National Expedition: Save the Immortal Cultivation World

Chapter 663 Fairy World Ecological Update Version 1001

"If this is a pit, our losses will be too great."

The elder of the Mo family spoke with a heavy heart. He was also the one who first proposed giving up the pursuit of the material stone a hundred thousand years ago.

In fact, to this day, he still doesn't approve of it.

However, the head of their Mo family, a Yintian Emperor, whose comprehensive strength can rank among the top 100 real bosses in the entire human race in the immortal world, can any of them change what he decides?

However, it cannot be said that the head of the family insists on forcing others to make things difficult, but in the past 300,000 years, his old man has almost traveled to the wild fairyland around the First, Second, and Third Fires, and even joined forces with other Yintian Emperors. , raided a tributary of the Divine Thunder River hidden deep in the forbidden mist.

But even after all this effort, he only obtained a dozen ordinary material sacred stones.

This is simply not enough to protect the family.

The material divine stone was formed by the forbidden wood spirit through some mysterious means in the river of divine thunder.

Each piece of material divine stone requires a large number of years to form.

From the time when the Dao Fire was opened to the present, the human race has only obtained a total of fourteen supreme-level material sacred stones, including the one in Weicheng.

The rest of the time, the material sacred stones obtained are the size of soybean grains, the size of fists, the size of human heads, and can reach the sky. They can be hundreds or thousands of cubic meters in size, which can be regarded as the best.

So what else can be done?

Even if you know this is a trap, you still have to jump down!

"Or maybe we can try it again?"

Another elder of the Immortal family also hesitated and said, they also felt drumming in their hearts, the feeling of being enveloped by the curse of knowledge was really not good.

It would be fine if the human race is still prosperous in the next era, but a great ecological change in the fairy world will soon usher in. At this time, you will suddenly be unable to absorb and learn new knowledge. This is very terrible.

"We can't test him anymore. Wei Cheng is not in the Baishe Immortal Domain now. It would be bad if he was alerted."

"Then can we find him and kill him with the demon fairy outside?"

Someone made a suggestion.

Everyone was very excited for a while. In fact, each immortal family still controls a large number of dead demon immortals behind the scenes. Although the top management of the human race has issued strict orders, the grudges with the demon clan must be settled as soon as possible to avoid negative consequences.

But isn’t there still a long time to go? Everything is still under control.

However, using the demon immortal dead soldiers to snipe Wei Cheng, this guy is a heavenly emperor after all. If he fails, the situation will be out of control, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"Or wait a little longer."

A group of people were hesitant and ultimately wanted to delay and wait for further information.

Anyway, they are very patient.

Because Wei Cheng, who was cursed by knowledge, would only be more anxious than them.

At the same time, Wei Cheng was also waiting patiently, because he was not in a hurry. Only three of the ten sentences he and Qi Mei said before were true. This was not a malicious deception, but a tactical deployment.

In fact, he doesn't really expect it now, he's very busy.

He had previously established and deployed a large number of Great Zhoutian Magic Array systems, which had long been spread around the Baishe Immortal Realm, observing and recording the ecological changes in the Immortal Realm at all times.

For this kind of thing, let alone not seeing any results in three to five years, in fact, you may not be able to see anything meaningful in three to five thousand years, or in thirty to fifty thousand years.

But now three hundred thousand years have passed, and some clues of ecological changes in the fairy world can already be seen at this time.

I think those immortal families should have established monitoring earlier, maybe for millions of years, or even tens of millions of years.

What's more, anyone in the human race who has a wise and far-sighted vision must have started monitoring as early as the demise of the Zha clan and the rise of the human race. This is equivalent to mastering at least fifty trillion years of monitoring data.

This is absolutely the most precious treasure.

Looking at the response of the top leaders of the human race, Wei Cheng believes that this possibility is simply inevitable.

Those big guys are so awesome.

If the human race can really rise again in the future, the deployment of these bosses will take the greatest credit.

"So, what I am preparing to do, maybe the human race boss is also preparing to do it. And through this knowledge curse incident, we should be able to find some relevant clues."

Wei Cheng thought about it. Hunting rabbits was his favorite.

"Huh? There was a slight fluctuation in the ecology of the fairy world thirty-five thousand four hundred and eighty-two years ago, nine months and seven days ago?"

On this day, Weicheng suddenly found an anomaly in the vast sea of ​​monitoring data that was easily overlooked.

However, he did not rush to draw conclusions. Instead, he immediately adjusted all the Great Zhoutian Fantasy Arrays, locked in five hundred years before and after the fluctuation change as a time period, conducted a comprehensive review, comparison, and even deduced and calculated over and over again.

Because this should be the first abnormal fluctuation he has captured in the past three hundred thousand years.

If the human race in the fairy world had a prize, this discovery would be enough for Wei Cheng to win the prize.

He didn't care whether other immortal families or high-level human beings observed it. That didn't matter. What mattered was that he observed and captured it.

This is profound.

In this way, Weicheng was busy day and night for nine hundred years.

Finally, through tens of millions of reviews and deductions, all the details of this weak fluctuation were determined.

Based on this, the variable data of the fairyland ecology was deduced.

Then, he imported the relevant data into the illusion array without stopping, and had already generated a hundred illusory demon fairies on standby, as well as fifty Mother of Ten Thousand Demons, and more than a hundred thousand heavenly demons of various levels.

Mainly a full coverage.

Next, Weicheng took the initiative to control the fluctuations in ecological changes by three times, five times, ten times, or even a hundred times.

Even speed up the flow of time.

Under the premise that the Great Zhoutian Fantasy Array can hold up, we will conduct a crazy test.

This test will last another five hundred years.

There was still no prey taking the bait in the pit outside, so I was really calm.

Wei Cheng smiled and continued the test.

Once, twice, three or four times, be sure to be rigorous.

However, when the results came out over and over again, Wei Cheng's expression became more and more serious.

The answer is horrifying.

Even bad.

Because, in the test results of the first group of demon fairies, even if the fluctuations in ecological changes in the fairy world are increased to a thousand times, they will show essential changes.

Similarly, the test results of the second group of Mother of Demons were similar.

Then there are the heavenly demons of all levels.

The Hedao Body Celestial Demon only needs to increase the ecological fluctuation to 800 times, and there will be essential changes.

An adult celestial demon needs to be strengthened to 600 times.

It only takes three hundred times to develop a celestial demon.

The most astonishing thing is that the young body of the Sky Demon only needs to be strengthened a hundred times to undergo essential changes.

The above data were obtained by Weicheng after repeated review many times.

The conclusion is also simple.

That can be summed up in one sentence: the waves from behind in the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front crash to death on the beach.

Those demon fairies who are showing off their power at this moment and thinking that they are the bosses of the Sky Demon Clan will become worthless sooner or later. They may even be excluded from the Sky Demon Clan in the future. They are not worthy of being members of the Celestial Demon Clan.

The younger the heavenly demon, the greater the change.

It’s okay if you remain depressed all the time. Once you gain power, not to mention the human race, even all the demons and immortals will be swept into the trash can!

In the future, new demons will definitely appear.

This also means that all those who are plotting and working on the demon immortals at this moment have basically done nothing. Even Wei Laowu in Weicheng will not only not become the leader of the Sky Demon Clan in the future, but will also be Treat it as a shame, kill it quickly, crush the bones and spread the ashes.

"It's broken. The road planned by the human race is blocked."

"And if this happens, Baishe Immortal Realm will be in danger!"

Wei Cheng's expression changed. In the past, the real high-level officials of the human race, the high-level officials who paved the way for the future of the human race, would not covet his Supreme Hearing Bell. They obviously had their own plans.

However, this update of the fairy world's ecology has abolished this retreat for the human race with one slap.

So what will these high-level human beings do?

Naturally, the most primitive but also most effective method is to build walls high and store grain widely.

The other thirteen Supreme Wen Dao Divine Bells were difficult to snatch, but those in Wei City had no pressure to snatch them.

Even without difficulty.

Especially when it is proven that all the fairies now will become worthless in the future, then the best way is to use waste.

Even if he has the Curse of Knowledge, how many attacks can he block?

In one thought, Wei Cheng already had more than a dozen strategies in mind, but the premise of all strategies was that he had to give up the Supreme Hearing Bell.

Because if you keep it, you will die.

He can resist the covetousness of less than five Yintian Emperors, but if there are more than a dozen Yintian Emperors, what else can he do?

The only question now is, have other human race bosses deduced the conclusion he deduced in time?

Or, it has actually been deduced, but it has been elicited. (End of chapter)

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