In the vast fairyland from the territory of the First Fire to the west, like the spring breeze blowing, everything revives, and there are new celestial demons everywhere. They work hard in every fairyland and establish one celestial demon tribe after another. The kingdom of demons.

And one after another, the powerful Sky Demons walked out of it, and then, as if they had a natural sense of mission, they headed eastward and entered the territory of the First Fire, because this is the largest country of the Sky Demon clan at present.

A large number of strong Heavenly Demons who had hunted down the human race and defeated the human race bosses gathered here to make ambitious plans for the future of the Heavenly Demon clan.

Young, strong, so fearless.

"Immortal was the highest title of the human race in the past. In the past, those weak human races tried to impart their knowledge to us, and through some canonization method, they gave the strong ones of our race the title of demon immortal, which made us think that this was a great thing. Honor!"

"This is despicable and shameful behavior!"

"From today on, the strong men of our clan will no longer take the name of demon immortals. Our clan should redefine the rules that belong to our clan and condense the sacred fire that belongs to our clan!"

"Now, I feel that the moment of heaven's favor for our clan is about to come, and our clan is going to be prosperous!"

"But if we want to truly prosper, our clan must first eradicate the human race. The human race is the supreme enemy of our clan!"

A powerful Sky Demon roared loudly, and his voice spread throughout the First Fire, and its will would be sent to all the Sky Demon countries and tribes one after another.

This is the first time that the Sky Demon Clan has gathered together in the name of the clan, and for the first time, it has made its voice clear and loud in the fairy world.

Because they have all sensed that the moment of true rebirth is coming. Even if they do not have a magic array or other means that can be used to monitor the ecology of the fairy world, as the protagonists of the future, they can sense it. This is so Clear, so close.

"I shall be the Great Heavenly Demon, and those who follow me shall be emperors! According to their achievements and strength, we will establish hundreds of emperors and thousands of kings!"

"The arrival of the heavenly beings is the supreme moment for my army of heavenly demons to conquer the human race in the east!"

The strongest members of the Sky Demon Clan shouted, and in response were the cheers of countless powerful members of the Celestial Demon Clan.

Never before had countless heavenly demons been so united at this moment.

They are as close as brothers, as close as family members, bold and heroic, with lofty goals and noble moral character. They care less about life and death than they care about promises.

Every powerful Celestial Demon is so outstanding.

They are proud, but not proud.

They are smart but not complacent.

They think, not act recklessly.

If heaven had not given birth to me as a demon, eternity would be like a long night.

The third fine-tuning of the fairy world's ecology came so suddenly.

Moreover, the fluctuation amplitude has increased slightly compared with the second fine-tuning.

But even this small increase is fatal.

For Tianyao, it means waking up feeling refreshed, having an epiphany and advancing upon seeing a wild flower on the roadside, and then being able to create corresponding magical means.

If you sleep for nothing, you will feel the pulse beating deep in the earth, and the rich earth exudes a sweet smell, which makes people stronger and smarter.

Then, more outstanding, smarter, and more enlightened celestial demon cubs were born. Although they were still screaming, no one knew that they were the protagonists of the future generation.

Even the most powerful Sky Demons at this moment, the hundreds of demon emperors, and the thousands of demon kings, don’t know that they will soon be surpassed, replaced, and become the ladder until they help the Sky Demon ascend to the top position.

Yes, the Sky Demon Clan at this moment is just at the foot of the mountain.

In contrast, the human race in Sunset Xishan. After the third ecological fine-tuning of the fairy world was completed, the bottom of the human race and the new immortals did not feel much, but the eleven human race bosses were all vomiting blood uncontrollably and weakened. The toxins in the fairy spirit seem to have increased a lot, and the types have become more complex.

"Ahem! Fortunately, there is the Qi Refining Technique deduced by Wei Tianzun, otherwise today, I am afraid that I will have to explain it here."

A human race boss had a sallow complexion. After some exercise and breath adjustment, he got slightly better.

In the past, the effects of Qi Refining Techniques were not very great and the results were very slow. They actually started practicing them more than 1.5 million years ago and perfected them on their own.

So far it has not had much effect.

As a result, after the ecological fine-tuning of the fairy world today, the effect was immediately apparent.

They have been able to refine 90% of the impurities and toxins in the fairy spirit to maintain their own strength.

Although there is still 10% that cannot be refined and there will definitely be trouble in the future, it is really a huge surprise.

"There is no need to deduce the results of the third fine-tuning. The sky demons will inevitably become more powerful. Their eastward expedition is imminent. Everyone, please immediately gather all the races and migrate eastward. Although we are separated from the sky demons by a Dao Fire Realm now, this disappearance Under this situation, if we don’t take action, our tail will definitely be bitten.”

"Comprehensive migration is not realistic. We don't have tens of thousands of years to achieve it. Let's choose the best humans to migrate and leave the rest behind."

"That's right, the ecological fine-tuning of the fairy world this time is very large. Among those powerful celestial demons, there may be as powerful a force as the human race supreme. I'm afraid we won't be able to move all in time."

"Shan, I'll wait for the five of you to leave, and the six fellow Taoists will lead the migration."

There was no sentimental farewell or prevarication. The eleven human race bosses made a hasty decision and headed for the unknown distance.

At the same time, this third ecological fine-tuning of the fairy world has given Weicheng the greatest opportunity.

This was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

He has been trapped in that weird balance for millions of years. In the past countless years, he did not dare to make any move because this balance was difficult to change from the inside.

Fortunately, the third ecological fine-tuning of the fairyland is here.

The focus of this fine-tuning is that the impurities in the fairy spirit have increased, bringing many strange, mysterious and vicious substances and toxins. Yes, as long as they are harmful to the human race, they can be called poisons.

These poisonous substances will not appear directly, but are hidden in the spirit of the fairy. Normal contact will not be fatal, so mortals will hardly feel anything. However, if the human race immortals practice meditation, breath-control and movement skills, they will be infected immediately, and they must practice in advance. Qi refining technique requires refining the fairy spirit several times first.

Now, this fairy spirit energy with countless poisonous substances has penetrated, and it was first absorbed by the material sphere transformed by the big fire ball. Originally, this was nothing.

However, the changes in the spirit of the fairy spirits have directly affected those taboo wood spirits in the river of divine thunder who are still hibernating together, thinking that they can survive the new era.

Because they are also absorbers and beneficiaries of pure fairy energy.

Although they are more tolerant and adaptable than humans, the premise is that the dose is not considered.

In order to survive the new era, these taboo wood spirits have been hoarding and hiding an unknown amount of fairy spirit energy. As a result, the composition of the fairy spirit spirit has changed, and it has exploded.

A large number of forbidden wood spirits could not bear to die on the spot, or were forced to embark on the road of escape.

This caused several backup granaries that Mu Ling Tianzun had left to explode again.

The extremely rich fairy spirit erupted like a flood, flooding everywhere, enveloping countless forbidden wood spirits and directly poisoning them to death. In the end, only a few ancestors of the forbidden wood spirits escaped with some of the forbidden wood spirits.

As a result, the ubiquitous and unprecedentedly large mixed fairy energy used the fireball as a flood outlet.

There is no way, the ultimate substance has such a siphon effect.

It inherently stabilizes reality.

Although the spirit of the fairy has undergone three ecological fine-tunings, its essence is still a manifestation of real matter, so it is natural for it to be absorbed.

Originally, without Wei Cheng, this fireball would have absorbed a sufficient amount of fairy energy and would enter a stable state after reaching the threshold.

But how could Wei Cheng give up such an opportunity.

Because as the fire ball absorbs the spirit of the fairy, its power to stabilize reality is increasing exponentially.

This also led to the fact that his Yuanshen Tiandi, which he could not suppress before, finally changed from a big tiger to a little mouse, and was suppressed in reverse.

This was equivalent to temporarily disarming the two big bombs hanging over his head.

There is no better opportunity than this.

"Where is the Dao Fire?"

With a wild roar, Wei Cheng transformed into the human Tao Fire without hesitation and launched a final charge against a ball of alien Tao Fire. He had to devour and fuse it to increase the power of the Tao Fire.

Originally this was unrealistic.

The existence of the big fireball is to restrain these three fires from each other.

No matter how hard he tried, it was useless because he was innately restricted.

But the big fire ball is being enlightened at the moment. The influx of a large amount of fairy energy has caused it to temporarily lose control of its interior. Its structure and its rules are also being reorganized, although this chaos may continue. a few minutes.

But for these few minutes, Wei Cheng has waited for more than a million years!


The alien Daohuo naturally resisted desperately, oh, it was a natural rejection, but one was consciously dominant, and the other was unconsciously repulsive. Especially when Weicheng had a numerical advantage, there was almost no suspense about the engulfment and fusion.

In just two minutes, this group of alien fire became part of Wei City.

At this time, the big fire ball was stabilizing, and it was about to be saturated. A kind of terrifying oppression and restrictive power rules were being generated.

There was only a dozen seconds left for Wei Cheng.

But it's still enough.

Wei Cheng, who had fused a ball of alien Tao fire, had become extraordinarily powerful at this moment. He swallowed and fused the second ball of alien Tao fire with one sip. At the same time, he suddenly communicated with Yuanshen Heaven and Earth. Now he is not afraid that Yuanshen Heaven and Earth are too powerful. .

He needs to be both inside and outside.

"Tao Fire Alchemy Pill!"


Countless fires spurted out, pushing backwards from the inside to suppress the big fireball.

At the same time, in the Yuanshen Heaven and Earth, a vague and imperfect immortal talisman that Wei Cheng had left long ago was also activated.

It was the golden elixir refining immortal talisman that was deduced by Weicheng back then. The conditions and environment at that time were not enough to be perfected, but today, this immortal talisman can finally be perfected naturally.

This big fire ball is the Supreme Dao Fire Golden Pill he wants to refine!

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