Wei Cheng looked at the catalog of strange demons in surprise. In addition to a simple description of the self-contaminating magic weapon, it also showed a description of the nine poisons.

"So, the immortal cultivators have long known about the existence of the Nine Poison Demon King?"

It suddenly dawned on him that this was the only explanation.

And these immortal cultivators were running around all over the earth, and there were even many single ones running around. He felt weird. It turned out that they were also trying to find the Nine Poison Demon King!

In addition, if he remembered correctly, these immortal cultivators also had a catalog of strange demons in their hands, but it was not written by an immortal.

"It's true that I'm a villain in vain."

Wei Cheng smiled. His original plan was to divert trouble to the east and create some panic among these immortal cultivators through the catalog of strange demons. After all, in a sense, the catalog of strange demons in his hand was also a form of self-destruction. A magic weapon, no, at least a self-destructive magic weapon.

Otherwise, it would not be able to hold so much information about strange demons.

Especially the detailed information about the Demon Lord.

But now it seems that these immortal cultivators at least still have the principles and positions they adhere to. Since they have promised to protect the earth for three months, they will not be perfunctory, but try to find traces of the Nine Poison Demon King as much as possible.

In this case, let's forget it and think of another way.

Wei Cheng is also a principled, kind-hearted and good young man who pursues justice, so he was ready to leave immediately. But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the self-defiling magic weapon in the hand of the female immortal cultivator suddenly had an extremely weak The light flashed, as if something had been triggered.

The three immortal cultivators immediately showed vigilant and cautious expressions, and each cast a set of unfamiliar spells to bless the self-defiling magic weapon. In an instant, the light on the four lanterns suddenly intensified.

The red lantern among them suddenly turned as red as blood, and even the light emitted gave people a sticky and flowing feeling.

The orange lantern has changed into a very bright orange, just like the one eye of a big snake, giving people the illusion that if you look at it one more time, you will be poisoned and die.

As for the blue lanterns and cyan lanterns, the same is true. Anyway, they all look extremely dangerous. If you don't know, you would think these three immortal cultivators are such evil monsters.

But in fact, this is the characteristic of self-contaminating instruments.

The core principle is to fight poison with poison, devil with devil, and violence with violence!

This is completely different from the confrontation model represented by the Daqing Muyin.

Wei Cheng was three hundred miles away, carefully sensing and understanding, and his understanding of the self-contaminating magic weapon became deeper.

It can only be said that the world of immortal cultivation is still full of talents, and the immortal method is still omnipotent. There is no problem that cannot be solved, as long as the right method can be found.

And it also provided him with a new inspiration.

The catalog of strange demons in his hand is naturally a good thing, but it will inevitably be affected after being exposed to it for a long time.

Immortal Chu believes that thirteen self-defiling methods need to be prepared to fight against the thirteen strange demons.

Wei Cheng, however, did not want to resort to self-destruction, because he believed from beginning to end that as long as the alien demons did not know of his existence, he would have greater room to play and cause greater damage to the alien demons.

So, why not create thirteen corresponding self-pollution instruments?

In this regard, the immortal cultivator is his master.

Wei Cheng was thinking about it when he suddenly saw the three immortal cultivators rushing towards his position quickly. What do you mean?

Why are you coming for me?

No way!

You increased the power and used the self-defiling magic weapon to track the Nine Poison Demon King, and you actually caught up with me?

"No, it was because I used the Catalog of Strange Demons just now, and then formed a weak resonance with this self-contaminating magic weapon, so they regarded me as a trace left by the Nine Poison Demon King."

Wei Cheng understood quickly, but at the same time he was also very curious. Is the resonance of the Nine Poisons so exaggerated?

At this time, as the three immortal cultivators approached at a faster pace, Wei Cheng also more clearly sensed the changes in the catalog of strange demons, and the description of the self-defiling magic weapon became clearer.

I see.

Those four lanterns are corresponding.

The blood red lantern represents curse.

Orange lanterns represent pollution.

Blue lanterns represent toxins.

The green lantern represents the plague.

But these are only the four poisons. What about the five poisons?

Wei Cheng was hesitating whether to say hello to these three immortal cultivators and get close to them. They were all friendly forces, so their natural favorability was +10.

As a result, perhaps because the power of the three self-defiling magic weapons in their hands was activated to the maximum, the catalog of strange demons in Wei Cheng's hands actually caused a backlash.

After all, the Illustration of Strange Demons is also a magic weapon for self-destruction, and it is a more advanced one.

The Catalog of Strange Demons can tell that the opponent is a friendly force, but the friendly forces cannot tell whether it is a strange monster!

In addition, these three immortal cultivators were overconfident, no, too careless. Alas, at this moment, hundreds of miles away, a phantom suddenly floated past in the catalog of strange demons.

The next second, the three self-defiling magic weapons in the hands of the three immortal cultivators exploded, and twelve lanterns were shattered into pieces.

The three of them had no time to dodge and were hit directly.

In just a few seconds, without allowing them to find a way to resolve it, the three of them directly transformed into Ouyang Feng who had practiced the toad magic skill, inflating like a hot air balloon!

Curse, pollution, poison, and plague, four different strange forces acted on them, making it difficult for them to curb their cultivation after years of hard work, and instead became a hotbed for these four strange forces.

Wei Cheng was horrified to see this.

And just when he was about to take action, the three people suddenly started to burst out black poisonous gas like a punctured balloon. In the blink of an eye, they turned into mummies.

too fast!

They are immortal cultivators on the 40th level of the Heavenly Ladder Realm and have already cultivated their souls. Why are they so inexperienced?

Why did he die so easily?

Totally inconsistent with common sense.

But at this moment, Wei Cheng suddenly felt an extremely dangerous feeling in his heart, which made his hair stand on end. What was worse was that a sense of suffocation that was about to be exposed was quickly coming from all directions. He could even see countless tiny The black threads were rapidly shrinking around the three mummies.

Madhu, one of these three immortal cultivators was transformed by a strange demon!

No wonder there are such changes, no wonder they die so quickly!

At this time, there was no time to think. Wei Cheng directly used his own authority to activate the Great Zhoutian Illusion Array. Through the Great Teleportation, he was instantly moved out of the earth and returned to the trial level.

Other trialists can only make one round trip within a year.

But because he has level three authority, he can go back and forth three times.

Fortunately, otherwise, he would have been caught by the Nine Poison Demon King this time.

That was the Nine Poison Demon King. A demon king-level existence, even with the lowest strength, must be equivalent to a cultivator on the fifty-fifth level of the Ladder Realm.

But in fact, according to the display in the strange demon catalogue, this nine-poison demon king is clearly equivalent to the existence of the seventy-fifth level of the ladder realm.

At this moment, even though Wei Cheng had returned to the trial level, he could still see clearly that countless black threads were rapidly passing through Antarctica like a large net, and finally shrunk into a black sphere the size of a pigeon egg.

One of the mummies suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed it whole.

Later, the mummy naturally grew new flesh and blood, which was exactly the same as the female immortal cultivator just now. When it was put on clothes, no one could tell whether it was real or fake.

Later, the other two mummies returned to their human form in the same way.

Even the self-defiling magic weapons in their hands were restored.

The three of them seemed to have forgotten what had just happened and continued to start a new round of search. At this time, Wei Cheng took a look at the catalog of strange demons in his hand, and there was nothing on it.

In other words, if they are not exposed, even the strange devil catalog cannot tell who the strange devil is.

And this seems to be the biggest shortcoming of The Illustration of Strange Demons.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the Great Zhou Tian Illusion Array to be unable to find the mastermind behind the hidden strange demon hidden in the world of immortality.

Now the situation seems to be more serious than imagined.

Mainly because I don’t know how many incarnations of the Nine Poison Demon King there have been?

For a moment, Wei Cheng felt that his scalp was numb and extremely troublesome.

Because if you use conventional methods to deal with the Nine Poison Demon King, you will lose no matter what!

Especially now, when they want to develop vigorously with the earth as their basic base, they may lose all their money in a war!

"Wait a minute, if that's the case, wouldn't it be the world of immortality that has the last laugh?"

Wei Cheng suddenly had an extra thought at this time. It wasn't that he was delusional about being persecuted, but that this was an immortal cultivator!

He was replaced when he said he was being replaced?

If just any Nine Poison Demon King can act so rampantly, how can the world of immortality be played?

In the past, although the four major alliances in the world of immortality could not find the lurking demon king, it did not mean that other demon king-level chicks could also do whatever they wanted.

They can really stand up to the strange demons and rule across the river.

Wei Cheng wouldn't believe it if it was a coincidence.

"Don't be afraid of 10,000, just be afraid of the worst. You still have to be on guard, but then again, if this strategy is true, then it is really impossible to solve it with conventional means. There is no one on earth who can compete with the Demon King-level strange monster. Super combat power for head-on confrontation!"

Wei Cheng pondered in his heart and felt a headache, because he only had three ways to resolve it.

But if you want to find a foolproof method that has all the benefits and no harm, you still need to use your brain.

"Or will it be ruined?"

An idea flashed through Wei Cheng's mind. The Nine Poison Demon King was difficult to deal with. If he wanted to resolve all kinds of pollution, curses, toxins, plagues, etc., he had to trace back to the source and figure out every detail. This required a lot of effort. A very long time, a very, very big amount of energy.

It is estimated that only the world of cultivators has this ability to master most of the links.

They can't do it on Earth.

"Then don't defend yourself and let the Nine Poison Demon King pollute the earth at will, curse the earth, and increase the pollution concentration to a very high profit point. Well, it's better to be able to smash it with the Great Nine Powers."

"After all, in this day and age, everything must be done with a profit of 10,000 times. If there is no profit of 10,000 times, what can you tell me?"

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