Earth, somewhere near the North Pole,

A lonely figure stood there, as if admiring the lonely aurora.

And around this figure, there were many corpses lying in random directions.

Blood was flowing gurglingly, and a group of large golden-winged, green-headed, black-tailed, purple-bellied flies came from nowhere and were buzzing from east to west, from south to north, quite busy.

Soon, there seemed to be some kind of living thing squirming hard on the wounds of the corpses. The lower abdomen of these corpses also swelled up visibly, and even the surface of the corpses grew colorful and long fluff. Under the aurora, it actually looks a little cute.

Suddenly, the fingers of a corpse trembled slightly, as if it was resurrected from the dead. Darkness from all directions suddenly swallowed up the aurora, and the world became extremely dark.

And in this darkness, there were still unknown and inaudible whispers ringing out one after another.

At first it was just a few syllables and the speed was very slow.

But over and over again, the number of syllables suddenly increased, and the speed doubled, so that the whispers actually turned into countless thunderous waves.

At the most extreme moment, all the syllables suddenly disappeared, and all the sounds suddenly disappeared, because they were no longer audible to the ears, they penetrated directly into the brain, and they played completely deep in the soul.

With this kind of effect, everyone is guaranteed to go crazy.

No one is immune!

However, thousands of miles away, there were two immortal cultivators chatting with dull expressions.

The expressions on their faces did not change at all, like sculptures, but there were words in their mouths.

"Senior Brother Cheng, the magic sound curse you have created is becoming more and more charming."

"Haha, blah blah blah, Junior Brother Jiang, your creatures share the same plague, and you have trained them very well."

"Both each other, let's talk to each other when we have time!"


"Hey, I just hope those people on Earth become smarter."

"There is a high probability that they are not smart. We gave them an ultimatum early this morning. Now that the time is approaching, they have not responded at all. This really doesn't take you and me seriously."

"Forget it, for the sake of the common people in the world, don't blame us. Junior Brother Jiang, when the time comes, release the devil!"

"Senior Brother Cheng, please!"


After the strange conversation between these two dumb immortal cultivators, they suddenly exploded on the spot. One turned into countless flies, and the other turned into a giant several hundred meters tall.

The countless flies flew towards the north and soon disappeared in the sky.

And the giant was striding towards the south.

It's just that every time it goes out for more than ten miles, it will vomit crazily in the surrounding area. What it spits out is not liquid, but burnt yellow balls the size of fists.

As soon as the ball comes into contact with the spiritual energy, it expands and grows wildly, turning into countless floating flocs at a height of tens of meters above the ground.

It can cover hundreds of meters in a blink of an eye.

All living things within this range, whether animals or plants, will be entangled and covered by this protein-colored floc, and then quickly wither and die.

But this was not the end, because on these withered and dead plants, huge black mushrooms that were as big as houses soon grew.

If some places had more spiritual energy and denser plants, the mushrooms that would grow would be as tall as a dozen floors!

Countless roots grow beneath these large mushrooms, reaching tens or even hundreds of meters deep into the earth. They not only pollute the groundwater, but also draw up the polluted groundwater at the same time.

As a result, these big black mushrooms grew bigger and bigger, becoming more and more juicy!

However, the original ecology of this place was completely destroyed in a short period of time.

Not vulnerable at all!

This is a black plague craze, which no longer hits a certain ethnic group or individual, but the entire ecological civilization!

At this moment, when enough water was absorbed, those big black mushrooms suddenly exploded one after another, and the entire surface turned into a vast ocean in the blink of an eye!

But the original giant suddenly appeared at this moment, opened its big mouth, and crazily swallowed the polluted poisonous water everywhere.

As it continued to devour, its body also expanded crazily, from a few hundred meters high to tens of thousands of meters high. Its huge belly had expanded like a mountain.

When it could no longer swallow it, it began to take long strides and continued southward, and continued to vomit as it walked. This continuous cycle carried the plague poison farther away.

"Nine Poison Demon King! This is his plague mushroom!"

At this moment, as the plague spread rapidly, it soon reached the castle closest to the North Pole.

On the castle, a group of foreign trialists pointed at the plague frenzy, not surprised at all, let alone afraid.

Even, they are still laughing.

"Already possessing 90% of the charm of the Nine Poison Demon King, the intelligence of these immortal cultivators is quite admirable!"

"It's just this method that made things worse."

"As long as it accomplishes its purpose, who cares?"

"Chief, should we remind those people on earth? Those cultivators have made it clear that they did this just for them!"

"Wait a minute! Earthlings are not stupid either. Besides, don't you think this is actually an opportunity to make a fortune? Why not take advantage of the wool of the Immortal Realm!"

"Come on, let's wait for you!"

Soon, when the plague crazily arrived at this foreigner's fortress, hundreds of big moving mountain seals were smashed down with arrogant laughter!

Suppress, seal, transform spiritual soil, short you!

After one wave, it will be 50% profit, which is really delicious!

And this is not the only fortress that does this.

Of course, there are thousands of immortal cultivators all over the world who are cursed, polluted, poisoned, plagued, and spread poison under the name of the Nine Poison Demon King.

And there are as many as 350 million foreigners.

For a time, before the plague curse could threaten the people on earth, it was blocked by the exotic fund.

"A bunch of clowns!"

At the S city base, the two immortal cultivators responsible for this intimidation mission were sneering.

"It's okay if they don't jump out. Since they are seeking death and want to harvest the wool, let them have a good time!"

"Senior Brother Cheng, it's time to teach them a lesson."

Junior Brother Jiang quickly took out a small bottle and carefully poured three drops of the crimson liquid into a small paper figurine.


Following their control, the plague giant, which had been beaten by various large-scale moving seals all over the world, suddenly began to vomit red blood!

And the blood's level and origin were unknown. When the Dabaoshan Seal was suppressed, it made a strange squeaking sound. The blood seemed to come alive and directly backfired on the Dabaoshan Seal.

However, this kind of backlash is not severe, and it only reduces the suppressive effect of the Great Moving Mountain Seal to about 70 to 80% as much as possible.

This kind of ingenuity, which can be called positioning, immediately caused those foreign trialists who wanted to make a small fortune to complain.

Because it is not easy to condense the Great Moving Mountain Seal, it is even more difficult to maintain it.

There are few people like Weicheng who can move the four major forces and move the mountain seal at will, and do whatever they want.

This inevitably leads them to a dilemma.

Or just give up the big move mountain seal and cut off the meat to save capital.

Although there is some loss, it will not be a serious injury.

Or, we have to continue to input mana to maintain the operation of the Great Moving Mountain Seal. But in that case, who knows when we can turn losses into profits?

Many foreign trialists decisively choose to give up, because they all know that they are fighting against the immortal cultivators in the world of immortality.

If the opponent can come up with this method, he will definitely have more powerful thunderous methods next.

Fortunately, I had already made a small profit just now, so it would not be a loss to give up now.

As a lone wolf, I still have this bit of vision.

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