National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 993 Pickpocket

After a brief and quick discussion of Wang Futing's situation, Jiang Yuan turned to Zhang Xiaoya and said, "We still have to wait for the results of Wang Futing's interrogation. If you are willing to participate, you can go to the case handling center and communicate with the police officer in charge of the interrogation to see how to make Wang Futing let down his guard."

"What about bloodstain analysis?" Zhang Xiaoya couldn't be easily deceived by Jiang Yuan's information. Her daily job was to analyze the truth from a group of executives.

Jiang Yuan glanced at Zhang Xiaoya and said, "Bloodstain analysis is to judge and simulate through bloodstains, trying to figure out what happened at the crime scene. This process inevitably involves telling about your brother's state at the time. I don't think you need to listen to it. It will be cruel."

"I want to listen." Zhang Xiaoya insisted.

Jiang Yuan hesitated for a moment and said, "You don't have to listen."

"I agree. Mr. Zhang, please move aside." Although Huang Qiangmin didn't quite understand Jiang Yuan's idea, he had to cooperate with Jiang Yuan. Moreover, he couldn't let Jiang Yuan offend Zhang Xiaoya, so he had to stand up.

Zhang Xiaoya was quite surprised by this, but she couldn't really conflict with the task force, so she could only tell them to take good notes before leaving.

Huang Qiangmin sent the person out, came back, exhaled, and said to Jiang Yuan, "It's too dangerous. Fortunately, he is easy to talk to. If we meet someone who is not easy to talk to, we will all be unlucky."

"But the content of the bloodstain analysis is indeed not suitable for her to listen to." Jiang Yuan said.

As a result, Tao Lu and others all looked at Jiang Yuan. Tao Lu asked: "What did you find?"

"From the crime scene and previous photos, the murder process was very short. From the distribution of bloodstains, some sports bloodstains were covered by sundries, and some bloodstains fell on sundries. I figured out a relatively obvious timeline..." Jiang Yuan briefly explained, and then directly gave the conclusion, saying: "From the crime scene, the murderer's purpose is more like stealing money, not killing people."

Tao Lu said in a deep voice: "Burglary?"

"It's possible." Jiang Yuan sighed and said: "After the murderer entered the victim's room, he should have searched for items first, and then the victim entered the room and was stabbed to death on the spot. After that, the murderer did not leave immediately, and searched for items again before leaving."

Cui Qishan was surprised: "I don't know if the previous task force has conducted a thorough investigation in this direction."

"The investigation must have been investigated, and it is estimated that there was no result." Although Tao Lu said it was a guess, it was almost certain.

In the case of the late 1990s, the public security was already quite bad. Many places did not even have street lights, let alone surveillance. Even if it was installed, it was not clear and there was a problem with storage space.

"So, there is a possibility of burglary and accidental murder here." Jiang Yuan paused and said, "The case happened in the morning. Those who dare to burgle at this time are more confident and may be habitual thieves. If the task force has considered this possibility and compared the crime habits of local habitual thieves, this case will be very difficult. It may be a big thief."

The so-called big thief is a habitual thief from other places. These people have good skills and their behavior habits are not accustomed to the local police. In the era without surveillance and mobile phones, it is almost difficult to catch them.

It has always been very difficult to manage roving crimes, which is why such a strict household registration system was established in the early years. The household registration system at that time was equivalent to a kind of position control. Without this position, not only the police, but also many government management measures could not be implemented.

"No wonder you let Director Zhang leave." Cui Qishan suddenly understood.

As a family member of the victim, Zhang Xiaoya naturally hopes that her brother's death is meaningful. Even if he was stabbed to death because of the factory's reforms that offended people, it is acceptable. If he was stabbed to death because of family reasons, it would be easier to let go.

Being killed inexplicably, or even just being stabbed to death casually during the theft, is as empty as a cockroach being stepped on. Such an answer may be more difficult for the Zhang family to accept. Even just thinking about it makes people feel offensive.

Tao Lu coughed twice: "You are the only one who has a mouth, and you are the only one who can speak?"

"No, no..." Cui Qishan explained, and then changed the subject, saying: "Tao Zhi, you think so too, what you mean, don't say it..."

Tao Lu "hiss" and stared at Cui Qishan with sharp eyes: "You hold your asshole when analyzing the case, and you speak nonsense when making sarcastic remarks."


As more and more Duan Daren are imprisoned, more and more members of the original task force have returned.

Among the members of the special case team in the late 1990s, the backbone members who were young and energetic at that time are now either in high positions or have already completed the retirement procedures.

On the contrary, the young men who were just starting out at that time are now considered to be old and energetic. Some of them have returned to the special case team many times, and they are all very knowledgeable when talking about the case.

However, it is not difficult to understand the case on that day, but it is very difficult to go through the case and find a suitable suspect.

In the meeting room of the Criminal Police Detachment of Zhengguang Bureau, more and more people gathered, but the case seemed to have no breakthrough.

Tao Lu smiled more and more, so that he had a bit of a facial separation phenomenon. Many of the former members of the special case team are cadres of the Beijing Bureau, and their level of work in the branch bureau is not low, and they always need Tao Lu to give some face.

On the other hand, the gathering of special task forces alone puts Tao Lu under tremendous pressure.

This case was previously handled by a special task force set up by the Beijing Bureau, and the level was basically raised to the highest level. Now it is only handled by the Criminal Police Brigade under the Zhengguang Branch. Those who don’t know think that the case has been put into cold storage.

Only people in the bureau know that the Zhengguang Bureau is about to sell its pants.

Duan Da was also bloodbathed to the point that only bones are left.

The part of the listed company has long been brushed clean with a comb. Not to mention the background personnel of the dynamic organization, even those social recruitment personnel who graduated from regular universities later, who have made money, engaged in unfair competition, played with unspoken rules, opened companies privately, etc. in these years, have been caught by the economic investigation.

Once it involves a criminal case, the police-level means and the company-level means are two dimensions.

And along with the unlucky Jianmenyuan case, there are also Duan Da’s upstream and downstream companies, especially those with Duan Da shares or Duan Da’s shares, all of which are the focus of the second round of investigation.

The key is that some problematic personnel were found.

To be honest, how could a capital enterprise close to money not have problems? They did not expect to encounter this level of investigation. At the same time, the real "end masters" were originally bold people, and they did things without scruples.

It was just difficult for the case officers to catch so many people in a row and then further interrogate the situation about Jianmenyuan. The Zhengguang Bureau still did not restart the special task force for the Jianmenyuan case, but most of the people in a branch were basically used.

The interrogation center in the basement was even full of salt soda, and it was clear at a glance that the leaders had really invested regardless of cost.

It can be said that in the two directions proposed by Jiang Yuan that day, the Zhengguang Bureau has invested a huge amount of resources in the first direction.

But the breakthrough still appeared in the second direction.

After Zhang Xiaoya sent someone to analyze the pros and cons with Wang Futing in depth, Wang Futing thought about it all night and made multiple requests before finally saying, "I was responsible for picking up someone at Jianmenyuan, but I didn't know who he was."

Wang Futing's words excited thousands of men and hundreds of young ladies.

The interrogation records and videos were also delivered to Jiang Yuan and others as soon as possible.

In the picture, Wang Futing was holding a cigarette in his hand, half leaning back in a chair, feeling a bit relieved and a bit depressed, saying:

"I received 500 yuan at the time, and was responsible for unlocking the door, and I didn't have to worry about anything else."

"When the owner came in, I was unlocking the drawer, and I was a bit dazed. As a result, the man went up and stabbed the owner to death. To be honest, I saw corpses several times in that era. Boss Pan liked to sink corpses back then... In short, I knew that the man was dead at a glance."

"The sponsor asked me to touch the corpse. I was young at that time, and I was thinking about getting the wallet out. It was agreed that the jewelry and cash found would be 50-50, and the locked ones would be 40-60. I was 60 He was four. I was thinking if I could get more out of the corpse. I didn't expect that he didn't want to get blood on his hands. In the end, we didn't find any valuable jewelry, just a few hundred yuan in cash. I thought the boss lost money this time. "

"Later we climbed over the wall and got out. The man was wearing gloves. He had a claw in his hand, which he could pull up by grabbing the wall. I was young at the time and thought it was a strange weapon and wanted to learn it, but he just perfunctorily told me. Later, we divided the money and went our separate ways. I thought about the dead, so I went to hide for a while. "

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