's bill, please take a look at it."

There was a private courtyard behind the black market. At this moment, the owner of the black market, the old man Fuyun, was respectfully presenting an account book to Wei Cheng.

But Weicheng didn't look at it, just waved his hand, because the relevant prices were clear in his mind.

The price of crude dark iron is the lowest, with the market price fluctuating around one hundred tons per spiritual stone.

So usually as long as there is an opportunity and time, people who are familiar with the art will use mana to refine the rough black iron into black iron ingots.

The market price at this time is almost ten tons of spiritual stone.

There is not much difference between black copper and black iron, they are both in this price range.

It is worth mentioning that the 50 million tons of black iron and 50 million tons of black copper that Weicheng brought back to Earth last time were all refined.

In other words, if Weicheng sells these two materials alone on the market, he can make a net profit of 10 million spiritual stones.

However, most of them are ownerless things, which he plundered from the ruins of Tianji City, so if he said they were given to the earth, he would give them to the earth.

However, compared to black iron and black copper, the two materials that are truly valuable are black silver and black gold.

The last time Wei Cheng bought only coarse black iron and black copper from the group of foreign trialists, the other side didn't even sell black silver and black gold.

Because these two are actually strategic materials.

A large part of the reason why the earth is so ferocious lies in the five million tons of black gold and the five million tons of black gold.

One ton of black gold has a market price of fifty spiritual stones.

One ton of black silver has a market price of forty spiritual stones.

This is still the theoretical market price. More often, there is a price but no market, or there is a purchase limit per person.

I really think this thing is Chinese cabbage!

If Wei Cheng hadn't raided Tianji City last time, he wouldn't have obtained so much gold and silver.

It can only be said that in order to support the small breaking ball, he really did not care about the cost.

Of course, Wei Cheng doesn't care about this. Resources must be used in the most appropriate place to be effective.

If he hadn't supported Little Breaking Ball at all costs in the previous level and sent away nearly 500 million spiritual stones worth every penny, how could he have been able to calmly stay deep in the hinterland of the strange demon army in this level? Making trouble?

That super lone wolf who has 15 million tons of black iron, 5 million tons of black copper, 500,000 tons of black gold, and 500,000 tons of black silver in his hands. He has kept so many supplies to this day, but it is just... In exchange for the small advantage of being able to upgrade two or three levels in a row.

It's just a magic weapon that can be strengthened to support the sky.

How can his gains be compared with those of Wei Cheng?

After all, investment also requires hierarchy.

"You did a good job today, please keep up the good work."

Wei Cheng encouraged the old man Fuyun and left with all the purchased supplies.

Apart from keeping some of these supplies for personal use, most of the rest will still have to be sent back to Earth for free.

In this way, the little breaking ball will transform into the strongest taunting unit and focus most of the alien demon's attention.


time flies,

Three months have passed since Weicheng was forced to merge the districts.

There are still three months left in this level.

In the real world of immortal cultivation, the battle between the alien demon army and the forbidden immortal fruit army still has no winner.

However, in recent days, the trial mechanism has frequently released hunting missions with difficulty levels below level five. It can be seen that the strange demons may actually be at a disadvantage.

Naturally, this cannot be hidden from people who are interested.

At this moment, in an inconspicuous courtyard in Cangwu City, fifteen people were sitting together calmly.

It seemed like a very ordinary gathering, but in fact the fifteen of them were really worthy of being the top leaders in Cangwu City today.

The convener of this gathering is none other than the super king among super lone wolves.

In a few months, by smashing 80 million spiritual stones, he first raised his cultivation level from the twenty-fourth level of the Heavenly Ladder Realm to the twenty-sixth Floor of the Heavenly Ladder Realm in one go. Strengthen one of his top magic weapons into a junior magic weapon.

After that, this super lone wolf secretly left the city alone, relying on his own strength, spent nine days and nine nights, and exhausted all kinds of methods, and finally killed an ice and snow demon. Ten levels of strength.

Who dares to say that this kind of fighting power is not unique to Cangwu City!

That day, when this man dragged the body of the ice and snow demon into Cangwu City, the whole city was in a sensation!

From then on, everyone knows the name of Ice Emperor!

By the way, his major is the Beiming profession!

In short, from that day on, the Ice King became the idol of most of the trialists in Cangwu City, especially the Lone Wolf triallers.

"This is the situation. At present, the trial mechanism has not opened hunting missions above level five difficulty, but we can't wait around. Outside this city, there are ice and snow demons everywhere. Kill one and I will gain the divine light. The stone tablet almost raised my spiritual power by one level."

"But these ice and snow monsters are too clumsy, and the group hatred is too perverted. There are still dozens of ice and snow monsters outside guarding me."

"So I am gathering everyone this time to do something big and kill the thirty-five ice and snow demons outside in one fell swoop! I can guarantee that everyone's gains will be huge!"

"In addition, I have figured out their characteristics. In the final analysis, they are still just monsters evolved from the trial mechanism. Under certain special circumstances, rigid response loopholes are prone to appear."

"Okay! The Ice Emperor has called, how can I not obey? It's settled like that!"

A group of people quickly reached a consensus. Together with their companions, there were a total of 80 people. They could deal with 35 ice and snow monsters. With a strategy, there would be little pressure.

And as long as this wave is completed, the subsequent benefits will be endless.

Because they can completely win over the earth's trialists, divide them, and control them by bringing them to fight the ice and snow demons.

In the face of interests, everyone looks the same, so who would be so stubborn as to think that people on Earth will not fight against people on Earth?

By the time everything is done, it will be easy to evacuate the S11 Legion or seize control of Cangwu City.

"Tomorrow morning, everyone will gather in Xicheng!"

The Ice King ordered calmly and steadily. He spent three months observing to understand the people on earth and the S11 Legion, and determined that this was also a civilization that worshiped the strong and followed the strong. This was how everything happened today. .

He was sure that when they brought back the bodies of thirty-five ice demons, the entire Cangwu City would once again cheer for them.

If the legendary Old Wei in the S11 Legion still did not intervene this time, it means that he is either just showing off, or he doesn't mind this matter.

Of course, if the legendary Old Wei really intervened, then regardless of his strength, the Ice Emperor would be ready to admit his mistake and become his grandson immediately.

I dare to push these people out and share the same crime. I will never resist.

After all, a person who can establish a large earth zone through forced merging of zones must not be underestimated.

Absolutely no offense. He could only test it bit by bit. If there was any sign of something wrong, he would kneel down and be a grandson.

Just like that, everyone walked out of the room. Before they could say goodbye, they suddenly felt that something was not right. In the next second, dozens of joint stone tablets were smashed down on their heads. Not only did they smash the dreams of these people, but also the dreams of all the testers. The hope of luck was riddled with holes and shattered into pieces!

There are some foreign trialists applying for a merger at this juncture.

"Don't agree, don't agree!"

The Ice King was weeping and begging in his heart, and many people were also begging in their hearts. The difficulty of the trial level must not be increased any more!

They have worked very hard, but as trialists, they are unable to go out of the city to hunt monsters. How sad this is!

Now we finally see a glimmer of hope. Please, don’t, don’t, don’t agree!

At this moment, many Earth Trialists rushed to the streets. They were very angry. If Dasha Wei dared to agree, they would definitely demand an explanation.

But at this moment, a progress bar suddenly appeared on the stone tablet for applying for merging areas. If more than half of all trialists agree, they can agree to merge!

Very good!

Very good!

No one wants to continue to merge the districts, right?

No one wants to continue to increase the difficulty, right?

This is simply what the people want, and the people's will is God's will!

The trial mechanism finally gave up on that bastard Wei Dasha!

However, the happy time is always too short. After a few seconds, many people were dumbfounded when they saw the rapidly increasing progress bar on the stone tablet of the joint area!


Where did so many retarded people come from?


More than half of the total number of people voted and agreed to merge the areas. The difficulty of the current trial level was increased to 101%.


The Ice King vomited out a mouthful of blood. He has not recovered from his last injury. He is so bullying. You will be paralyzed by the trial mechanism!

In the distance, Wei Cheng smiled happily and walked away quietly.

He admitted that the super lone wolf ice king was somewhat capable, but this matter could not continue to ferment.

He worked so hard to force the zone merger to restore health to the Great Zhoutian Magic Array, not to develop it for you.

If you want to develop, go to the real world of immortality. Don't be in a nest, and don't worry about my family fortune.

So, a little more difficulty, a little warning.

As a human being, the most important thing is to have discernment. As a super lone wolf, you can't even notice such a little warning, right?


Wei Cheng's heart suddenly moved, and in the next second he saw more than a thousand hunting stone tablets falling from the sky, but the trial mechanism was launching hunting missions again, this time all at level six difficulty.

And the ones being hunted are still strange monsters.

Obviously, from the perspective of the trial mechanism, strange demons are the most threatening. It is necessary to continue to attack and take advantage of his illness to kill him.

While Wei Cheng was still thinking, the thousands of hunting missions with level 6 difficulty were snatched away.


Hundreds of hunting stone tablets fell again, this time they were all level seven difficulty, but they were all snatched up in a second.

It can only be said that their regional server is really too powerful at the moment.

There are so many masters!

Especially since the emergence of the Enlightenment Stone Tablet and the Basic Rune Stone Tablet, there have been as many as 200,000 trialists on the fifteenth level of the Ladder Realm.

These are all hunting missions that can be completed at level six or level seven difficulty.

As for the trialists above the 18th level of the Ladder Realm, there are already 20,000 people there.


More than a hundred hunting stone tablets with level 8 difficulty fell down.

But it was quickly sold out.

Then ten hunting stone monuments with level 9 difficulty appeared.

It's as if the trial mechanism is launching a large-scale battle.

Come on, it’s sold out again!

Hey, no way. At this moment, Wei Cheng was a little bit ready to make a move, but he immediately held him down.

That's it for everyone else, he can't bear such a big risk.

But what happened to make the trial mechanism so radical?


A hunting stone tablet with level 10 difficulty fell directly in front of Wei Cheng.

Really persistent.

Wei Cheng shook his head firmly, and after a few seconds, the ten-level hunting stone tablet dispersed automatically.

Obviously, the trial mechanism still believes that no one except Wei Cheng is worthy.

Of course, they can also take the initiative to apply for a hunting mission with level 10 difficulty.

"Old Wei, the blood tide of the Blood-Eyed Demon Lord has disappeared, and it will never appear again in the next hundred years!"

Qi Mei suddenly appeared in front of Wei Cheng, but she had already led the team to complete a hunting mission with level 7 difficulty.

"In addition, the four major alliances in the world of immortality suddenly launched an attack and are besieging the strange demons!"

"Extremely good news!"

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