National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 619: Thirty million female students

Wei Cheng's guess was absolutely correct.

Because this is a conspiracy.

At this moment, 3,500 taboo pits away from the Qianqiu Immortal Territory, there is the Shaoyun Immortal Territory where the third ancestor Dao Huo is located. There are several eyes calmly watching what is happening in the Qianqiu Immortal Territory. everything.

Their status is beyond words, they come from the Celestial Emperor family of the third fire holder.

If the first fire is compared to the big house, the second fire is compared to the second house, and the third fire is compared to the third house.

Then the third direct Taizu Daohuo is the first person in the Sanfang family tree.

Then the third legitimate ancestor Dao Huo belongs to the eldest son.

The third direct ancestor Dao Huo is the eldest grandson of the third family!

In fact, Kun Wu, who mastered the Tao Fire of the Third Great Ancestor, Tai Yu, who mastered the Tao Fire of the Third Lie Ancestor, and Shao Yun, who mastered the Tao Fire of the Third Ancestor, these three powerful Heavenly Emperors themselves are also of direct bloodline. inheritance.

For example, Shaoyun's grandfather is Taiyu.

Taiyu's great-grandfather was Kunwu.

Although the seniority between the three of them is inconsistent with that between Dao Huo, it is in line with the family inheritance.

Because only the best and most blessed descendants in the family can become the heirloom holders of the Tao Fire.

Tens of millions of years have passed since Shao Yun, the Heavenly Emperor's family, established and pioneered the third line of Heavenly Ancestor Daohuo. Shao Yun's grandson's grandson's grandson has thousands of grandsons.

Each of them was qualified to obtain the core Tao Fire, but none of them succeeded in developing the third great ancestor Tao Fire.

In fact, there are only a few who can successfully open up an ordinary fairyland.

Most of them have a period of more than a thousand years, the core Tao fire has disappeared, and the right to develop has been taken back.

Among Shaoyun's descendants, those who are unsuccessful do not have any privileges.

At this point, the rules of the human race are very restrictive.

Regardless of their origin, everyone has a thousand years to develop and make achievements.

No matter how long your life span is, the most glorious one will always be that one thousand years.

Based on this, many immortal families will hide their best disciples at home, and will not let them obtain the core fire and become pioneering immortal kings.

Only when the opportunity arises, they will be born quickly, obtain the core fire, become pioneering immortal kings, and compete for the most dazzling position.

Just like this.

"Chiaki did well."

A female immortal in fluttering white clothes smiled and said with an extremely transcendent tone. Her name is Yun Li, and she is the sixth generation grandson of Emperor Kunwu.

She is also the great-granddaughter of Emperor Taiyu.

The niece of Emperor Shaoyun.

This status is naturally extremely valuable.

And she is also an outstanding child of the Tianzi No. 1 family that has been hidden in the Tiandi family until now.

It has lived for 35,329,800 years so far.

In the past countless years, she only stayed in the family and devoted herself to cultivation, never coming into contact with the human race's Dao Fire, and never doing anything. Naturally, she would not make meritorious deeds, nor would she trigger the core Dao Fire, and she would not waste her quota as a pioneering Immortal Lord.

But her strength is undoubtedly powerful.

The immortal body was tempered to nine levels, and the seventh body was cultivated at the same time.

The first-grade native cultivation world, the first-grade native immortal weapon.

After practicing the fifth level of the Yuanshen Armor, a full eighteen kinds of Yuanshen weapons were cultivated in the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth, and then the Immortal Spirit Armor reached the fifth level in one breath.

So powerful, almost cheating.

Especially when it comes to pioneering, it is unprecedented.

After all, humans have their own rules.

For example, Emperor Kunwu, Emperor Taiyu, and Emperor Shaoyun are naturally extremely powerful in terms of comprehensive strength, but their current role is actually to suppress the basic Daohuo of the human race.

It is impossible for them to open up a new fairyland.

Those who are qualified to open up the new fairyland can only be the new generation of humans.

But now this rule has been so openly bypassed.

Legal and valid.

But this time, there was an opportunity to separate the families, so the Emperor of Heaven family sent their strongest King Zha!

After all, when it comes to dividing the family, the competitors are not limited to those within the third fire, but also include the second fire and the first fire. Everyone wants to separate the family and compete for the fourth fire.

For this reason, the three heavenly emperors all directly issued orders to Qianqiu Immortal Lord to clear the way for Yunli to escort him.

Once successful, Qianqiu Immortal Lord will be one of the biggest contributors.

Such a prospect makes old foxes like Qianqiu Xianjun extremely excited and wishes they could die.

And this kind of movement also clearly tells other competitors of the Immortal Family to stop their activities.

Either wait for the next opportunity, surrender, or get off the field and compete.

But no one is that stupid.

Not to mention the huge resources and power that Immortal Yunli can mobilize behind her, who can match her own strength alone?

This is the super immortal master who may be ranked among the top 100 in the human area where the third fire is located.

Who lives impatiently and wants to compete with them?

It’s not too late to fawn over.

It is said that this Immortal Lord Yunli has a very good character and is kind to others. He is still unmarried.

Many immortal families are eagerly waiting to marry him.

After all, there are thirty million women in college...

At this moment, behind Immortal Lord Yunli, dozens of advisers were rapidly deducing the battle that had just occurred. If Wei Cheng were here, he would be surprised to find that the derivation method they used was exactly the same as an extremely high-level, extremely complex, and extremely... The rigorous Great Zhoutian Magic Formation.

The Great Zhou Tian Magic Array deployed by Immortal Chu in the Immortal Realm had only one Immortal Realm rune in its core.

That can only be used to scare mortals and immortal cultivators.

That was really vulgar at the moment.

Even the Great Zhou Tian Magic Array deployed and constructed by Wei Cheng not long ago only had fifty fairy runes in its core.

However, the Great Zhoutian Magic Array deployed and built by Immortal Lord Yunli's advisers actually had a core of three thousand fairy runes.

This means that once such a large imaginary array is completed, the area that can be deduced and monitored will cover more than half of the area illuminated by the third fire.

Especially the Qianqiu Immortal Realm and the Baishe Immortal Realm, as well as the entire tributary of the Divine Thunder River.

Everything that happens here, all people, all objects, all power trajectories, will appear in the Great Zhoutian Illusion Array.

Everything is under control.

Immortal Lord Yunli really acted with the attitude of a lion fighting a rabbit.

Once she takes action, she will never lose!

But there is only one thing. Because the requirements are too high, it will take hundreds of years to deploy such a terrifying Great Zhoutian Magic Array.

Therefore, it is not possible to conduct monitoring and deduction of the entire area for the time being.

It can only be monitored and deduced in advance by the Great Zhoutian Magic Array, which has ten cores with only five fairy runes.

When the ultimate Great Zhoutian Fantasy Array is deployed and built, all the information will be transferred there to achieve the master control of information and intelligence in the entire region.

At this moment, there are still three hundred years left before the deployment of this ultimate Great Zhoutian Magic Formation.

"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, the results of the first deduction of the battle just now are out."

An Immortal Advisor came respectfully ten feet away from Immortal Yunli and reported carefully.

Immortal Lord Yunli will not look back. In the blink of an eye, countless scenes of what happened in the Qianqiu Immortal Realm unfold in front of her.

It was as if she had witnessed it with her own eyes.

In these pictures, Immortal Lord Qianqiu occupies a large space.

Suddenly, the picture ended, and it was fixed on a beacon tower, and on the beacon tower, a rotten tree trunk was placed there inconspicuously.

"Didn't there be any movement in Wei City during the battle just now?"

Immortal Lord Yunli asked casually, how powerful she is in the world of souls, and her deduction ability is equally terrifying. In fact, Wei Cheng, who is good at breaking curses, fell into her eyes very early. After all, the wave of curses that Wei Cheng made before Immunity is really amazing.

If it weren't for being immune to this wave of curses, Immortal Lord Yunli's plan wouldn't have been so easy to execute.

It's a pity that this Wei City also lost its immortal body because of this, and even the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth were weakened.

But even so, Immortal Yunli still values ​​Weicheng very much, and specifically instructs Immortal Qianqiu to find and contact Weicheng. In any case, the knowledge of curses that this person has mastered is very important.

And the feedback given by Immortal Qianqiu is indeed very good.

This Wei Cheng is actually keenly aware that the Qianqiu Immortal Realm cannot withstand the attack of the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor. Is this guy too slick, and actually persuades the Qianqiu Immortal Lord to break out and escape?


"Reporting to the Immortal Lord, our Great Zhou Tian Illusion Array did not detect Weicheng's action during the battle. However, as long as he takes action, we can record and mark the intensity of his action, as well as his attainments in curse science."

"okay, I get it."

Immortal Lord Yunli nodded and did not pay too much attention to Wei Cheng.

She has a cloud of talented people and a rain of advisors under her command, and there is no shortage of immortals with the same powerful knowledge of curses.

However, the location of Wei City is very important.

Hope not to disappoint her.

Of course, it’s okay to be disappointed.

In the Qianqiu Immortal Realm, Wei Cheng can only be ranked ninth among those who can catch her eye.

This is also the maximum limit that she plans to reward meritorious officials in Qianqiu Immortal Realm, canonize them as lords, and accept them as retainers.

"Speed ​​up the deployment of the Great Zhoutian Fantasy Array. You can deploy a few more smaller ones. I need to have a clearer grasp of the dynamics of the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor."

Immortal Lord Yunli said calmly, and then she no longer cares about these trivial matters. Next, she only needs to fight against the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor and use the ultimate false power to severely injure or even kill him in one fell swoop!

All his efforts are accomplished in one battle!

At the same time, Wei Cheng was also thinking about it.

When he guessed that the mysterious family would enter the battle situation from the ultimate illusion and decide the outcome in one fell swoop, he knew that he had only three options to choose from.

The first is to learn from Immortal Qianqiu, give up all worries, and fight firmly and resolutely against the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor. After winning the final victory, the outstanding disciple of that mysterious family should not be stingy with rewarding him.

In fact this is the easiest.

It can be said that you can climb directly to Qingyun Road and hug your thick legs.

The second rule is to be extremely concealed and low-key, so that you don't have much use value, and then watch on the sidelines, everything has nothing to do with him, Xianyun Yehe is nothing more than that.

This road is also quite simple.

Wei Cheng didn't think that the outstanding son of that mysterious family would be so narrow-minded and intolerant of others. Even if the other party found some clues, he would probably just laugh it off.

After all, the other party must have come here to separate the family and have a big plan.

It's too funny to think about such a trivial matter.

If you don't use it for me, just ignore it. The other party doesn't lack any of his subordinates.

Finally, there is the third item, which is to be prepared at any time to deal with emergencies.

After all, who can guarantee that the mysterious and outstanding disciple from the mysterious family will definitely succeed and will definitely not fail?

They are indeed extremely expensive within the scope of the Third Fire, but if the scope is expanded to the larger area of ​​the First Fire and the Second Fire, they will really be poor relatives in a remote area.

There’s not much that’s cool.

Wei Cheng is not alarmist.

So far, he's been considering another variable.

That is the method of merging the demons into one body!

Who perfected it?

Therefore, he didn't want to have any natural hostility towards the outstanding disciple sent by the mysterious family, nor did he want to compete with him. He was just cautious.

If possible, he would rather hope to provide this outstanding youngster with a divine assist through this method of checking for deficiencies and filling them up.

Wouldn’t it be nice to suddenly become a great hero?

After all, he, Mr. Wei, is also a layman.

I won't turn a blind eye to Qingyun's shortcut. (End of chapter)

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