National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 630 Wei Dasha’s Three Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestors

Jiao Yue came to seek refuge with a team of five hundred lords.

Wei Cheng knew it immediately.

This was an unexpected surprise for him.

He even felt that this was the result of his many years of being kind to others, caring for the weak, loyal to the human race, and becoming more and more handsome.

Sure enough, good people are rewarded.

At this moment, Wei Cheng came to greet him personally. At the junction of the Qianqiu Immortal Realm and the Baishe Immortal Realm, two beacon towers were watching each other. On one side came the bright moon, carrying her five hundred lords with her in a majestic manner.

There are many acquaintances among them, such as the former Zixia Immortal Lord Gu Fuyun, the former Qingmu Immortal Lord Yun Yang, etc.

It’s really a warm feeling for everyone to meet each other now.

As for Wei Cheng, although he was alone and even lost his shoes in joy, behind him, there were 1100 carrots in the taboo pit, oh, it was the Yuntu Immortal deployed by 1100 lords. The formation, the flashing fairy light is really dazzling and magnificent!

You must know that no matter how bright a Yuntu Immortal Formation is, it is just that.

Ten seats or a hundred seats are still average.

When the Qianqiu Immortal Territory had the largest number, there were 380 Yuntu Immortal Formations. Couldn't they also cover the entire territory?

However, at this moment, Jiaoyue and others remained silent.

It’s not that they haven’t seen the world, they all came from Kunwu, Taiyu, and Shaoyun Immortal Realm. What kind of scenes have they not seen?

But I have never seen such a densely packed and taboo-filled scene.

Because there is no use at all.

This is like a mortal city wall. It can be built taller, larger and stronger, but it will never be possible to cover the entire city with walls and make the entire city solid.

And the scene in front of me is so funny, so weird, so unreliable!

Looking around, everything is filled with bright and dark fairy lights, mixed with the light of Dao fire. It is really 'magical'.

Normally speaking, for these more than a thousand taboo pits, just through calculation and deploying a dozen Yuntu Immortal Formations at key positions can meet the normal defense effect.

If you still want to improve defense, then increasing the number of Yuntu Immortal Formations to fifty or one hundred is enough.

Really, a hundred seats is really a top-notch match.

The kind with explosive defensive effects.

But in fact, even the three major immortal realms of Kunwu, Taiyu, and Shaoyun are not so exaggerated. The number of the Taboo Pit and the Yuntu Immortal Formation will not be less than ten to one.

Of course, the Yuntu Immortal Formation over there is of the first level and is incomparable.

"Wei Xianzun!"

At this moment, Gaoyue was far away, leading her men to salute Wei Cheng respectfully. Even at this moment, she was still thinking about whether it was worth it or not, whether it was worth taking a gamble or not.

Sorry, she is not a person without opinions, but she really can't understand the cool operation named Wei.

"There is no need for you to be polite, Immortal Lord Jiaoyue. Please get up quickly. And all fellow Taoists, please also get up quickly. Baishe Immortal Domain is a desolate and desolate place on the frontier. It is really brilliant to have you here. Three What a blessing to be born!”

Wei Cheng stepped forward with great enthusiasm, took Jiao Yue's hands in person, and shook them vigorously, "From today on, Jiao Yue Immortal Lord is my sister and relative, and you are my brothers and friends. With me, Wei Cheng, I will never be the same." I won’t let you suffer or get hurt!”

So enthusiastic!

Jiaoyue was very uncomfortable. She wanted to work hard to break free, and she very much doubted whether she had made a huge mistake this time?

Is he normal in Wei Cheng?

Is he keeping his wits about him?

Why does it look a bit awkward?

"Wei Xianzun, it doesn't have to be like this..." Jiaoyue smiled, her mind was in confusion, Ma De, Wei Cheng couldn't have done this on purpose.

"No, it must be like this, Immortal Lord Jiaoyue. From now on, you are the head of the three principal Immortal Lords of our Baishe Immortal Domain. Your name can be decided by yourself. Your subordinates are still under your command and control. ——”

Wei Cheng waved his hand and his voice was loud and clear. Not to mention the Baishe Immortal Domain, the Qianqiu Immortal Domain opposite could hear it clearly!

Jiaoyue's face turned big, did I say that?

Did I say I would come to you?

Although I do want to come to you, but I haven’t said it yet. Does your wife know that you are going too far?

"Come, fellow Taoists, pay homage to your Immortal Lord!"

Wei Cheng continued to greet him warmly, and then a group of people bowed down in cheers.

"Greetings to the Bright Moon Immortal Lord!"

So Jiao Yue accepted her fate, but at this moment she was certain that Wei Cheng was indeed digging a hole, just like he was digging a hole for the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor.

And damn it, now she's an accomplice!

So who does Wei Cheng want to trick? It can't be the five pioneering immortal kings on the opposite side, right?

Jiaoyue looked at Wei Cheng helplessly, but also wanted to know what he should do next?

She led her men to defect because she could not gain an advantage over the opponent, and because she knew a little about Wei City, she did not want to open up a new fairyland, nor did she want to return her power to her family's competitors. , this decision was made.

It's very complicated.

But the remaining five pioneering immortals will never be like her.

Do you really think that beings like them are so easy to trick?

Think this is a pig-killing plate!

"Wei Xianzun, I wonder how you want to arrange these five hundred lords?"

Since Wei Cheng was too enthusiastic, there was no need to be polite and Jiao Yue asked directly.

"Of course they will be placed in order, with the strong on the outer edge and the weak in the middle, one carrot at a time, until the Baishe Immortal Domain is completely covered!"

Wei Cheng told the truth.


Jiao Yue asked the question she was most concerned about. It was also what Immortal Qianqiu asked her to ask face to face in Weicheng. It was also a question that many, many people were curious about and couldn't help but be curious about.

At this moment, countless pairs of eyes were staring.

But Wei Cheng didn't seem to know and didn't notice it. He just waved his hand casually, "I have a treasure that can be the cornerstone of matter. I plan to bury it in the Baishe Immortal Domain. In this way, it can benefit Baishe Immortal." All the natal immortal realms in the domain.”

"No matter how powerful or experienced the lord is, this treasure of mine can greatly improve the quality of one's life in the world of immortality."

"In this way, as long as the Baishe Immortal Realm is spread over the Immortal Cultivation Realm, with the blessing of this treasure, our Immortal Realm will be the Immortal Realm with the highest defense."

"Of course, there are also disadvantages, that is, if you join my fairyland and get on Wei's ship, it will be difficult to leave."

Wei Cheng was so open and honest that he was just about to reveal the mysterious stone and make it public.

But after everyone heard it, they all looked at it without making any judgments.

Jiao Yue looked at Wei Cheng's eyes seriously, and Wei Cheng also looked at her sincerely.

Really, there is absolutely no way to determine whether this statement is true or false.

However, is there really such a material treasure in this world that can bless the entire immortal realm and bless more than 8,000 people who are destined to cultivate the immortal realm?

You lie, you lie, you really don’t deserve to be a human being.

It's all nonsense, that's all. Considering your past record, no matter how you deceive, I understand you and believe you.

Just be a gambler for once. Anyway, with the Yunli Immortal Domain at your back and Emperor Yunli around, you won't lose and lose your family.

Jiaoyue chose to believe it, but it was meaningless anyway.

Next, she really delegated power. She followed Wei Cheng and looked at him as if he was planting radishes. She placed the powerful lords outside the fairyland and the weak ones inside, creating a big taboo pit. If you install a feudal lord, there will definitely be no vacancies.

Looking around, it is really densely packed.

Jiaoyue and her men are also capable.

After all, Wei Cheng's strength and record are here. Except for his unreliable statement, everyone believes that this guy must be planning to cause a big wave.

The target might be the Divine Thunder River on the side of Baishe Immortal Domain!

You must know that the script of Wei Dasha's Three Plays of Forbidden Wood Spirit Patriarch has been fermented several times and has been widely circulated.

Otherwise, why could he, a little wild lord, rise so quickly?

He must have found a good way to loot and exploit from the forbidden wood spirit kingdom!

On this point, not only Jiao Yue was convinced, but her subordinates and the important officials of her family were also convinced.

As for what Weicheng said, it is easy to get on the boat but difficult to get off.


The bright moon cannot leave, can we still leave?

Anyway, if you get the benefits, you will definitely leave. Who would be as stupid as the bright moon?

Just like that, up and down, harmonious and smooth as silk.

Everyone is always smiling, never causing trouble or making trouble, they are all good people, kind gentlemen, and will never be disgraced.

In half a day, 500 new lords were added to the Baishe Immortal Domain.

The total number of feudal lords has reached 1,600!

Good guy, regardless of quality, only in terms of quantity, Wei Cheng has already defeated Emperor Yunli, Emperor Shaoyun, and Emperor Taiyu.

And Emperor Kunwu is still ranked first, temporarily ranking first with 1,900 lords.

However, who can know what will happen in the future?

This is Dasha Wei!

"It's a bit weird!"

Immortal Lord Qianqiu muttered to himself, and then quickly transmitted what happened today to Yun Li. Today, he witnessed the whole process of Jiao Yue defecting to Wei City.

All I can say is that he couldn't understand it either.

A few months ago, he had reported the matter to Yun Li. This was something he had to do as a confidant.

Because Yun Li had to carry her eight hundred lords and her army of Nine Tribulations Immortals across the long Immortal Realm, a process that would take more than ten years.

As for why she didn't use the Great Zhoutian Teleportation Formation, it was because Yunli didn't want to waste the extra resources. Her territory was already there and she wouldn't lose it, especially since she hadn't started to officially develop it yet. What a loss.

The most important point is that Wei Cheng received the hidden arrows from Daohuo Crazy Immortal openly.

So the speed set by Yun Li is fifteen years.

Fifteen years later, she will appear here in the biggest scene.

"Don't worry about him!"

This is Yun Li's reply. It is short, concise and powerful, and full of confidence. Everything is under control.

So Immortal Qianqiu immediately felt relieved. After all, he knew that Yun Li had a close conversation with Weicheng before leaving. What they talked about was unknown.

But then Wei Cheng became the real master of Baishe Immortal Domain.

What's inside is beyond his ability to guess.

However, just because he doesn't want to, doesn't mean others don't want to.

At this moment, in the Qianqiu Immortal Realm, the five pioneering immortal monarchs are collecting information about the ancestor of the forbidden wood spirit in Wei Dasha's Three Plays.

Times have changed, and many things that had no clues at the time can be deduced through hindsight analysis.

And it can get more and more mysterious.

In particular, a lot of the information in this was written, refined and polished by Weicheng himself, to the extent that even typos were corrected.

It is impossible not to believe it.

After all, his smashing of 600,000 strands of high-grade fairy spirit energy is the biggest example. If he hadn't searched for the forbidden wood spirit kingdom, where would he have gotten so many resources?

"Not enough, not enough!"

"These alone are not enough to prove that Wei Dasha is preparing four plays for the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor, and even if he really wants to take action against the Forbidden Wood Spirit Ancestor, then what is the purpose of what he is doing in Baishe Immortal Domain? "

"If we can't find the key evidence chain, we can't act rashly."

The five Pioneer Immortal Lords and their subordinates held a meeting overnight and came to this conclusion.

They are all masters who don't let go of eagles when they see rabbits. Why, you want to set a trap for us and want us to build and deploy the Cloud Atlas Immortal Formation for you for free?

you are dreaming!

"Contact Jiao Yue and the important ministers of her family. It involves the forbidden wood spirit ancestor. We cannot be absent!"

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