National Forensic Doctor

Chapter 995 Weird

late at night.

It's quiet at night.

In the quiet corridor, only the whispers of men could be heard faintly, discussing the matter of sending people to die.

"The more we investigate this case, the more bizarre it becomes." Liu Jinghui pressed a hand on a box of files, and in front of him, there was a whole room of files, which could fit two or three cars in a medium-sized van.

Wang Chuanxing was also buried in the carton array, and his voice came out in a muffled voice: "So the task force in front didn't even restart, so they just checked and abandoned it?"

"I'm afraid they haven't found the weird part." Huang Qiangmin was also buried in a corner and said calmly: "Without complete preparations for such a case, no one dares to restart it easily. But when the opportunity is handed to you, you don't Probably not even a glance.”

Police officers actually understand the power of opportunity very well. Because they have really seen it.

In a case like Jianmenyuan, if clues are found, it is natural to follow the clues and conduct an investigation. There is actually no problem involved here. If there are clues in a normal backlog of cases, the police will investigate as soon as possible.

But this case is indeed difficult to investigate.

Go a little deeper and the thread breaks.

Including the two new clues discovered by Jiang Yuan, the conclusion obtained through blood stain analysis, and the clue obtained through Wang Futing, that is, after taking two more steps, it was naturally broken.

"It's really not normal. Flying claws are still a very unpopular thing, especially after the founding of the People's Republic of China. This thing was basically lost, and there is no need to use it if you know how to use it. Therefore, the traces on the wall captured in the photos that day , after being smeared twice, no one recognized it as a flying claw." Jiang Yuanduan sat in front of a long table, with pictures on several computer screens in front of him, shaking his head while looking at it.

Liu Jinghui had also seen the photo Jiang Yuan mentioned, and couldn't help but said: "No one would have recognized the traces of flying claws unless Wang Futing explained it."

In the photos of the scene, there are indeed several deep cord-like marks on the wall of Jianmen Courtyard, but they were rubbed twice by someone's feet. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to say what caused them. The point is, when no one mentions Flying Claw, normal trace inspection personnel will not think of Flying Claw.

Even Jiang Yuan heard "Flying Claw" first and then looked for traces consistent with "Flying Claw".

LV6's tool mark identification is indeed divine, but after all, we can't let the marks in the photo speak directly.

This may also have affected Jiang Yuan's search for similar cases. Jiang Yuan would not be able to connect some of the police officers who were investigating the scene without taking close-up photos.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuan simply introduced the issue of flying claw marks for a few sentences, which was also part of the case communication, and then said: "The Jiangyang thieves who can use flying claws have basically been dealt with after the founding of the People's Republic of China, and they are destined to be released from prison. They must be under strict control. There are very few people who can survive into the 1990s and can teach disciples. Such people were famous during the Republic of China. How could they ask Wang Futing to unlock the door? "

"He who can fly claws can open locks?"

"Not necessarily, but unlocking a lock is much easier than using a flying claw. Jianmenyuan's lock is not a high-end product, you can learn it casually."

"Therefore, it is unreasonable for a suspect who can use flying claws to hire lockpicker Wang Futing."

Jiang Yuan confirmed: "Unreasonable."

Liu Jinghui nodded: "I also asked Meng Chengbiao to ask this afternoon. According to Wang Futing's latest confession, after he saw Fei Zhao and returned home, he thought more and more something was wrong, so he took the safety bag prepared in advance and sat down immediately. The train went south. When I came back more than a year later, my house showed signs of being disturbed, so I moved to another place.”

Huang Qiangmin clicked his tongue: "This guy is a bit clever."

"Otherwise, he might be silenced." Cui Qishan also had his own judgment: "If this guy fails, he will be used as a scapegoat for the real murderer."

"What you said is really possible." Liu Jinghui looked over with approval. When he found out that it was Cui Qishan, he put away the smile on his face and said: "Wang Futing is probably the real murderer. A firewall. I just didn’t expect Wang Futing to be a little clever.”

"Otherwise, we won't survive the Duanda period." Huang Qiangmin responded. They, old detectives, can fully imagine the huge risks contained in these lines of text.

"It's a pity that Wang Futing didn't die." Cui Qishan sighed: "If Wang Futing died, it would really prove that there was a conspiracy behind it."

"If Wang Futing died, there would be no case at all." Tao Lu glared at him.

Cui Qishan chuckled and said, "So everyone is happy when Wang Futing dies?"

"It's definitely better to die cleanly." Liu Jinghui concluded immediately, and then continued: "If there is really a conspiracy, it is the most basic thing to silence Wang Futing. Only in this way can the case be considered successful."

"So, this is equivalent to proof by contradiction. There is no conspiracy? It is equivalent to proof by contradiction."

"That is if the prerequisites have not changed." Liu Jinghui is not the type to be led by others. He often thinks deeply. At this time, he only said softly: "There is also a possibility that Wang Futing ran away. It was surprising that he ran so fast, or in other words, he ran out of the conspirators' sphere of influence. After that, when Wang Futing came back, the situation might have changed again. "

"Sphere of influence?" Cui Qishan giggled twice: "You mean..."

"Don't talk about this yet!" Tao Lu cut off Cui Qishan's words with one sentence, and forced the topic back to the case itself, saying: "Liu Chu, Jiang Yuan's previous judgment was that the murderer in the Jianmenyuan case was seeking wealth, and It’s not about seeking people. But from what you said, the suspect came here with deliberate intentions, more like seeking people than making money.”

Liu Jinghui glanced at Jiang Yuan, then smiled and said: "With the investigation of the case, new clues have been discovered, and it is not surprising that there are new judgments."

In other words, Liu Jinghui rejected Jiang Yuan's judgment.

Jiang Yuan smiled on the other side of the long table and said: "Let Liu Chu's judgment prevail. When he said that the murderer was looking for money, Wang Futing of Duanda had not yet given an explanation. Now it is known that his accomplices can use flying weapons to make money." To ask him to open the lock for 500 yuan is really not like seeking money. However, it’s hard to say whether someone is looking for someone or not. It doesn’t seem like they have to wait in the courtyard and look for so many objects.”

"The rummaging of objects may be used to confuse Wang Futing. But indeed, if the murderer simply wanted to kill Zhang Xiaoming, there was no need to choose Jianmenyuan. There are many places on the road from the factory to home that are more suitable. Disguise It’s also easier to get up, and you can easily make it look like robbery and murder. Well... the time is not appropriate, Zhang Xiaoming went back suddenly that day, and the time he went home was not his usual time. "

When Liu Jinghui analyzed it, it was just a string.

As everyone listened and thought, their minds were filled with questions.

Just like Liu Jinghui said, this case is full of weirdness. ,

"It's not about making money or people, it can't be about killing people for love. It seems that Zhang Xiaoming has not heard of any emotional entanglement." Wang Chuanxing said cooperatively, not seeking to solve the problem, but just to add some context to the discussion. sound.

Liu Jinghui said "En" and said: "It is unlikely to be a love killing. There is no need to ask Wang Futing for a love killing. It is more likely to ask a friend to help."

The room fell silent again.

They had just discussed the method of committing the crime and the motive for committing the crime.

Traditional criminal investigation methods or analysis methods actually have formulas to be found. It boils down to just a few points.

For example, the method of committing the crime is that the murderer holds a flying claw, which is a very unique tool and is very suitable for criminal thieves. But the characteristic of Jiangyang Thief is that he commits crimes all year round, commits crimes at multiple locations, and treats committing crimes as a career.

The suspect in this case obviously does not meet this characteristic.

As for Jiang Yang's bandit not daring to use Flying Claw anymore because he committed a murder, that would be too underestimated for Jiang Yang's bandit, and it is not in the best interests of Jiang Yang's bandit.

The trick of those who are gangsters is that if they have wine now, they will get drunk the next.

Those who are afraid of death and worry too much will not do things this way. And most of the criminal thieves were not punished by the Ming Dynasty, but more died in the underworld's fights.

More such people die in nightclubs than in prisons.

After the Flying Claw route failed, the motive for the crime that everyone talked about was a method that the police used countless times.

To sum up, killings are mostly for money, people, love, abandonment, superstition, provoking troubles, mental illness and passion. However, everyone confirmed one by one, and it turned out that they were not the same.

There were more than twenty police officers in a room, each sitting in a corner, flipping through files and computers, and no one spoke for a long time.

Liu Jinghui actually helped everyone organize their thoughts.

It can even be said that his questions and answers themselves are guiding everyone's thinking.

At this time, Liu Jinghui spoke again: "In this case, the Zhang family's factors have to be taken into consideration."

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